Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 123, Box 1 Quæstiones in philosophia discutiendæ, sub Carolo Chauncæo S.S. Theol. Bac. præside Col. Harvard. Cantabrigiæ, Nov-Angl. In comitiis per inceptores in artibus die undecimo-sextilis MDCLXVIII. 1
Microfiche 1227 124, Box 1 Several lavvs and orders made at the General Court of Election Held at Boston in New-England the 29th. of April 1668. : Printed and published by their order. Edward Rawson. secr. 1
Microfiche 1227 125, Box 1 Several lavvs and orders made at the General Court, held at Boston in New-England, October 14. 1668 Printed and published by their order. Edward Rawson secr. 1
Microfiche 1227 126, Box 1 To the elders and ministers of every town within the jurisdiction of the Massachusets in New-England the governour and Council sendeth greeting; Reverend, and beloved in the Lord. 1
Microfiche 1227 128, Box 1 Daily meditations: or, Quotidian preparations for, and considerations of death and eternity. Begun July 19. 1666 1
Microfiche 1227 130, Box 1 Wine for Gospel wantons: or, Cautions against spirituall drunkenness Being the brief notes of a sermon preached at Cambridge in New-England, upon a day of publick fasting and prayer throughout the colony, June 25. 1645. In reference to the sad estate of the Lords people in England. / 1
Microfiche 1227 131, Box 1 Tydings from Rome or England's alarm Wherein several grounds to suspect the prevalency of the popish interest are seasonably suggested; Londons ruine pathetically lamented; arguments to disswade from the popish religion, are urged; and the duties of Christians in this time of common danger, and distraction perswaded. : [Thirteen lines of quotations] 1
Microfiche 1227 132, Box 1 Gods terrible voice in the city of London wherein you have the narration of the two late dreadful judgements of plague and fire, inflicted by the Lord upon that city; the former in the year 1665. the latter in the year 1666. / 1
Microfiche 1227 135, Box 1 An almanack of coelestiall motions for the year of the Christian aera, 1669 ... Calculated for the longitude of 315. gr. and 42 gr. 30 m. north latitude. / 1
Microfiche 1227 137, Box 1 Gods call to his people to turn unto him; together with his promise to turn unto them Opened and applied in II. sermons at two publick fasting-dayes appointed by authority. / 1
Microfiche 1227 138, Box 1 The Indian primer; or, The way of training up of our Indian youth in the good knowledge of God, in the knowledge of the Scriptures and in an ability to read 1
Microfiche 1227 139, Box 1 A true and exact relation of the late prodigious earthquake & eruption of Mount Aetna, or, Monte-Gibello 1
Microfiche 1227 140, Box 1 Quæstiones duæ, pro modulo, discutiendæ sub Carolo Chauncæo SS. Theol. Bac. præside Col: Harvard. Cantabrig. Nov-Angl. In comitiis per inceptores in artibus die decimo-sextilis M. DC. LXIX. 1
Microfiche 1227 141, Box 1 At a Council held at Boston, March 10. 1668 [new style, 1669] The governour and magistrates being assembled in Council ... do therefore commend ... the twenty fifth day of this instant to be kept a publick day of humiliation. 1
Microfiche 1227 142, Box 1 Several laws and orders made at the Generall Court of election held at Boston, May 19th 1669 And printed and published by their order, June 4. 1669. Edwd Rawson secret' 1
Microfiche 1227 143, Box 1 The mystery of Israel's salvation, explained and applyed: or, A discourse concerning the general conversion of the Israelitish nation Wherein is shewed, 1. That the Twelve Tribes shall be saved. 2. When this is to be expected. 3. Why this must be. 4. What kind of salvetion the Tribes of Israel shall partake of (viz.) a glorious, wonderful, spiritual, temporal salvation. : Being the substance of several sermons preached / 1
Microfiche 1227 144, Box 1 New-Englands memoriall: or, A brief relation of the most memorable and remarkable passages of the providence of God, manifested to the planters of New-England in America with special reference to the first colony thereof, called New-Plimouth. : As also a nomination of divers of the most eminent instruments deceased, both of church and common-wealth, improved in the first beginning and after-progress of sundry of the respective jurisdictions in those parts; in reference unto sundry exemplary passages of their lives, and the time of their death. / 1
Microfiche 1227 146, Box 1 Balm in Gilead to heal Sions wounds: or, A treatise wherein there is a clear discovery of the most prevailing sicknesses of New-England, both in the civill and ecclesiasticall state; as also sutable [sic] remedies for the cure of them collected out of that spirituall directory, the Word of God. : Delivered in a sermon preached before the Generall Court of the colony of New-Plimouth on the first day of June 1669. Being the day of election there. / 1
Microfiche 1227 147, Box 1 Christiane oonoowae sampoowaonk = A Christian covenanting confession 1
Microfiche 1227 148, Box 1 Viris authoritate præcipuis, prudentia celeberrimis venerandis Richardo Bellinghamo ... theses hasce ... Collegii Harvardini. 1