Microfiche 1227 12631, Box 40
Catalogus eorum qui in Collegio-Yalensi, quod est Novo-Portu Connecticutensium ab anno 1701, an annum 1772 alicujus gradûs laureâ donati sunt. |
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Microfiche 1227 12632, Box 40
Quæstiones pro modulo discutiendæ sub Reverendo D. Naphtali Daggett, Collegii-Yalensis ... In comitiis publicis a laureæ magistralis candidatis, M,DCC,LXXII. |
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Microfiche 1227 12633, Box 40
Viro præstantissimo, ingenuis artibus ac sublimi virtute omnique fœlicissimè gubernandi ratione ornatissimo, Jonathani Trumbull ... Hasce theses ... Collegio Yalensi ... Habita in comitiis Novo-Portu Connecticutensium, IXno Septembris, M,DCCLXXII. |
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Microfiche 1227 12634, Box 40
Letter from J----h J-----n, one of the Mohegan tribe of Indians to his countryman, Moses Paul, under sentence of death, in New-Haven goal. |
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Microfiche 1227 12635, Box 40
The nature of that faith without which it is impossible to please God considered in a sermon, on Hebrews XI. 6. Without faith it is impossible to please him. : Together with some occasional remarks on some later writers: : Also, an appendix, shewing what has been the constant doctrine of the Protestants in the Article of Faith, and some vindication of the reformers, and the late Mr. Hervey, &c. against some animadversions of the Rev. Joseph Bellamy, D.D. of Bethlehem in New- England. / |
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Microfiche 1227 12636, Box 40
An answer to a pamphlet lately published, intitled, "A treatise on church government." Wherein, first, the errors of this anonymous author's narrative, of the troubles and transactions in the Church in Bolton are corrected, and a faithful one presented to the public. Secondly ... / |
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Microfiche 1227 12637, Box 40
Advertisement The members of the association of the Sons of Liberty, are requested to meet at the City-Hall, at one o'clock, to-morrow. |
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Microfiche 1227 12638, Box 40
Aitken's general American register, and calendar, for the year, 1774 |
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Microfiche 1227 12639, Box 40
Laws and ordinances, of the mayor, recorder, aldermen, and commonalty, of the city of Albany |
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Microfiche 1227 12641, Box 40
The last words and dying speech of Levi Ames executed at Boston, Octo. 21, 1773, for burglary. / |
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Microfiche 1227 12643, Box 40
An astronomical diary; or, An almanack for the year of our Lord, 1774 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, New-England, lat. 42 deg. 25 min. north. ... : [Fourteen lines of verse] / |
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Microfiche 1227 12644, Box 40
An astronomical diary; or, An almanack for the year of our Lord, 1774 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, New-England, lat. 42 deg. 25 min. north. ... : [Fourteen lines of verse] / |
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Microfiche 1227 12646, Box 40
An astronomical diary; Or, An almanack for the year of our Lord, 1774 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, New-England, lat. 42 deg. 25 min. north .... / |
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Microfiche 1227 12647, Box 40
Anderson improved: being an almanack, and ephemeris, for the year of our Lord 1774 ... Calculated for Newport, Rhode-Island, lat. 41, 27, n. and lon. 71, 10, w. from London: but may very well serve throughout all the northern colonies: ... / |
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Microfiche 1227 12648, Box 40
The character and reward of the perfect man A discourse, delivered at the funeral of Capt. Titus Brockett, on the 30th day of July, 1773. : And now published with some small additions. / |
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Microfiche 1227 12649, Box 40
Poor Will's almanack, for the year of our Lord, 1774 ... Fitted to the latitude of forty degrees, and a meridian of near five hours west from London. |
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Microfiche 1227 12650, Box 40
Poor Will's pocket almanack, for the year 1774 fitted to the use of Pennsylvania, and the neighbouring provinces. Containing, a great variety of useful lists and tables. |
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Microfiche 1227 12651, Box 40
The appendix: or, Some observations on the expediency of the petition of the Africans, living in Boston, &c. lately presented to the General Assembly of this province To which is annexed, the petition referred to. : Likewise, thoughts on slavery. : With a useful extract from the Massachusetts spy, of January 28, 1773, by way of an address to the members of the assembly. / |
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Microfiche 1227 12652, Box 40
The association of the Sons of Liberty, of New-York It is essential to the freedom and security of a free people, that no taxes be imposed upon them but by their own consent, or their representatives. |
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Microfiche 1227 12653, Box 40
An Attempt to illustrate the great subject of the Psalms Shewing, that the principal and ultimate design of them was, to exhibit the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow; --in both which his disciples are sharers with him. : With a digression on baptism; in which is considered, the subjects of it; --the mode of it; --and the meaning of that expression, "buried with him in baptism." : To which are annexed, some observations on the work of the Holy Spirit; --and the difference between the faith of God's elect, and the faith of devils. : From the Holy Scriptures. : [Eleven lines of Scripture texts] |
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