Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 13626, Box 43 The Singular and diverting behaviour of Doctor Marriot, His Majesty's Advocate General who was examined concerning the religion and laws of Quebec: and found means from his incomparable wit and subtilty, to defeat the purposes for which he was brought to the bar of Parliament, on the 3d of June, 1774. 1
Microfiche 1227 13627, Box 43 An oration on the beauties of liberty, or The essential rights of the Americans Delivered at the Second Baptist-Church in Boston. Upon the annual thanksgiving, December 3d, 1772. Dedicated to the Right Honourable the Earl of Dartmouth. / 1
Microfiche 1227 13628, Box 43 An answer to many slanderous reports cast on the Baptists, at Ashfield Wherein is shewn, the first rise and growth of the Baptist church there, together with the sufferings they have passed through. / 1
Microfiche 1227 13630, Box 43 Some fugitive thoughts on a letter signed Freeman, addressed to the deputies, assembled at the High Court of Congress in Philadelphia 1
Microfiche 1227 13631, Box 43 The Judgment of whole kingdoms and nations, concerning the rights, power, and prerogative of kings, and the rights, privileges & properties of the people shewing the nature of government in general, both from God and man. An account of the British government; and the rights and privileges of the people in the time of the Saxons, and since the Conquest. The government which God ordained over the children of Israel; and that all magistrates and governors proceed from the people, by many examples in Scripture and history; and the duty of magistrates from Scripture and reason. An account of eleven emperors, and above fifty kings, depriv'd for their evil government. The right of the people and Parliament of Britain, to resist and deprive their kings for evil government, by King Henry's charter; and likewise in Scotland, by many examples. ... / 1
Microfiche 1227 13632, Box 43 The Judgment of whole kingdoms and nations, concerning the rights, power and prerogative of kings, and the rights, privileges and properties of the people shewing the nature of government in general, both from God and man. An account of the British government and the rights and privileges of the people in the time of the Saxons, and since the Conquest. The government which God ordained over the children of Israel; and that all magistrates and governors proceed from the people, by many examples in Scripture and history, and the duty of magistrates from Scripture and reason. An account of eleven emperors, and above fifty kings deprived for their evil government. The rights of the people and Parliament of Britain, to resist and deprive their kings for their evil government, by King Henry's charter, and likewise in Scotland, by many examples. 1
Microfiche 1227 13637, Box 43 The office and authority of a justice of peace explained and digested, under proper titles To which are added, full and correct precedents of all kinds of process necessary to be used by magistrates; in which also the duty of sheriffs, and other publick officers, is properly discussed. / 1
Microfiche 1227 13638, Box 43 The North-American's almanack, and gentlemen and ladies diary, for the year of our Lord Christ, 1775 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, in New-England. Lat. 42 deg 25 min. north. / 1
Microfiche 1227 13639, Box 43 To be sold by the subscriber, by way of public vendue, on Tuesday the first day of June (if not sold before by private sale) the following tracts of land, forge, lots and houses, viz. ... 1
Microfiche 1227 13641, Box 43 The works of Laurence Sterne, A.M. Prebendary of York, and Vicar of Sutton on the Forest, and of Stillington, near York With the life of the author. : In five volumes. : Vol. I[-V] 1
Microfiche 1227 13643, Box 43 The love of our country recommended and enforced in a sermon from Psalm CXXII. 7. Delivered on a day of public thansgiving [sic], December 15, 1774. / 1
Microfiche 1227 13644, Box 43 A sermon, preached at the ordination of the Reverend Nathan Strong, Pastor of a church in Hartford 1
Microfiche 1227 13645, Box 43 Watson's register, and Connecticut almanack, for the year of our Lord, 1775 ... Calculated for the meridian of Hartford, lat. 41 deg. 56 min. north. 1
Microfiche 1227 13646, Box 43 At a meeting of the delegates of every town and district in the county of Suffolk on Tuesday the sixth of September, at the house of Mr. Richard Woodward of Dedham, and by adjournment at the house of Mr. Daniel Vose of Milton, on Friday the ninth instant ... a committee was chosen to bring in a report to the convention, and the following being several times read and put paragraph by paragraph, was unanimously voted, viz. 1
Microfiche 1227 13647, Box 43 The American harmony, or, Universal psalmodist Vol. II. Containing, a choice and valuable collection of psalm and hymn-tunes; canons and anthems; with words adapted to each tune. The whole composed in a new and easy taste, for two, three and four voices; in the most familiar keys and cliffs:--calculated to promote and improve this most excellent part of social worship; and render it both useful and delightful; in quires, as well as in congregations in the country. /
The American harmony, or, Royal melody complete In two volumes. : Vol. I. Containing, I. A new and correct introduction to the grounds of music, rudemental, practical and technical. II. A new and complete body of church music, adapted to the most select portions of the Book of Psalms, of either versions; with many fuging chorus's, and Gloria Patri's to the whole. III. A new and select number of hymns, anthems, and canons, suited to several occasions; and many of them never before printed; set by the greatest masters in the world. The whole are composed in two, three, four and five musical parts, according to the nicest rules; consisting of solo's, fuges, and chorus's, correctly set in score for voices or organ; and fitted for all teachers, learners, and musical societies, &c. /
Microfiche 1227 13648, Box 43 The Philadelphia newest almanack, for the year of our Lord 1775. ... 1
Microfiche 1227 13649, Box 43 An address, occasioned by the late invasion of the liberties of the American colonies by the British Parliament delivered in Charlestown, South Carolina. / 1
Microfiche 1227 13650, Box 43 Essay on the character, manners, and genius of women in different ages 1
Microfiche 1227 13651, Box 43 The Virginian Baptist: or A view and defence of the Christian religion, as it is professed by the Baptists of Virginia In three parts: containing a true and faithful account I[.] Of their principles. II. Of their order as a church. III. Of the principal objections made against them, especially in this colony, with a serious answer to each of them. / 1
Microfiche 1227 13653, Box 43 To John M. S-----, Esq Sir, It was not from any respect which is due to your character, or dread of your much talked of abilities, that would have induced me so long to remain silent. 1