MT870 .D47 1981
Dimensions of sight singing : an anthology / |
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MT870.D48 M8 1995
Musicianship for singers : what singers need to learn about music that instrumentalist's already know / |
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MT870 .E27
Modus novus. : Lärobok i fritonal melodiläsning. Studies in reading atonal melodies. |
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MT870.E27 M62
Modus vetus : sight singing and ear-training in major/minor tonality / |
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MT870.F57 F8
Fundamentals of sight singing and ear training / |
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MT870 .G35
Studies for the acquirement of sight-singing. |
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MT870.G68 P3
Paths to musical thought : an approach to ear training through sight singing / |
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MT870.G7 N6
The sol-fa system of teaching singing as used in Lancashire and Yorkshire. |
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MT870 .H1854 1982
Twentieth century harmonic and melodic aural perception / |
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MT870 .H35
Manual of instructions for use with the Hammer sight-singing tachistoslide series / |
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MT870 .H428 2003
Sight singing and rhythmic reading : progressive exercises in developing aural skills / |
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MT870 .H74 1983
Harmonic reading : an approach to chord singing / |
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Synopsis of vocal musick containing the rudiments of singing rightly any harmonical song, delivered in a method so solid, short and plain, that this art may now be learned more exactly, speedily and easily, than ever heretofore : whereunto are added several psalms and songs of three parts, composed by English and Italian authors for the benefit of young beginners / |
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MT870 .K163 2017
Manual for ear training and sight singing / |
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MT870 .K6
Solfèges d'Italie. : Vocal exercises of the bel canto / |
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MT870 .L25 1705a
Principes très faciles pour bien apprendre la musique. : qui conduiront promptement ceux qui ont du naturel pur le chant jusqu'au point de chanter toute sorte de musique proprement, & à livre ouvert. (Réimpr. de l'éd. de Paris, 1705.) |
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MT870 .L4
A song approach to music reading / |
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MT870 .L53
Solfege according to the Kodály-concept : chapters I to V / |
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MT870 .L673
The gist of sight-singing. |
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MT870 .L735
The complete sightsinger : a stylistic and historical approach / |
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