Microfiche 1227 13388, Box 42
Reformation of manners, of absolute necessity in order to conciliate the divine favour, in times of public evil and distress Shewn in two sermons, preached at Worcester, upon a special fast observed there, as well as in many other towns, July 14th, 1774. On account of the pubic [sic] difficulties of the present day. / |
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Microfiche 1227 13389, Box 42
To the freeholders, freemen, and inhabitants of the city and county of New-York Gentlemen, The favourable sentiments many of you were pleased to entertain of me, in nominating me one of your deputies for this city and county, lay me under great obligations. |
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Microfiche 1227 13390, Box 42
The Arians and Socinians monitor being a vision that a young Socinian teacher lately had, in which he saw, in the most exquisite torment, his tutor, who died some years ago; and had from his own mouth the fearful relation of what befell him at and after his death. Together with many instructions relating to the Socinian errors; by all which he is turned to the faith of the gospel, and subscribeth his name, Antisocinus. |
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Microfiche 1227 13391, Box 42
An Israelite indeed a sermon, occasioned by the death of the Rev. Mr. John Moorhead; preached at the Presbyterian Church in Boston, to the bereaved flock, the first Sabbath after his funeral. / |
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Microfiche 1227 13393, Box 42
Kurze und einfältige Vorstellung der äussern, aber doch heiligen Rechten und Ordnungen des Hauses Gottes wie es der wahre Haus-Vater Jesus Christus befohlen, und in seinem Testament schriftlich hinterlassen. Vorgestellt in einem Gespräch- unter Vater und Sohn, durch Frag und Antwort, / |
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Microfiche 1227 13395, Box 42
The propriety of singing the Psalms of David in New Testament worship A sermon preached at Middle-Octoraro; April 13th, 1774. At the opening of the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania. / |
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Microfiche 1227 13396, Box 42
At a meeting of the committees appointed by the several counties of the province of Maryland, at the city of Annapolis, the 22d day of June, 1774, and continued by adjournment from day to day, till the 25th day of the same month ... |
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Microfiche 1227 13397, Box 42
Laws of Maryland made and passed at a session of Assembly, begun and held at the city of Annapolis, on Tuesday the sixteenth day of November, in the third year of the dominion of the Right Honourable Henry Harford, Esq; absolute lord and proprietary of the province of Maryland, and ended the twenty-third day of December, Anno Domini 1773. : Published by authority. |
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Microfiche 1227 13398, Box 42
Laws of Maryland made and passed at a session of Assembly, begun and held at the city of Annapolis, on Wednesday the twenty-third day of March, in the third year of the dominion of the Right Honourable Henry Harford, Esq; Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the province of Maryland, and ended the nineteenth day of April, anno Domini 1774. : Published by authority. |
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Microfiche 1227 13400, Box 42
Votes and proceedings of the Lower House of Assembly of the province of Maryland March session, 1774. Being the third session of this Assembly. |
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Microfiche 1227 13404, Box 42
Acts and laws, passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England begun and held at Boston upon Wednesday the twenty-sixth day of May, 1773, and continued by sundry prorogations to Wednesday the 26th of January following, and then met. |
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Microfiche 1227 13405, Box 42
Acts and laws, passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the province of Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England begun and held at Boston, upon Wednesday the twenth-fifth [sic] day of May 1774, from thence continued by adjournment to Tuesday the seventh day of June following and then met at Salem, in the county of Essex. |
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Microfiche 1227 13406, Box 42
An act of Parliament passed in the fourteenth year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Third. 1774 |
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Microfiche 1227 13407, Box 42
Acts and laws, passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England begun and held at Boston, in the county of Suffolk, upon Wednesday the twenty-sixth day of May, 1773; and from thence continued by prorogation, to Wednesday the twenty-sixth day of January following, and then met. |
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Microfiche 1227 13408, Box 42
Acts and laws, passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the province of Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England begun and held at Boston, upon Wednesday the twenty-fifth day of May 1774, from thence continued by prorogation to Tuesday the seventh day of June following and then met at Salem, in the county of Essex. |
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Microfiche 1227 13409, Box 42
An act of Parliament passed in the fourteenth year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Third. 1774 |
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Microfiche 1227 13410, Box 42
An act of Parliament, passed in the fourteenth year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Third, 1774 |
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Microfiche 1227 13411, Box 42
An act, passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England begun and held at Boston, on Wednesday the twenty-fifth day of May, 1774, and from thence continued by adjournment to Tuesday the seventh day of June following, and then met at Salem in the county of Essex. |
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Microfiche 1227 13413, Box 42
Massachusets-Bay [i.e. Massachusetts-Bay]. By the governor. A proclamation for a publick fast ... Thursday the fourteenth day of April next ... Given at the Council-chamber in Boston the seventh day of March ... 1774. |
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Microfiche 1227 13414, Box 42
By the governor. A proclamation Whereas a number of persons unlawfully assembled at Cambridge, in the month of October last, calling themselves a Provincial Congress ... Given at Boston, this tenth day of November ... 1774. |
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