Microfiche 1227 11299, Box 36
Iniquity purged by mercy and truth A sermon preached at Grafton, October 23d, 1768. Being the Sabbath after the execution of Arthur, a Negro man, at Worcester, aged about 21. For a rape. / |
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Microfiche 1227 11300, Box 36
A Collection of original papers relative to The history of the colony of Massachusets-Bay |
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Microfiche 1227 11301, Box 36
Minutes of conferences, held at Fort-Pitt, in April and May, 1768 under the direction of George Croghan, Esquire, deputy agent for Indian affairs, with the chiefs and warriors of the Ohio and other Western Indians. |
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Microfiche 1227 11302, Box 36
Mr. Jauncey heartily thanks his worthy friends in this city for the general contempt they have shewn to the many false and malicious reports which his inveterate enemies have circulated to his prejudice. ... but the charge contained against him in an advertisement signed by Gezelena Rousby, calls on him, in the most public manner, to vindicate his character. |
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Microfiche 1227 11303, Box 36
The confession and dying words of John Jubeart who was executed at New-York, upon Wednesday the sixth of September, 1769; for coining and passing counterfeit dollars. |
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Microfiche 1227 11304, Box 36
Das von Jesu Christo dem Richter der Lebendigen und der Todten, aller Creatur zu predigen befohlene ewige Evangelium, von der durch Ihn erfundenen ewigen Erlösung, wodurch alles, was da heisset, Teufel, Sünde, Hölle und Tod, ganz und gar vernichtiget ... aus erbarmender Liebe verkündiget; an unzehlich vielen Orten durch diesen Druck verbessert, und nebst Hinzufügung eines neuen Capitels über Hebr. II. v. 16. vom Samen Abrahä handelnd, vermehret, / |
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Microfiche 1227 11305, Box 36
The controversy between Great-Britain and her colonies reviewed the several pleas of the colonies. In support of their right to all the liberties and privileges of British subjects, and to exemption from the legislative authority of Parliament, stated and considered; and the nature of their connection with, and dependence on, Great-Britain, shewn upon the evidence of historical facts and authentic records. |
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Microfiche 1227 11306, Box 36
An impartial examination of Mr. Robert Sandeman's Letters on Theron and Aspasio In three parts, containing, I. Some general remarks on the spirit and leading notions of the author of those Letters. II. A particular consideration of the character of the Pharisee, and of Jesus, as drawn by Mr. Sandeman--Remarks upon his conversion of Jonathan the Jew--The conversion of Cornelius the gentile as a contrast to Jonathan's. III. The principal sentiments in the Letters collected into order, distinctly examined, and shown in several instances to be inconsistent with one another, and with the sacred oracles, and the whole to be an unhappy mixture of truth with absurdity and falshood. / |
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Microfiche 1227 11308, Box 36
The man unmasked: or, The world undeceived in the author of a late pamphlet, intitled, "Extracts from the proceedings of the High Court of Vice-Admiralty in Charlestown, South-Carolina," &c. : With suitable remarks on that masterly performance. / |
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Microfiche 1227 11309, Box 36
A Letter from a gentleman in New-York, to his friend in Dutchess County New-York, January 3, 1769. Sir, you ask me in your letter, how your members behave. |
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Microfiche 1227 11310, Box 36
A Letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Hilsborough, on the present situation of affairs in America In which the arguments in favour of the colonies, are placed in a new point of view, and their rights and privileges are incontestibly demonstrated on constitutional principles, supported by unanswerable arguments drawn from their ancient original charters, and the circumstances attending their first settlement. : Together with a serious and impartial consideration of the consequences which must necessarily result from the exercise of coercive measures, to compel them to a submission to the late acts of Parliament. : Also an appendix in answer to a pamphlet intituled, The constitutional right of Great-Britain to tax the colonies. : [Two lines in Latin] |
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Microfiche 1227 11311, Box 36
To the freeholders and freemen, of the city and county of New-York Gentlemen, when the General-Assembly was dissolved, I intended to offer myself as a candidate, to serve you in the next General-Assembly, if there was a probability of a peaceable election. |
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Microfiche 1227 11312, Box 36
To the freeholders and freemen of the city and county of New-York Gentlemen, It was doubtless surprising to the inhabitants of the city, to find it asserted in an advertisement, signed James De Lancey, Jacob Walton, and James Jauncey ... that Philip Livingston, Esq; had declined serving as a representative in General Assembly ... your votes and interest are again desired. |
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Microfiche 1227 11313, Box 36
The address of Mr. Justice Livingston, to the House of Assembly, in support of his right to a seat |
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Microfiche 1227 11314, Box 36
The address of Mr. Justice Livingston to the House of Assembly of New-York, in support of his right to a seat |
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Microfiche 1227 11315, Box 36
Philosophic solitude: or, The choice of a rural life a poem. / |
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Microfiche 1227 11316, Box 36
The important connection of time with eternity, as it affects the children of men shewed in two sermons, deliver'd at Norwich, on the Lord's-Day, July 3d, 1769. Suited to a day of great security, and humbly offer'd (thro' God's blessing) to awaken a just attention to the one thing needful. / |
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Microfiche 1227 11317, Box 36
An astronomical diary; or, almanack for the year of Christian aera, 1770 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, in New-England, lat. 42 deg. 25 min. north: and 4 hours and 40 minutes west from the meridian of London; but may indifferently serve any part of New-England. / |
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Microfiche 1227 11318, Box 36
A true and genuine account of the whole transaction between Alexander M'Donald, and William Neilson, of New-York, merchants |
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Microfiche 1227 11319, Box 36
To the betrayed inhabitants of the city and colony of New-York My dear fellow citizens and countrymen, In a day when the minions of tyranny and despotism in the mother country, and the colonies, are indefatigable in laying every snare that their malevolent and corrupt hearts can suggest, to enslave a free people. |
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