Call Number (LC) Title Results
MUSICPOP 1795-O Old towler : a favorite hunting song ... / 1
MUSICPOP 1796 Gypsies glee.
Song on peace.
Sweet little Barbara : a duett sung ... in the Iron chest /
And does a fond emotion : a favorite duett sung ... in the opera of the Cherokee /
Wood-man's fair daughter.
I am a friar of orders grey : a celebrated song in Merry Sherwood, for the piano forte & German flute.
Soft on beds of Vilets lying.
Hope told a flattering tale.
Six favorite canzonets.
MUSICPOP 1797 Fairies.
Comfort ye.
How now shepherd what means that?
The death of Anna : a favorite ballad /
The night was dark : a much admired song ... in A Trip to the Nore /
Advantage of toping.
From shades of night : a favorite song sung at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane by Mr. Braham in Mahmoud /
Fairies, on the twilight green.
MUSICPOP 1798 Megan oh oh Megan ee : the favorite duet and trio /
The willow : a favorite air /
Ellen of the Dee : sung by Mr. Dignum /
MUSICPOP 1799 Trust the ghost of crazy Jane.
Soldier's adieu.
Fatima : a favorite duet ... in the romance of Blue Beard /
Rosa and Henry.
Twas in the solemn midnight hour : A favorite ballad.
The banks of the Tyne : a ballad /
MUSICPOP 1799-D Far far at sea : a favorite ballad / 1
MUSICPOP 1800 Retreat quick-step /
Happy were the days : sung ... in Ramah Droog /
John Bull.
Dust cart.
Battle of the Nile.
She dropt a tear & cried be true : a favorite sea song /
Alas poor fly.
Bright Panthea.
What tho' I trace each herb & flow'r.
If you're waking call me early.
Far o'er the western ocean.
Whilst with village maids I stray.
Crazy Jane.
Durandarte and Belerma.
At the door of a cottage.
Little French beggar girl.
Life let us cherish : a favorite ballad /
High on the rock : sung ... in the opera of Ramah droog /
My Phillida.
When I play'd on my Spanish guittar.
First ball.
Adieu, my Floreski, forever.
Roast beef cantata.
Grand coronation anthem.
Rosa and Henry.
Ben Bluff.
Crazy Jane!
God save the king.
Languir d'amore.
Poor little wandering cripple.
A prey to tender anguish : a favorite song with an accompaniment for the piano forte /
Hope told a flatt'ring tale.
Oh Nanny! wilt thou gang with me.
Oh! red look'd the sun.
In the dead of the night.
Sons of Cambria fam'd in story.
Within a mile of Edinburgh : a favorite song with an accompaniment for the piano forte /
Durandarte and Bellerma : a pathetic Scotch ballad.
Sweet is the dream : a canzonet with an accompaniment for the piano forte or harp /
Pirate's farewell.
Born in yon blaze.
Favorite song.
Song in love in a village.
Colin's my theme.
Ah! could my fault'ring tongue impart : sung ... in Paul and Virginia /
Adieu to delight.
Happy were the days /
Calm as the bosom of the main.
When you tell me your heart is another's.
With a merry tale : a favorite new song sung by Mr. Munden in Turnpike gate /
All shall leave their labouring : a favorite duet ... in the opera of Feudal times /
Rest holy pilgrim.
Lisbia : a new canzonet.
Orphan's prayer.
MUSICPOP 1800-D I'll sing thee songs of Araby /
Highland Mary : a Scotch ballad /
Footsteps on the stairs /
The blue ey'd stranger /
God save the queen : national anthem /
Hush-a-bye bacon : the comic song /
The harp that once thro' Tara's halls : Irish ballad : selected from the celebrated Irish melodies /
Himno nacional Mexicano /
How happy once : ballad /
Buffalo gals : the celebrated negro melody, arranged as song and chorus as sung by the Ethiopian serenaders.
The blue Alsatian mountains /
Bright eyed little Nell : song and chorus /
Gretelchen : Lied für eine Singstimme mit Klavierbegleitung /
Good bye, sweetheart, good bye /
MUSICPOP 1800-K Ja die Frauen : walzerlied /
Kriegs-Marsch der Boeren : für pianoforte /
Rattenfänger-Walzer : Op. 20 /
So hat's der Wiener gern : Wiener Lieder-Potpourri : op. 193 /
Our Jack's come home to day : great sea song /
Captain Ladidadidoo /
Paraphrase über Walzer-Motive von Johann Strauss : no. 8, O schöner Mai! /
Minstrel echoes waltz /
See saw : waltz /
MUSICPOP 1800-SM When the shades of night pursuing / 1
MUSICPOP 1800-SM Online When the shades of night pursuing 1
MUSICPOP 1800z Ah! I have sigh'd to rest me = Ah! che la morte ognora : il trovatore / 1
MUSICPOP 1801 Rekhtah.
Milton's bright morning star.
Each coming day.
Within these sacred bowers.
Pipe de tabac.
Rosy Hannah.
Captain Wattle and Miss Roe.
From pity's power.
Dick Smith the watchman.
Human life in a mirror : a glee for four voices /
Happy were the days /
MUSICPOP 1801-D Ah! what is the bosoms commotion / 1
MUSICPOP 1801-K The cuckoo bird / 1
MUSICPOP 1802 Crazy Jane : a favorite song /
Oh lady fair!
No more by sorrow Pollacca.
And will he not come again.
The wife's farewell, or, No, my love, no : the favorite ballad as sung ... in the much admired farce Of age to-morrow /
The Welch harper /
The midnight watch : a favorite song /
Sweetly in life's jocund morning : sung in the comedy of "Life" /
In the grove friend to love.
Beautiful maid : a favorite ballad.
Morning call of the Swiss pastors.
Maid of Lodi.
MUSICPOP 1802-D I have lov'd thee, dearly lov'd thee /
Crazy Jane : a favorite song /
MUSICPOP 1803 Unfortunate Miss Bailey.
If in your village : a song /
Ah should my love in fight be slain : in the Hero of the north /
Here's a health to those far away.
The sweet lark : as sung ... in a House to be sold.
The thorn : sung ... in his new entertainment call'd Variety /
When I was a chicken /
Beware of love.
Sure the rose is like a sigh : a favorite song ... in the opera of the Blind girl /
Six canzonets with an accompaniment for the piano forte /
Rest holy pilgrim.
The beggar girl : a favorite ballad for the piano forte or harp, also, as a duett /
MUSICPOP 1803-D The female auctioneer : a favorite song. 1
MUSICPOP 1804 My mother bids me bind my hair.
Adieu ye busy mortals.
The favorite castanet song : as sung ... in the grand serio-comic romance of the Caravan /
Let not sorrow : a favorite song ... in the grand serio-comic romance of the Caravan /
Fisherman's orphan.
Hope leaves me too : in the grand spectacle of Cinderella, or, The glass slipper /
Poor Mary /