Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1074 Academic and social effects of half-day and all-day kindergarten 1
Microfiche 1075 Factors affecting the relationship between a child's self-concept and level of social skills competence 1
Microfiche 1076 The relationship between student achievement as a measure of teaching effectiveness and students' locus of control and self esteem 1
Microfiche 1077 For the sake of kinship the overseas Chinese family / 1
Microfiche 1078 Dimensions of beliefs and values of kindergarten teachers, nursery teachers, and mothers pertaining to children entering kindergarten 1
Microfiche 1079 Topic, theme, and mode in unassigned writing of first graders using invented spelling in open classroom 1
Microfiche 1080 Fostering response to literature in the college English classroom 1
Microfiche 1081 A comparison of stress and coping by spouses of alcoholics and spouses of opiate addicts 1
Microfiche 1082 Pupil control ideology and openness of teacher's beliefs and practices 1
Microfiche 1083 Essays in international finance and macroeconomics 1
Microfiche 1084 Macroeconomic adjustments and the balance of payments in developing countries 1
Microfiche 1085 Stratigraphy of the Roberts Mountains allochthon in north-central Nevada 1
Microfiche 1086 A numerical model of the dynamics of large ice sheets 1
Microfiche 1087 Characteristics of bullies and victims in adolescent aggression 1
Microfiche 1088 Effects of parental resources and child care arrangements of preshcoolers' cognitive skills 1
Microfiche 1089  
Microfiche 1090 On the propagation of one-dimensional waves of discontinuity in mixtures 1
Microfiche 1091 Measuring visual motion from image sequences 1
Microfiche 1092 An experimental study of the electron impact excitation of positive ions 1
Microfiche 1093 Thermophoretically enhanced deposition of particulate matter across nonisothermal boundary layers 1