Microfiche 1227 1510, Box 6
Orphanotrophium. Or, Orphans well-provided for An essay, on the care taken in the divine Providence for children when their parents forsake them. : With proper advice to both parents and children, that the care of heaven may be the more conspicuously & comfortably obtained for them. : Offered in a sermon, on a day of prayer, kept with a religious family, (28.d. 1.m. 1711) whose honourable parents were lately by mortality taken from them. / |
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Microfiche 1227 1511, Box 6
Perswasions from the terror of the Lord A sermon concerning, the day of judgment; preached on a solemn occasion, 15. d. 2. m. 1711. / |
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Microfiche 1227 1512, Box 6
Burnings bewailed in a sermon, occasioned by the lamentable fire which was in Boston, Octob. 2. 1711. In which the sins which provoke the Lord to kindle fires, are enquired into. / |
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Microfiche 1227 1513, Box 6
A discourse concerning the death of the righteous Occasioned by the deaths of the Honourable, John Foster Esqr. who dyed at Boston in New-England Feb. 9th. 1710,11. And his pious consort, Mrs. Abigail Foster. Who departed soon after him, viz. on the 5th. of March. / |
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Microfiche 1227 1516, Box 6
Meditations on the glory of the heavenly world I. On the happiness of the soul of believers, at the instant of their separation from their bodies. II. On the glory of the bodies of God's children, in the resurrection world, when they shall be as the angels of heaven. III. On the glory of both soul and body in the heaven of heavens, after the day of judgment, to all eternity. / |
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Microfiche 1227 1517, Box 6
The answer of several ministers in and near Boston, to that case of conscience, whether it is lawful for a man to marry his wives own sister? |
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Microfiche 1227 1519, Box 6
Acts passed by the General Assembly of the colony of New-Jersey, in January and February, 1710 [1711 N.S.]. being the ninth year of Her Majestys reign |
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Microfiche 1227 1520, Box 6
A journal of the votes of the General Assembly of Her Majesties colony of Nova-Casarea or New-Jersey, in America Beginning the sixth of December, 1710. under the administration of His Excellency Coll. Robert Hunter, Esq. captain general and governor in chief of New-Jersey, New-York, and all the territories thereunto belonging, and vice admiral of the same. |
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Microfiche 1227 1521, Box 6
Acts passed by the General Assembly of the colony of New-York, in July and August 1711. being the tenth year of Her Majesties reign |
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Microfiche 1227 1522, Box 6
An act passed by the General Assembly of the colony of New York, in July, 1711. being the tenth year of Her Majesty's reign |
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Microfiche 1227 1523, Box 6
By His Excellency Robert Hunter, Esq; captain general and governour in chief of the provinces of New-York, New-Jersey ... a proclamation Considering that true religion and piety are the only firm foundations of the prosperity of any people, and irreligion, immorality and prophaneness the causes of their misery and destruction, are truths attested by the Holy Scriptures, and confirmed by the suffrages of all ages. ... Given under my hand and seal at Fort Anne in New-York this twelfth day of January ... annoq; Dom. 1711 [1712 New Style] |
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Microfiche 1227 1524, Box 6
A journal of the votes of the General Assembly of Her Majesties colony of New-York, in America |
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Microfiche 1227 1525, Box 6
The great concern: or, A serious warning to a timely and thorough preparation for death with help and directions in order thereunto. / |
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Microfiche 1227 1526, Box 6
An almanack of the coelestial motions, aspects & eclipses, for the year of the Christian aera, 1712 ... Fitted for the meridian of Boston in N. England, being about 71 deg. westward of the meridian of London, and in lat. 42. 24 min. north. / |
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Microfiche 1227 1527, Box 6
A sort of believers never saved. Or, The danger of miscarrying in point of salvation, by a false ineffectual faith; a faith having no root; whereby many professors either fall away after hopeful beginnings; or miss of heaven in the height of their hopes The substance of two sermons; part of the opening and applying the parable of the sower, and the seed that fell on the rock, Luk. viii. 13. / |
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Microfiche 1227 1528, Box 6
An almanack for the year of Christian account 1712 ... Also monthly, and meteorological observations for the province of Pensilvania / |
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Microfiche 1227 1529, Box 6
The alsufficient physician tendering to heal the political and spiritual wounds & sicknesses of a distressed province As it was discoursed in a sermon preached before His Excellency the governour, the Honourable Council and representatives of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, on May 30. 1711. Which was the day for election of Her Majesties [sic] Council for that province. / |
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Microfiche 1227 1530, Box 6
An almanack of the coelestial motions, aspects & eclipses, for the year of the Christian aera, 1712 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston in N.E. where the Artick Pole is elevated 42 deg. 25 min. but may indifferently serve any part of New England. / |
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Microfiche 1227 1531, Box 6
An explicatory catechism: or, An explanation of the Assemblies Shorter catechism Wherein all the answers in the Assemblies catechism are taken abroad in under-questions and answers, the truths explain'd, & prov'd by reason and Scripture; several cases of conscience resolv'd, some chief controversies in religion stated, with arguments against divers errors: useful to be read in private families, after examination in the catechism it self, for the more clear and through [sic] understanding of what is therein learn'd. / |
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Microfiche 1227 1532, Box 6
Assembling at the house of God, or, A sermon shewing, that Christians should quicken one another, to attend God's publick worship Preached on the Lords-Day. February 11. 1710,11. / |
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