Call Number (LC) Title Results
MT50 .H443 1923 Harmony for ear, eye, and keyboard (First year) / 1
MT50. H658 1944 A concentrated course in traditional harmony : with emphasis on exercises and a minimum of rules / 1
MT50.H658 C6 1944 A concentrated course in traditional harmony : with emphasis on exercises and a minimum of rules / 1
MT50.H658 C6 1944b A concentrated course in traditional harmony : with emphasis on exercises and a minimum of rules / 1
MT50 .H67 2000 Harmony through melody : the interaction of melody, counterpoint, and harmony in Western music / 1
MT50 .H828 The basis of harmony. 1
MT50.H94 M6 Modern harmony : its explanation and application / 1
MT50.H963 F6 1977 A first harmony book / 1
MT50 .I45 Systeme der Funktionsbezeichnung in den Harmonielehren seit Hugo Riemann. 1
MT50 .J18214 Elementar-Harmonielehre für den Schul- und Selbstunterricht / 1
MT50 .J23 1893 A manual of harmony / 1
MT50 .K4 The texture of music : from Purcell to Brahms. 1
MT50 .K638 1924 The evolution of harmony : a treatise on the material of musical composition, its gradual growth and elementary use. 1
MT50 .K639 1920a Elementary harmony ... / 1
MT50 .K639 1969 Elementary harmony ... / 1
MT50.K75 T5 Traité de l'harmonie. 1
MT50 .K77 1817 An essay on musical harmony : according to the nature of that science, and the principles of the greatest musical authors / 1
MT50 .K84 2002 Chromatic transformations in nineteenth-century music / 1
MT50 .K84 2002eb Chromatic transformations in nineteenth-century music / 3
MT50 .K85 1984 Tonal harmony, with an introduction to twentieth-century music / 1