Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 13119, Box 41 At a meeting of the inhabitants of the city of Annapolis, on Wednesday the 25th day of May, 1774, after notice given of the time, place and occasion of this meeting ... 1
Microfiche 1227 13120, Box 41 Annapolis, (Maryland) Oct. 20 The brig Peggy Stewart, Captain Jackson, from London, having on board seventeen packages, containing 2320 lb. of that detestable weed tea, arrived here on Friday last. 1
Microfiche 1227 13121, Box 41 To John Cruger, James Jauncey, James Delancey, and Jacob Walton, Esqrs; the representatives in General Assembly, for the city and county of New-York 1
Microfiche 1227 13122, Box 41 The Articles of belief, professed by the followers of Calvin, Luther, and Arminius respecting those five points, about which there is much dispute among Protestants. : [Four lines from Acts] 1
Microfiche 1227 13123, Box 41 Grammatical institutes: or, An easy introduction to Dr. Lowth's English grammar designed for the use of schools. And to lead young gentlemen and ladies, into the knowledge of the first principles of the English language. / 1
Microfiche 1227 13125, Box 41 At a meeting at the exchange, 16th May, 1774, Isaac Low, chosen chairman. ... 1
Microfiche 1227 13126, Box 41 At a meeting of the true Sons of Liberty, in the city of New-York, July 27, 1774, properly convened Present, John Calvin, John Knox, Roger Rumpus, &c. &c. &c. 1. Resolved, that in this general time of resolving, we have as good a right to resolve as the most resolute. 1
Microfiche 1227 13128, Box 41 The nature and effects of drunkenness considered with an addres to tavern-keepers, to parents, and young people, relating to the subject, in two discourses. Delivered at Natick, the last Lord's Day in October, 1773. / 1
Microfiche 1227 13129, Box 41 The certainty of death, and the limittedness [sic] of the season of grace, with the importance of improving this limitted [sic] season, illustrated A sermon preached at Palmer: occasioned by the death of Dr. Abner Stone, who died December 1st. 1773. In the 25th. year of his age. / 1
Microfiche 1227 13130, Box 41 At a general meeting of the freeholders, gentlemen, merchants, tradesmen and other inhabitants of Baltimore County, held at the Court-House of the said county on Tuesday the 31st of May, 1774 Capt. Charles Ridgley, chairman. Resolved 1st. 1
Microfiche 1227 13131, Box 41 Minutes of the Baptist Association held in Philadelphia, October the 12th, 13th, 14th, 1774. 1
Microfiche 1227 13133, Box 41 A present for an apprentice: or, A sure guide to gain both esteem and estate With rules for his conduct to his master, and in the world. : More especially, while an apprentice, his behaviour after he is free, care in setting up, company with the ladies, choice of a wife, behaviour in courtship, and wedding-day, complaisance after marriage, education of children, &c. / 1
Microfiche 1227 13134, Box 41 A reviving cordial for a sin-sick despairing soul, in the time of temptation The same being an extract of the worthy author's experience of the particulars following. I. The miraculous preservation of his bodily life from the many deaths and imminent dangers which threatned it, while in a state of nature. II. The method God took with him, in awakening him to look into and to mind soul-concerns, when about fourteen years of age. III. How the spirit of bondage took him, and what fearful work it made of his soul. IV. How the spirit of adoption succeeded the spirit of bondage, healing and binding up the deep wounds caused in his soul thereby. : [Five lines from Psalms] / 1
Microfiche 1227 13136, Box 41 A sermon delivered at Wrentham, October 26, 1773, on compleating the first century since the town was incorporated 1
Microfiche 1227 13141, Box 41 Philadelphia, January 17th, 1774. Memorandum The more books are sold, the more will be sold, is an established truth well known to every liberal reader, and to every bookseller of experience; for the sale of one book propagateth the sale of another, with as much certainty as the possession of one guinea helpeth to the possession of another. Bell. 1
Microfiche 1227 13142, Box 41 Proposals for printing by subscription The Catholic Christian instructed. In the sacraments, sacrifice, ceremonies, and observances of the Church. By way of question and answer. By R-- C--[.] 1
Microfiche 1227 13145, Box 41 Sermons or declarations
Some necessary remarks on the education of the youth in the country-parts of this, and the neighbouring governments
A Collection of religious tracts [Twelve lines from Swedenborg]
The mighty destroyer displayed in some account of the dreadful havock made by the mistaken use as well as abuse of distilled spirituous liquors. /
The Plain path to Christian perfection shewing that we are to seek for reconciliation and union with God, solely by renouncing ourselves, denying the world, and following our blessed Saviour, in the regeneration. /
Thoughts upon slavery
The dreadful visitation in a short account of the progress and effects of the plague, the last time it spread in the city of London, in the year 1665, /
Serious considerations on several important subjects viz. On war and its inconsistency with the Gospel. Observations on slavery. And remarks on the nature and bad effects of spirituous liquors. : [Twelve lines of quotations]
Microfiche 1227 13145, Box 43 Serious reflections affectionately recommended to the well-disposed of every religious denomination particularly those who mourn and lament on account of the calamities which attend us; and the insensibility that so generally prevails. 1
Microfiche 1227 13146, Box 41 The mighty destroyer displayed in some account of the dreadful havock made by the mistaken use as well as abuse of distilled spirituous liquors. /
To the foregoing testimonies of the happiness of a life spent in the service of God, may be added that of a faithful servant of Christ from amongst ourselves, to wit, David Brainard ...
Thoughts upon slavery
The dreadful visitation, in a short account of the progress and effects of the plague the last time it spread in the city of London, in the year 1665, extracted from the memoirs of a person who resided there during the whole time of that infection. : [Two lines from Deuteronomy]
The Potent enemies of America laid open being some account of the baneful effects attending the use of distilled spirituous liquors, and the slavery of the Negroes; : to which is added, the happiness attending life, when dedicated to the honour of God, and good of mankind, in the sentiments of some persons of eminence near the close of their lives, viz. the Earl of Essex, Count Oxcistern, H. Grotius, D. Brainard, John Lock, &c.
Microfiche 1227 13147, Box 41 The causes of the present distractions in America explained in two letters to a merchant in London. / 1