Microfiche 1227 13522, Box 43
By the Honourable John Penn, Esquire, governor and commander in chief of the province of Pennsylvania ... a proclamation Whereas I have just received a letter from the Right Honourable the Earl of Dartmouth ... Given ... at Philadelphia, on the second day of November ... one thousand seven hundred and seventy-four. |
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Microfiche 1227 13523, Box 43
Votes and proceedings of the House of Representatives of the province of Pennsylvania met at Philadelphia, on the fourteenth of October, anno Domini 1773, and continued by adjournments. |
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Microfiche 1227 13525, Box 43
Votes and proceedings of the House of Representatives of the province of Pennsylvania Beginning the fifteenth day of October, 1744. : Volume the fourth. |
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Microfiche 1227 13531, Box 43
The New-Year's verses, of those who carry the Pennsylvania journal to the customers Philadelphia, January 1, 1774. |
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Microfiche 1227 13533, Box 43
January 17, 1774. Supplement to the American flint glass manufactory Pettie's Island Cash Lottery for disposing of sundry very valuable buildings and lots of land, situated as in the following scheme described. |
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Microfiche 1227 13534, Box 43
At a meeting at the Philosophical Society's hall on Friday, June 10th, and then by adjournment on Saturday, of the committee and a number of respectable inhabitants called in from all societies in town, to devise, consult, and deliberate upon propositions, to be laid before the general meeting of the inhabitants The following propositions were unanimously agreed on. |
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Microfiche 1227 13535, Box 43
Sir, You are desired to attend a special meeting of the committee at the Philosophical Hall, on Wednesday next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, appointed to consider of the subscriptions for Boston, and bringing that affair to a conclusion. ... |
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Microfiche 1227 13536, Box 43
Sir, You are desired to attend a special meeting of the committee this [blank] at [blank] o'clock precisely, at the Carpenter's Hall |
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Microfiche 1227 13537, Box 43
The freeholders and other electors, in the city of Philadelphia, in the Northern Liberties, and district of Southwark, are requested to attend at ten o'clock to-morrow morning, at the State-House, in order to chuse a committee, agreeable to the resolves of Congress |
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Microfiche 1227 13538, Box 43
Committee chamber, December 6, 1774 The committee, taking into consideration the tenth article of the Association of the General Congress, do unanimously resolve, that the said article requires the opening of all packages of goods imported after the first day of December, and before the first of February. |
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Microfiche 1227 13539, Box 43
In committee, December 14, 1774 Resolved, that the proceedings of this committee on November 30th, concerning the killing of sheep be republished in the English and German newspapers, and also in hand bills, to be dispersed through the markets of this city, viz. |
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Microfiche 1227 13541, Box 43
An account of the births and burials in the United Congregations of Christ-Church and St. Peter's, in Philadelphia from December 25, 1773, to December 25, 1774. / |
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Microfiche 1227 13542, Box 43
An account of the births and burials in St. Paul's Church, in Philadelphia from December 25, 1773, to December 25, 1774. / |
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Microfiche 1227 13544, Box 43
Rules and constitutions of the Society of Englishmen, and Sons of Englishmen, Established at Philadelphia, for the Advice and Assistance of Englishmen in Distress |
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Microfiche 1227 13545, Box 43
Philadelphia, September 1st, 1774 [Five lines from Euripides] : "We have long since indeed lost the right names of things from amongst us. |
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Microfiche 1227 13548, Box 43
A Poem, occasioned by hearing the late Reverend George Whitefield preach |
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Microfiche 1227 13550, Box 43
Kurzgefasste Prufungen der Lehre des ewigen Evangeliums womit deutlich gezeiget wird, dass man die Wiederbringung aller Dinge in der heiligen Schrift vergeblich suchet. / |
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Microfiche 1227 13551, Box 43
The Poor man's advice to his poor neighbours a ballad, to the tune of Chevy-Chace. |
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Microfiche 1227 13552, Box 43
Act of the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania, for a public fast At Philadelphia, the seventh day of November, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-four years. |
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Microfiche 1227 13553, Box 43
A free and calm consideration of the unhappy misunderstandings and debates, which have of late years arisen, and yet subsist, between the Parliament of Great-Britain, and these American colonies Contained, in eight letters, six whereof, directed to a gentleman of distinction in England, formerly printed in the Essex gazette. The other two, directed to a friend. / |
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