MT898.H27 M3 1987a
The memorized song repertoire of children in grades four and five in Champaign, Illinois / |
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MT898.H849 C5
The child-voice in singing : treated from a physiological and a practical standpoint, and especially adapted to schools and boy choirs / |
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MT898 .I5
Vocal technique for children and youth. |
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MT898.K47 L5 1992
Listen |
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MT898 .M45 2006eb
Music, moving & learning in early childhood : a manual of songs, lesson plans and basic theory for teachers, students and parents of young children aged 3-5 years / |
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MT898 .M47 1991
Songs and activities for best, best friends : a complete music curriculum for early childhood / |
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MT898 .M88
Singing in the schools: Small vocal ensembles. : Assembly singing. Choral music in the junior high school, and its relation to the adolescent with particular reference to boys' voices. |
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MT898 .T87 1983
A manual of instruction in vocal music / |
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MT898 .W35
Singleitung : eine Werkstattlehre / |
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MT900.F87 N4 1910
The new song book and music reader. |
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MT900 .M15
Aural culture based upon musical appreciation / |
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MT905 .R62 1980
Music for the hearing impaired : a resource manual and curriculum guide / |
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MT905 .R8
It's fun to sing! : first steps in sight singing / |
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Getting Started with Middle School Chorus. |
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MT915 .F75 2009
Getting started with middle school chorus / |
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MT915 .F75 2023eb
Getting Started with Middle School Chorus |
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MT915 .F77 2009
TIPS : the first weeks of middle school chorus / |
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MT915 .K76
The chorus and its conductor : (from organization to performance) / |
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MT915 .M2
Training the boy's changing voice. |
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MT915 .M49 1990
Directing the children's choir : a comprehensive resource / |
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