Call Number (LC) Title Results
MT821 .M23H9 The hygiene of the vocal organs : A practical handbook for singers and speakers / 1
MT821.M23 H9 1899 The hygiene of the vocal organs : a practical handbook for singers and speakers / 1
MT821 .M24 2009 What every singer needs to know about the body / 1
MT821 .M24 2013 What every singer needs to know about the body / 1
MT821 .M24 2017 What every singer needs to know about the body / 1
MT821 .M24 2020eb What every singer needs to know about the body / 1
MT821 .M34 2006 Your voice, an inside view : multimedia voice science and pedagogy / 1
MT821 .M669  
MT821 .M669 1922 Vocal art-science and its application / 1
MT821.M669 V6 Miller-Merton vocal atlas designed for teachers and students of singing and speaking / 1
MT821 .M67 1910 The voice, its production, care and preservation / 1
MT821 .N45 2002 Singing with your whole self : the Feldenkrais method and voice / 2
MT821 .N45 2018 Singing with your whole self : a singer's guide to Feldenkrais awareness through movement / 1
MT821.P8 S5 The singer's and actor's throat : the vocal mechanism of the professional voice user and its care in health and disease. 1
MT821 .R26 2008 The vocal instrument / 1
MT821 .R47 1981 Research aspects on singing : autoperception, computer synthesis, emotion, health, voice source : papers given at a seminar organized by the Committee for the Acoustics of Music. 1
MT821 .R808 The philosophy of the human voice embracing its physiological history; together with a system of principles by which criticism in the art of elocution may be rendered inteligible [sic] and instruction definite and comprehensive. To which is added a brief analysis of song and recitative. 1
MT821 .S34 1968a Inspiration at New Lebanon : a study of music education among the Shakers / 1
MT821 .S55 Neurophysiology and muscular function of the vocal mechanism implications for singers and teachers of singing / 1
MT821 .S56 1991 A fiberoptic view of the vocal folds 1