Call Number (LC) Title Results
MUSICPOP 1908-H Some pumpkins : march & two step /
Sensation : a rag /
Lilac blossoms : two step /
The gravel rag /
The Memphis rag : two-step /
Persian lamb rag : a pepperette /
Beedle-um-bo : a slow drag /
Sprint splinter rag /
California /
The Richmond rag /
Crab apples : rag two-step /
The Western flyer : march and two-step /
Pickaninny rag /
The pippin : a sentimental rag /
Sugar cane : a ragtime classic twostep /
The flyer rag /
Honeymoon rag /
Dixie kicks /
Diablo rag : a rag fantasie, two step /
Sunflower tickle /
Sassafras Sam /
The old time rag : march and two-step /
Fuzzy-wuzzy : two step /
Pine apple rag /
Klondike rag /
The devilish rag /
Tennessee rag /
Black and white rag /
Dat lovin' rag : two step /
Blind Boone's southern rag medley, no. one : strains from the alleys.
Sponges : a swell rag two-step /
Wild cherries : characteristique rag /
Through the orange groves of Southern California /
Fluffy-ruffles : two step /
Chicken patty : a little rag pie : (good enough to eat) /
Irmena rag /
The tickler : rag two-step /
The American dancers : rag and buck dance /
Welcome to our city : characteristic rag two-step with song trio /
Powder rag : march and two step /
The sparkler rag /
Pudnin tame /
Oh! That Yankiana rag /
The "bolo" rag /
The whitewash man : a characteristic syncopated march & two-step / composed by Jean Schwartz.
Poison ivy : rag /
Corn shucks rag /
Leap frog : rag /
The Dixie rag /
The peach : a ragtime two step /
Bull dog rag /
Black feather : two step /
All the money : march and two step /
The old time rag /
A black hand : rag-time two step /
The shovel fish rag /
Fig leaf rag /
Dish rag : two step /
Dusty rag /
Denver town : song /
MUSICPOP 1908-H Online The gravel rag
A black hand rag-time two step /
Bull dog rag
Black and white rag
Blind Boone's southern rag medley, no. one strains from the alleys.
Dixie kicks
The Dixie rag
Diablo rag a rag fantasie, two step /
Dusty rag
Black feather two step /
Beedle-um-bo a slow drag /
The "bolo" rag
Dat lovin' rag two step /
Corn shucks rag
Dish rag two step /
The devilish rag
Klondike rag
Fluffy-ruffles two step /
The flyer rag
Fig leaf rag
Through the orange groves of Southern California
Fuzzy-wuzzy two step /
All the money march and two step /
The American dancers rag and buck dance /
Chicken patty a little rag pie : (good enough to eat) /
MUSICPOP 1908-I Democratic fun : a campaign cake walk /
You /
Meet me 'mid the daisies /
Just take a trip out to Lakeside : official park song /
The Mohawk : song and chorus /
MUSICPOP 1908-I Online You
Democratic fun a campaign cake walk /
Just take a trip out to Lakeside official park song /
The Mohawk song and chorus /
Meet me 'mid the daisies
MUSICPOP 1908-K Vinita : two-step /
Oh Miss Malinda, or when evening time comes round /
'Neath the old palm tree /
All aboard for a good old time /
El jilguero : danza /
Again /
Kiss me right! : where the kisses should be /
I want someone to call me dearie /
The Booker T's are on parade today /
Honor bright, I loves yer right, old pal /
Rosie my dusky Georgia rose /
Sweet spirit, hear my prayer /
Nevada /
My Arab lady /
I was roaming along /
I remember you /
Twilight reverie = Le crépuscule /
As we listened to the rustle of the leaves /
The Boo-gie-oo-gie man /
I can't tell why I love you but I do /
Needles and pins /
Redhead : Redhead - redhead - gingerbreadhead /
The lass from the county Mayo : song & chorus /
Wild cherries : characteristique rag /
To the end of the world with you /
I've got to make love to somebody /
My Mariutch, she come back to me /
Everybody knows I'm crazy 'bout you /
Nothing ever, ever, ever, hardly ever troubles me /
If love is blind /
Hang out the front door key /
Kiss your minstrel boy goodbye /
Twilight, I wait for you /
Valse d'amour /
Buffalo Kate /
I didn't ask, he didn't say, so I don't know /
S.R. Henry's barn dance.
I'm happy all the time /
Don't you say ump-umm to me /
It's moonlight all the time on Broadway /
I want to go back to the land of cotton /
I wish I had a sweetheart /
My dream girl /
On the hillside where the honeysuckle grows /
B-i-double l-Bill /
Sleepy Chile.
Rosie, my dusky Georgia Rosie.
Girl who proved true blue.
Ev'rybody loves me, but the one I love /
Every mother's son there sang the wearing of the green /
Barney McGee's making sheeps eyes at me /
Hello, Miss Liberty /
If I had a thousand lives to live.
Good night, dear.
Dreaming of you dear.
Roses bring dreams of you.
To the end of the world with you.
When I marry you /
Wop, wop, wop!
Come over the garden wall.
Boat song.
My gal Irene /
With you.
Don't forget to drop a line to mother.
Just you, dear.
Mandy Lane /
Games of childhood days.
You will have to sing an Irish song.
Falling in love.
I'm starving for one sight of you.
Bl-nd and p-g spells blind pig /
MUSICPOP 1908-SM Boat song /
California /
I want someone to call me dearie /
The tanager /
On the road to Mandalay /
Fairy kisses : waltz /
When it's moonlight on the prairie : there's a parson only twenty miles away /
Afterglow /
Mandy Lane /
MUSICPOP 1908-SM Online California
When it's moonlight on the prairie there's a parson only twenty miles away /
I want someone to call me dearie
Mandy Lane
Fairy kisses waltz /
The tanager
On the road to Mandalay
Boat song
MUSICPOP 1908 Online Our President Roosevelt's Colorado hunt
Denver town song /
I'm going to Colorado
Seeing Denver
The Western flyer march and two-step /
MUSICPOP 1909 A lover's matin song morning song / words by Frank Dempster Sherman ; music by J. Frances Ferlén.
Portola Festival : march /
Over the loop to Mt. McClellan /
Casey Jones : the brave engineer /
By the light of the silvery moon /
From the land of the sky-blue water : Op. 45, no.1 : four American Indian songs : founded upon a tribal melody / poem by Nelle Richmond Eberhart ; music by Charles Wakefield Cadman.
Apple jack : (some rag) /
Nobody knows, nobody cares /
For you alone.
Mississippi, oh, beloved!
I am awful glad I met you.
I wonder how the old folks are at home /
Uncle Rome.
Still, still with thee.
Jasmine door.
Ever since the day.
Sweet Louise.
Ballnyure ballad.
I'd rather love my old rag doll : than a bashful boy like you.
No candle was there and no fire.
America for me.
After 'while.
Gray days.
See what you've done to me.
Let's go back to baby days.
Cheer up my honey /
Down at the huskin' bee : S.R. Henry's barn dance /
Look down dear eyes.
The bonnie banks o'Loch Lomon'
Scuse me today.
Moon-mad moon.
Four cautionary tales and a moral.
Eileen aroon.
Hindu slumber song.
Star, the rose and the dream.
Only one face in dreamland.
My Indiana Mary.
My hero.
Put on your old grey bonnet.
Message : die botschaft.
You taught me how to love you : now teach me to forget /
Then we'll all go home.
Come, sing to me.
Who knows?
Come sing to me.
Next to your mother, who do you love?
Will o' the wisp /
Virgin by the manger.
It is hard to kiss your sweetheart when the last kiss means good-bye.
Redeeming love.
Lead, kindly light.
I'm awfully glad I met you.
Meet me to-night in dreamland.
Like as the hart.
If all the moons were honeymoons : Goddess of liberty.
My Pauline.
That is love!
Dreams of you.
I wonder who's kissing her now.
Toys' lament.
You won't know anybody there.
Fairy glen.
Oh the heart of my love.
Jungle moon.
My luve is like the red, red rose.
The Cubanola glide /
College days.
Meet me down at the kissing gate, Kate.
Little lady in the moon.
Bye, bye, kid /
Are you lonesome?
Old sweetheart of mine.
I love my wife, but oh you kid.
Your heart is like a garden.
Song of the soul.
Your waking eyes.
When two love dearly.
Meet me where the lanterns glow.
I wonder what they're doing up in Mars.
Two Little Love Bees.
Shaky eyes /
Ace in the hole.
If I thought you wouldn't tell /
Sink red Sun.
To-night will never come again.
Where my caravan has rested.
To a messenger.
The garden of roses /
In sunny Italy.
I've got rings on my fingers, or, Mumbo jumbo jijiboo J. O'Shea /
Louise : Song : E'er since the day when unto thee I gave me /
That mesmerizing Mendelssohn tune = Mendelssohn rag /
School mates.
Bring me a rose.
Billken man.
Come back to Erin /
Singing bird.
I want to tell something to someone.
Loch Lomon.
When the daisies bloom.
I wish I had a girl.
When you and I were young, Maggie.
The garden of roses : song /
Beautiful eyes.
MUSICPOP 1909-CP In a Dorris motor car /
Jealous moon /
MUSICPOP 1909-CP Online Jealous moon
In a Dorris motor car
MUSICPOP 1909-D Ciribiribin : celebrated song /
Chink chink chinaman /
He's a fan, fan, fan /
I just came back to say good bye /
Dancing sunshine /
Jemima : a sneezing Coon song /
Good-bye Mister Caruso /
Amo : song /
Dinah from Carolina /
Sweet Marie : make-a rag-a-time dance wid me /
I want a home, that's all /
That teasin' rag /
I'll go the route for you /
Oh, you devil : rag /
Temptation rag /
Some little something about you /
Drei Künstler.
Base ball game of love /
My pony boy /
Come on play ball with me dearie /
Casey Jones : the brave engineer /
Country club : rag time two-step /
Heinze /
In dear old Tennessee /
I apologize /
Good-by girlie and remember me /
Come down and pick your husband out : (the rest of us want to go home) /
Dorando /
Pass dat possum : a characteristic two step march /
Be jolly Molly /
Heaven will protect the working girl : a burlesque ballad /
Bandy legs /
Everybody's happy when the moon shines /
Mop rag : a slow drag /
My wife's gone to the country : (Hurrah! Hurrah!) /
Meet me in rosetime Rosie /
I am longing for to-morrow when I think of yesterday /
Yiddle, on your fiddle, play some ragtime /
Flora Dora : a stirring march song /
I'm a bringing up the family /
Do your duty Doctor! : (oh, oh, oh, oh, Doctor) /
Rag-bag : rag (a rag-time galop) /
I'll be there with bells on : (and I'll ding-a-ling for you) : flirting song /
Baboon bungalow /
There's a big cry-baby in the moon /
Oh, you candy kid /
Rubber plant rag : a stretcherette /
Mandy, how do you do? /
Abraham Lincoln Jones, or, The christening /
Come right in, sit right down, make yourself at home /
Come after breakfast : bring 'long your lunch and leave 'fore supper time /
My cousin Caruso /
Chow-chow rag /
If the wind had only blown the other way /
Wild cherries : that coony, spoony rag /
Stop that rag : keep on playing, honey /
Ann /
The yiddisha rag /
Golden arrow : song /
Four American Indian songs : founded upon tribal melodies, op. 45 /
Candy you're a dandy /
Euphonic sounds : a syncopated novelty /
If I only had a leming pie /
African hunter : a characteristic jungle symphonie /
Ciribiribin /
I'm going to do what I please /
Christmas time seems years and years away /
You'll come back /
I didn't go home at all : (I heard the clock strike one a.m., one a.m., one a.m.!) /
Coo-ee /
Lady love : song /
Daisy rag : a novelty two-step /
Carrie, or, Carrie marry Harry /
Shaky eyes /
If I thought you wouldn't tell /
I've got rings on my fingers, or, Mumbo jumbo jijiboo J. O'Shea /
That mesmerizing Mendelssohn tune = Mendelssohn rag /
Come back to Erin /
The garden of roses : song /
MUSICPOP 1909-D Online That teasin' rag
Mop rag a slow drag /
Good-bye Mister Caruso
Country club rag time two-step /
Chow-chow rag
African hunter a characteristic jungle symphonie /
Euphonic sounds a syncopated novelty /
MUSICPOP 1909-H More noise rag : march two-step /
Streamers : the fashionable rag /
Everybody's rag : (it gets you going) /
When your heart beats rag time : barn dance /
The dish rag /
Snipes /
Diablo rag : a rag fantasie, two step /
Porcupine rag : (two step) /
Safety pin catch /
Rag baby : rag /
Pork & beans : ragtime two step /
Cabbage-leaf rag : a superb ragged melody : a rich two-step /
Grace and beauty : a classy rag /
Play that fandango rag /
Dope : a rag novelette two step /
That teasin' rag /
Oh, you devil : rag /
Velma chocolates : black rag two step /
Temptation rag /
Splinters : two-step /
Blue grass : rag /
Pigeon wing : rag /
Dixie kisses : rag intermezzo /
Ethiopia : a rag /
Clover leaf rag /
Scizzor Bill : rag /
Ragtime land /
King of them all rag /
Pin cushion /
Sunflower babe : march two step /
Fuss and feathers : a genuine rag /
Casey Jones : the brave engineer /
Country club : rag time two-step /
Rag time Betty /
Poverty rag /
I'm Alabama bound : rag time two step : also known as the Alabama blues /
Hard wood rag /
Kissing bug : rag /
Texas steer rag /
Ink splotch rag : a ragtime splash /
The Saratoga glide : (a rag) /
That cuddlin' rag : E. Ray Goetz /
Hot ashes /
Bachelor's button : rag time intermezzo /
Mop rag : a slow drag /
That hypnotizing rag /
Ragged Jack : the new rag /
Cincinnati rag /
Apple jack : (some rag) /
Dandelion : characteristic rag and two step /
Kansas appleknocker rag /
The wish bone : a ragtime twostep /
Rag-bag : rag (a rag-time galop) /
Five little brown jugs rag /
The American rag /
Virginia rag : two step /
Broadway rag /
Sparkles : high class ragtime two step /
Rubber plant rag : a stretcherette /
Rastus rag /
Funny bones /
That dreamy rag /
Blind Boone's southern rag medley, no. two : strains from the Flat branch.
Onions : an intermezzo two-step /
Frozen Bill rag /
Old crow rag /
The thriller : rag /
Pickled beets rag /
The microbe : a contagious rag /
Razzle dazzle : a rag twostep /
The pinywoods rag /
Tobasco rag time waltz /
Twinkles : march two-step /
The classic rag /
Chow-chow rag /
Vanity : rag two-step /
Meet me in dear old Seattle /
The octopus rag /
Trouble : rag /
Virginia creeper : characteristic rag /
G whiz : ragtime two step /
Minstrel band : rag /
Drake's cake walk /
The bumble bee : characteristic rag /
One more rag /
The yiddisha rag /
Lemons and limes : a sour rag /
Honey rag : two-step /
Queen of rags : characteristic two step /
Solace : a Mexican serenade /
Buzzer rag /
That poker rag /
Westward, ho! : march and two-step /
Pansy blossoms rag /
Cotton babes : rag two step /
Bud rag /
Cherry leaf rag /
The Frisco rag /
The Purdue spirit : a rag time two step /
Sunburst rag /
Chocolate creams : a rag with a flavor /
Fly paper rag /
Daisy rag : a novelty two-step /
Silver king rag : for the piano /
The bolo rag /
MUSICPOP 1909-H Online Cabbage-leaf rag a superb ragged melody : a rich two-step /
Funny bones
Vanity rag two-step /
Temptation rag
Meet me in dear old Seattle
Blue grass rag /
Buzzer rag
Broadway rag
Bud rag
The bumble bee characteristic rag /
Blind Boone's southern rag medley, no. two strains from the Flat branch.
Dandelion characteristic rag and two step /
Dixie kisses rag intermezzo /
Diablo rag a rag fantasie, two step /
Everybody's rag (it gets you going) /
Dope a rag novelette two step /
Cincinnati rag
Cotton babes rag two step /
The dish rag
Honey rag two-step /
Kissing bug rag /
King of them all rag
The microbe a contagious rag /
Queen of rags characteristic two step /
Pansy blossoms rag
Rag time Betty
Porcupine rag (two step) /
Five little brown jugs rag
Fly paper rag
Frozen Bill rag
Fuss and feathers a genuine rag /
Westward, ho! march and two-step /
G whiz ragtime two step /
Grace and beauty a classy rag /
The American rag
Apple jack (some rag) /
Bachelor's button rag time intermezzo /
Clover leaf rag
Hard wood rag
Cherry leaf rag
The classic rag
Chocolate creams a rag with a flavor /
Ethiopia a rag /
Virginia creeper characteristic rag /
MUSICPOP 1909-I A mountain breeze : idyl for the piano /
Scotch rye : characteristic rag /
Yesterday /
Down the old Potomac : song /
The rage quadrille /
Back among the southern pines /
O, light divine : sacred song /
Girl o' dreams /
MUSICPOP 1909-I Online Down the old Potomac song /
A lover's matin song morning song / words by Frank Dempster Sherman ; music by J. Frances Ferlén.
Back among the southern pines
Girl o' dreams
O, light divine sacred song /
A mountain breeze idyl for the piano /
The rage quadrille
MUSICPOP 1909-K The bolo rag
Bamboo lane
Burglar buck /
Amo : song /
Vertige : valse lente /
Monkey Doodle Dandy /
Play that fandango rag /
My Portola maid : song /
I want a girl from a yankee doodle town /
My Caroline /
Oh, you devil : rag /
My big moon /
Father brings home something every day /
Moving day in Jungle Town /
Charme d'amour = Love's spell /
Isn't that enough for you? /
I wish that you was my gal, Molly /
My Southern rose /
Come on play ball with me dearie /
My Kerry colleen /
McElwee /
Sadie Salome : (go home) /
I love my husband, but--oh, you Henry! /
My little kangaroo /
Dublin daisies /
By the light of the silvery moon /
Without you, the world don't seem the same /
He's just plain ordinary man but Lord how he can love /
My Angelett cheree /
I am longing for tomorrow when I think of yesterday /
That hypnotizing rag /
The song of the dove /
My hero /
He's a college boy : march song /
I'm a bringing up the family /
Nora Malone : call me by 'phone /
Temptation rag /
I didn't mean to make you cry /
Booby : a juvenile jibe /
Margarita /
I trust my husband [wife most] anywhere, but I like to stick around /
Meet me on the boardwalk, dearie /
Comical eyes /
Mary, you're a big girl now /
I wish I had my old girl back again /
Cannibal love /
That dreamy rag /
Blue-beads /
La Portola : waltz /
The Parisian glide /
Nobody knows, nobody cares /
Tobasco rag time waltz /
Skinny /
Gee! But it's tough to be broke : a song classic /
Pretty little laughing eyes /
Let the roses tell my story /
My treasure = Tesoro mio /
Miss lady moon /
That's the doctor, Bill! /
Stageland /
I used to sing, "I wish I had a girl," now it's "Don't take me home" /
Cordova : Spanish dance /
My husband's in the city /
Lena Schmitt /
If I thought you wouldn't tell /
The long green club /
There's something fascinating 'bout the moon /
Pansy the moon am shining /
Seasick /
If I had the world to give you.
I wonder how the old folks are at home /
Abie, take an example from your fader : novelty Hebrew song /
The Frisco rag /
La spagnola = Spanish dancer : bolero /
Leoline /
Only love dreams /
Carrie, or, Carrie marry Harry /
Little shirt my mother made for me.
My little kangaroo.
Shaky eyes /
Down at the huskin' bee : S.R. Henry's barn dance /
Next to your mother, who do you love?
Without you.
Hint of violets.
I've lost my gal /
My Honolulu hula girl /
Soft ways.
The Cubanola glide /
Two little girls loved one little boy /
Eily Riley.
An Irish girl is good enough for me /
Who knows?
For months and months.
To-night will never come again.
I've got rings on my fingers, or, Mumbo jumbo jijiboo J. O'Shea /
The bolo rag /
That mesmerizing Mendelssohn tune = Mendelssohn rag /
If I should plant a tiny seed of love.
My soldier boy.
In good old Georgia land /
My own United States.
Bamboo lane /
MUSICPOP 1909-K Online He's a college boy march song /
The Frisco rag
The bolo rag
Burglar buck
Bamboo lane
Oh, you devil rag /
Comical eyes
MUSICPOP 1909-SM Temptation rag /
My pony boy /
Go find a sweetheart : from The emerald isle /
Mandy, how do you do? /
Nobody knows, nobody cares /
From the land of the sky-blue water : one of "Four American Indian songs" : opus 45, no. 1 /
Compensation /
Uncle Rome : the old boatman /
The cubanola glide /
That mesmerizing Mendelssohn tune = Mendelssohn rag /