Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 13655, Box 43 To the freeborn citizens of New-York Gentlemen, As I conclude every individual is now called upon to contribute his mite in supporting the cause of liberty. 1
Microfiche 1227 13656, Box 43 To the freeholders, freemen, and inhabitants of the city of New-York; and particularly to our steady friends and associates, the children and Negroes of the said city The petition of Isaac Sheer-off, Alexander M'Doubtful, Peter Van-der-fight-not, and others, their adherents and abettors; : Most impudently sheweth, that as a non-importation is said to be concluded on, and a non-exportation in contemplation. 1
Microfiche 1227 13657, Box 43 To the freemen, freeholders, and other inhabitants of the city and county of New-York Gentlemen, In times of public danger, I conceive it to be the indispensable duty of every member of the community to communicate his sentiments to the fellow citizens on public affairs. 1
Microfiche 1227 13658, Box 43 To the inhabitants of New-York My dear friends and fellow citizens, At a time when slavery is clanking her infernal chains, and tyranny stands ready with goads and whips ... your country has been basely robbed (by the officers of the customs) of a considerable number of arms, which were legally exported from Great Britain, and imported here, in the ship Lady Gage. 1
Microfiche 1227 13659, Box 43 To the inhabitants of the city and colony of New-York Fathers, brethren, and fellow countrymen, In this alarming crisis, of our public affairs, it is the incumbent duty of every well wisher to the rights and privileges of this much injured country. 1
Microfiche 1227 13660, Box 43 To the inhabitants of the city and colony of New-York From Mess. Bradfords' paper of the 22d instant, the following judicious proposals, to the people of Pennsylvania, are reprinted, as being equally well adapted to this and several other colonies under similar circumstances. ... Of the several modes of appointing deputies for a general congress, their nomination by representatives met in a legislative capacity would, perhaps, be most generally approved. 1
Microfiche 1227 13661, Box 43 To the inhabitants of the city and county of New-York Gentlemen, You will be called together on Thursday next, to meet at the city-hall, at twelve o'clock, to confirm the nomination of delegates, to represent this city and county in a general congress. 1
Microfiche 1227 13662, Box 43 To the inhabitants of the city and county of New-York The committee appointed by the inhabitants of this city, on the 19th instant, at the coffee-house, for drawing up, and reporting to them, a set of constitutional resolves, do hereby request them to assemble at the City-Hall ... in order to receive the report of the said committee. 1
Microfiche 1227 13663, Box 43 To the inhabitants of the township of [blank.] At a meeting of a respectable body of the freeholders inhabitants of the county of Chester, on Saturday the 18th of June, 1774 ... the following propositions were deliberately and unanimously agreed to viz. 1
Microfiche 1227 13664, Box 43 To the manufacturers and mechanics of Philadelphia, the Northern Liberties, and district of Southwark Friends and brethren! At this very interesting and alarming crisis. 1
Microfiche 1227 13665, Box 43 To the people of New-York Though the association lately set on foot, was on pretence of keeping the peace of the city, yet it is evident that it has a direct tendency to disturb that peace. 1
Microfiche 1227 13666, Box 43 To the public. City of New-York, ss Personally appeared before me, Benjamin Blagge, Esq; one of His Majesty's justices of the peace for the city and county of New-York, Thomas Mesnard. 1
Microfiche 1227 13668, Box 43 To the public As the merchants of this city have nobly refused letting their vessels to the tools of government, for the base purpose of transporting troops and military stores to Boston ... it is therefore hoped that no pilot will be found so lost to all sense of duty to his country, as to assist in that detestable work. 1
Microfiche 1227 13670, Box 43 To the public The late detestation shewn by the friends of liberty in this city, to the venal and arbitrary conduct of Lord North, Governor Hutchinson, and Solicitor Wedderburn. 1
Microfiche 1227 13671, Box 43 To the public The long expected tea ship arrived last night at Sandy-Hook, but the pilot would not bring up the captain till the sense of the city was known. 1
Microfiche 1227 13672, Box 43 To the public The sense of the city relative to the landing the India Company's tea ... it is the desire of a number of the citizens, that at his departure from hence, he should see ... their detestation of the measures pursued by the ministry and the India Company. 1
Microfiche 1227 13673, Box 43 To the public The spirit of the times renders it necessary for the inhabitants of this city to convene, in order effectually to avert the destructive consequences of the late base, inglorious conduct of our General Assembly ... to vote supplies to the troops. 1
Microfiche 1227 13674, Box 43 To the publick. New-York, October 5, 1774 By Mr. Rivere [i.e., Revere], who left Boston on Friday last ... we have certain intelligence that the carpenters and masons who had inadvertently undertaken to erect barracks for the soldiers in that town ... unanimously broke up. 1
Microfiche 1227 13675, Box 43 To the publick. New-York, October 27, 1774 Whereas Thomas Charles Williams ... has, in a most daring manner, insulted the inhabitants of British America, by purchasing and shipping 17 packages of tea ... whoever shall be found to harbour or conceal the said Williams, will be deemed an enemy to the liberties of America, and treated accordingly. 1
Microfiche 1227 13676, Box 43 To the public. Stop him! Stop him! Stop him! In this day of trial--at this great and important period--when our lives liberties, and estates; nay, when our very religion and all that is, or can be, dear to us, as freemen, are at stake: we cannot be too careful, to preserve the confidence of our brethren in the other colonies. 1