MT47 .E4 1997
Highpoints : a study of melodic peaks / |
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MT47 .F3T61
Creative musicianship : the tonal materials and rhythmic structure of melody. An introduction to the study of musical theory, rhythm, and the syntax of form, based upon the study of melody ... / |
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MT47 .F3T61 suppl
Tune book. : Supplementary material to The tonal materials and rhythmic structure of melody / |
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MT47.G59 E89 1928
Exercises in melody-writing : a systematic course of melodic composition designed for the use of young music students, chiefly as a course of exercise collateral with the study of harmony / |
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MT47.G64 E9 1928
Exercises in melody-writing : a systematic course of melodic composition designed for the use of young music students, chiefly as a course of exercise collateral with the study of harmony / |
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MT47 .M13 1920
Melody and harmony : a treatise for the teacher and the student. |
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MT47 .N37 1984
Theory of melody : a complete general presentation of the practical materials, resources, and phenomena / |
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MT47 .R33 1814
Traité de mélodie, abstraction faite de ses rapports avec l'harmonie; suivi d'un supplément sur l'art d'accompagner la mélodie par l'harmonie, lorsque la première doit être prédominante: le tout appuyé sur les meilleurs modèles mélodiques, gravés sur 77 planches / |
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MT47 .R3413 2000
Treatise on melody / |
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MT47 .R65 2004
Melody : how to write great tunes / |
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MT47 .S652
Textbook of melody : a course in functional melodic analysis / |
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MT47 .W3 1978
Melody writing and analysis / |
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MT49.A2 H46 1711a
Neu erfundene und Gründliche Anweisung ... zu vollkommener Erlernung des General-Basses / |
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MT49.A2 L23 1737A
A plain and compendious method of teaching thorough bass. |
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MT49.A25 D4 1607aa
Del sonare sopra'l basso con tutti li stromenti e dell'uso loro nel conserto. |
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MT49 .B1713 1994
J.S. Bach's Precepts and principles for playing the thorough-bass or accompanying in four parts : Leipzig, 1738 / |
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MT49 .B37 2006
Basse continue : France 1600-1800 / |
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MT49 .B84
Thorough-bass accompaniment according to Johann David Heinichen / |
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MT49 .B84 1986
Thorough-bass accompaniment according to Johann David Heinichen / |
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MT49 .C76 2005
Generalbass auf der klassischen Gitarre : ein praktischer Lehrgang nach historischen Prinzipien = Figured bass on the classical guitar : a practical approach based on historical principles / |
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