Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Microfiche 1227 15513, Box 48 | Day and night signals for the fleet belonging to the state of Pennsylvania: under the command of [blank] Esquire. : Published by order of the Navy Board. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15514, Box 48 | General orders. Philadelphia, April 11. 1777 The commanding officers of the several Continental corps now in this city, to make immediate returns to the quarter-master general. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15517, Box 48 | Head quarters, York, August 23, 1777 The danger this state is at present exposed to from the British Army rendering it necessary that the commander in chief of the forces within this state be furnished with the completest information of the military circumstances of the country. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15518, Box 48 | Hints and instructions concerning the collecting and levying of the money paid to substitutes in the militia of Pennsylvania | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15519, Box 48 | I do hereby certify, that [blank] hath voluntarily taken and subscribed the affirmation of allegiance and fidelity ... | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15523, Box 48 | In Council of Safety. Philadelphia, January 22, 1777 Resolved, that Colonel Melcher, barrack-master general, be directed to quarter the militia upon the non-associators in this city. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15525, Box 48 | In Council. Philadelphia, April 9, 1777. To the people of Pennsylvania By the intelligence which the Council have this day received from General Putnam, the enemy are in motion toward South-Amboy, and it is probable they will, once more, attempt to pass through New-Jersey, and endeavour to gain possession of the city of Philadelphia. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15526, Box 48 | In Council. Philadelphia, July 9, 1777 Gentlemen, The Honourable House of General Assembly of this state did, on the 14th day of last month, resolve, "That proper persons be authorised by the president or vice-president in Council, in the city of Philadelphia, and in the counties of Philadelphia, Bucks and Chester, to search for and take an account of all the flour, wheat, grain, or other stores. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15527, Box 48 | In Council. Philadelphia, 28th July, 1777 Sir, The following lines come to you from Council in the most pressing exigency of public affairs, in which the very existence of this state is threatened. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15528, Box 48 | In Council. Philadelphia, September 4, 1777 Resolved, that the militia of this state, who have taken, or shall hereafter take, arms or blankets into the field. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15529, Box 48 | In Council of Safety. Lancaster, 21st October, 1777 Whereas divers of the inhabitants of this common-wealth, not regarding their duty to the state, but renouncing their allegiance thereto, and disclaiming the protection thereof, have wickedly joined themselves to our unnatural enemies. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15532, Box 48 | In General Assembly. Thursday, June 5th, 1777. The House then proceeded in the second reading ... | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15533, Box 48 | In General Assembly, Friday, June 6, 1777 The bill intitled, "A supplement to the act, intitled, An act directing the mode of collecting the fines imposed on persons who did not meet and exercise, in order to learn the art military." | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15534, Box 48 | In General Assembly, for the state of Pennsylvania. Thursday, June 12, 1777 On motion, resolved, that this House will recommend it to the inhabitants of this common-wealth, to give their sense of the present dispute respecting the calling a convention. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15535, Box 48 | In General Assembly for the Common-wealth of Pennsylvania. Tuesday, June 17, 1777. P.M An act to empower the trustees of the General Loan-Office of the state of Pennsylvania to pay out of the monies which remain in their hands. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15536, Box 48 | In General Assembly. Monday, September 15, 1777. A.M The bill entituled, "An act to impower the Supreme Executive Council of this common-wealth, to provide for the security thereof in special cases where no provision is already made by law," | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15537, Box 48 | In pursuance of a writ to me directed, under the hand and seal of John Jacobs, Esquire, speaker of the Honourable House of Assembly of the state of Pennsylvania, dated at Philadelphia the day of the date hereof ... | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15538, Box 48 |
Journal and proceedings of the General Assembly of the Common-wealth of Pennsylvania Minutes of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania commencing at their sitting at Philadelphia, September 3d, to their adjournment from thence to Lancaster, on the 18th of September; and of their sitting at Lancaster, on the 25th September, to their rising, October 13th, 1777. |
2 |
Microfiche 1227 15539, Box 48 | Laws enacted in a General Assembly of the representatives of the freemen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Begun and held at Philadelphia the twenty-eighth day of November, A.D. one thousand, seven hundred and seventy-six, and continued by adjournments to the twenty-first day of March, A.D. one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 15540, Box 48 | Laws enacted in a General Assembly of the representatives of the freemen of the Common-wealth of Pennsylvania Begun and held at Philadelphia the twelfth day of May, A.D. one thousand, seven hundred and seventy-seven, and continued by adjournment to Lancaster, until the fourteenth day of October, A.D. one thousand, seven hundred and seventy seven. | 1 |