Call Number (LC) Title Results
MT885.L88 K81 Die Kunst der Kehlfertigkeit : Art of velocity = L'art de la vélocité vocale. 20 Tägliche Übungen / 1
MT885.L88 S7 Die Kunst der Kehlfertigkeit. : Studies in velocity. Vol. 1: Twenty daily exercises. / 1
MT885.L88 V6 Vocalises / 1
MT885.L88 V62 Vocalises : Twenty daily exercises / 1
MT885.L88 V63 Vocalises : Twenty daily exercises / 1
MT885 .M316 op. 31 1990 Vocal method : op. 31 / 1
MT885 .M316 op. 32 1990 Thirty vocalises for high or medium voice : with piano accompaniment : op. 32 / 1
MT885 .M36 op.1, 1881 Elementary progressive exercises : for the voice, op. 1 / 1
MT885 .M36 op.3 Twenty-four vocalises for soprano : op. 3 / 1
MT885 .M36 op.21 The art of singing. : Op. 21. 1
MT885 .M36 op. 31, 1990 Vocal method : op. 31 / 1
MT885 .M36 op.32, 1990z Thirty vocalises for high or medium voice : with piano accompaniment : op. 32 / 1
MT885 .M37 op.15 20 elementary and progressive vocalises : for medium voice (Italian & English) ; op. 15 / 1
MT885.M37 op.15 1927 Twenty elementary and progressive vocalises (with Italian words) : for medium voice : op. 15 / 1
MT885 .M38 Master vocal exercises : a compilation of vocal study material ... / 1
MT885 .P28 The art of singing : twenty-four vocalises for soprano (m.-soprano or tenor) : the same transposed for alto, baritone or bass) : op. 81 / 1
MT885.P28 T9 Twenty-four progressive vocalises within the compass of one octave and a half for all voices except bass. : Op.85. 1
MT885.P3 V6 Les plus efficaces vocalises de la cèlébre Ecole Italiene pour le bel canto : vois élevees = The most rewarding vocalises of the celebrated Italian School for Bel Camnto / 1
MT885.P3 V61 Les plus efficaces vocalises de la cèlébre Ecole Italiene pour le bel canto : vois moyenne = The most rewarding vocalises of the celebrated Italian School : medium voice / 1
MT885 .P36 Vocal A-B-C : first lessons in singing and twenty-four vocalises / 1