Call Number (LC) Title Results
MT50.K85 2004 Workbook Workbook for Tonal harmony, with an introduction to twentieth-century music / 2
MT50 .K85 2004 Workbook Workbook for Tonal harmony, with an introduction to twentieth-century music / 1
MT50 .K85 2009 Tonal harmony : with an introduction to twentieth-century music / 2
MT50 .K85 2009 Workbook Workbook for tonal harmony : with an introduction to twentieth-century music / 1
MT50 .K85 2012 Tonal harmony : with an introduction to twentieth-century music / 1
MT50 .K852 2000 Workbook for Tonal harmony, with an introduction to twentieth-century music / 1
MT50 .K852x 2000 Workbook for Tonal harmony, with an introduction to twentieth-century music / 1
MT50 .L364 2013eb La méthode Rochon : harmonisation et musique populaire / 1
MT50.L59 A72  
MT50 .L596 1982 Harmony in tonal music / 1
MT50 .L598 1962 Fundamentals of harmony. 1
MT50 .L59913 1985 A theory of harmony / 1
MT50 .L83 System der Musik-Wissenschaft und der praktischen Composition, mit Inbegriff dessen was gewöhnlich unter dem Ausdrucke General-Bass verstanden wird. 1
MT50 .L89 1908 Harmonielehre / 1
MT50 .L893 Harmonielehre / 1
MT50 .L893 1906 Harmonielehre / 1
MT50 .L893 1910 Harmonielehre / 1
MT50 .L98 1920 The elements of harmony. 1
MT50 .M112 New theories of theory : helpful new ideas for the understanding of 18th century harmony / 1
MT50 .M115 An approach to harmony / 1