Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 1721, Box 7 Five sermons viz. The first on Septemb. 30. 1711. From Psal. 73. 1. Being the last deliver'd in the Old Meeting-House, which was burnt, October 2d. 1711. The second from Lam. 3. 51. At the South Meeting-House in Boston, on Octob. 7. 1711. Being the first Lords-Day after the fire. The third on Decemb. 18. 1711. From Psal. 26. 8. Being on a fast, kept by the Old Church: occasion'd by the burning of their meeting-house. The fourth on May 3. 1713. From Hag. 2. 9. Being the first in the Brick Meeting-House, where the former was burnt. The fifth on Nov. 12. 1713. From Zech. 4. 7. A thanksgiving sermon, for God's goodness in providing a new meeting-house for the Old Church. : With a preface, giving some account of the fire, Octob. 2. 1711. / 1
Microfiche 1227 1722, Box 7 An help to get knowledge: or, An essay, familiarly to explain the Assemblies Catechism, to the capacity of the weakest learners; and prove the truths therein contained, by plain Scripture 1
Microfiche 1227 1723, Box 7 Practical godliness the way to prosperity A sermon preached before the General Assembly of the colony of Connecticut, at Hartford in New England, May 13. 1714. The day for the election of the Honourable the governour, the deputy governour, and the worshipful the Assistants there. / 1
Microfiche 1227 1724, Box 7 The farmers almanack (corrected & amended,) for the year 1714 1
Microfiche 1227 1725, Box 7 The psalms hymns, and spiritual songs, of the Old & New-Testament 1
Microfiche 1227 1728, Box 7 Sinners directed to hear & fear, and do no more so wickedly Being an impartial account of the inhumane and barbarbous murder, committed by Jeremiah Meacham, on his wife and her sister, at Newport on Rhode-Island, March 22d. 1715. : With some account of his life, tryal, carriage before and after condemnation; his confession, prayers, and last dying words at the place of execution, which was April the 12th. 1715. : Also a sermon preached in his hearing: on Psalm LI. 17. / 1
Microfiche 1227 1729, Box 7 The Lord's voice, crying to his people in some extraordinary dispensations considered in a sermon, upon Micah VI. 9. Preached 27 d. 1 m. 1715. Occasioned by the terrible tragedies of a man barbarbously murdering his wife and her sister, and then burning his house, March 22, 1715. : Together with some account about the poor man written for the benefit of the living. / 1
Microfiche 1227 1731, Box 7 A devout and humble enquiry into the reasons of the divine council in the death of good men Meditated on the death, and preached at the lecture in Boston on the day of the interment of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Bridge, A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston: who departed this life on Monday, September 26. 1715. / 1
Microfiche 1227 1732, Box 7 A Gospel ministry the rich gift of the ascended Saviour unto his church As it was represented in a sermon preached August 2. 1715. / 1
Microfiche 1227 1733, Box 7 A holy & useful life recommended from the happy end of it A sermon prech'd upon the death of the honourable and truely vertuous Isaac Addington Esqr. One of the Honourable Council, and secretary of His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, for more than twenty years. Who departed this life, March 19. 1714,15. in the 71. year of his age. / 1
Microfiche 1227 1734, Box 7 A humble discourse of the incomprehensibleness of God In four sermons, preached at the lecture in Boston. 1714. / 1
Microfiche 1227 1735, Box 7 A humble discourse of the incomprehensibleness of God In four sermons, preached at the lecture in Boston. 1714. / 1
Microfiche 1227 1737, Box 7 Some of the honours that religion does unto the fruitful mothers in Israel Meditated upon the birth & preached at the baptism of a child. Boston Jan. 16. 1714,15. / 1
Microfiche 1227 1738, Box 7 Acts and laws, of His Majesties colony of Connecticut in New-England 1
Microfiche 1227 1739, Box 7 Sacramental exercises or, The Christian's employment, before, at, and after the Lords Supper 1
Microfiche 1227 1740, Box 7 The morning and evening prayer, the litany, church catechism, family prayers, and several chapters of the Old and New-Testament 1
Microfiche 1227 1741, Box 7 The young American ephemeris for the year of the Christian aera, 1715 ... Fitted to the latitude of 40 degrees north, and, a meridian of 75 degrees west from London. / 1
Microfiche 1227 1742, Box 7 His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Monday, March the 21st. 1714,15 1
Microfiche 1227 1744, Box 7 The history of the kingdom of Basaruah containing a relation of the most memorable transactions, revolutions and heroick exploits in that kingdom, from the first foundation thereof unto this present time. : Collected from the most antient records of that country, and translated into our language, not only for delight, but for the abundant instruction that may be learned there-from, in these remote parts. : Written in discharge of the trust reposed in the author by His Majesty, for the discovery of foreign things. / 1
Microfiche 1227 1746, Box 7 Three practical discourses I. Man's last end; or, The soul's farewell to the world. Being a serious warning for the timely preparation for death. By Mr. J. Janeway. II. A golden chain of four links: or, The four last things briefly discours'd of. Viz. Death; which is most certain, judgment, which is most strict. Hell, which is most dismal. Heaven, which is most delightful. With some directions to die well, in order to avoid hell, and obtain heaven. III. A sermon on Dives & Lazarus. Published for the greater comfort of those that taste the bitterness of affliction. The two last, by famous authors. : [Two lines from Psalms] 1