Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Microfiche 1227 1747, Box 7 | Leeds, 1715. The American almanack for the year of Christian account 1715 ... Fitted to the latitude of 40 degrees, and a meridian of five hours west from London ... / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1749, Box 7 | The Mariners divine mate: or, Spiritual navigation improved In the right management of the heavenly voyage, by every one that intends to be saved. : With serious observations, and profitable application. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1750, Box 7 | Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England begun and held at Boston upon Wednesday the twenty-fifth of May, 1715. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1751, Box 7 | Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England begun and held at Boston upon Wednesday the twenty-fifth of May, 1715. And continued by prorogation unto Wednesday the twentieth day of July following, and then met. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1752, Box 7 | Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England begun and held at Boston upon Wednesday the twenty-fifth of May, 1715. And continued by several prorogations unto Wednesday the twenty-third day of November following, and then met. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1753, Box 7 | Journal of the House of Representatives At a Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, begun & held at Boston, upon Wednesday the 25th day of May, anno Domini, 1715. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1754, Box 7 | Benedictus Good men described, and the glories of their goodness, declared. With some character & history of one who belonged unto the tribe: namely, Mr. Thomas Bridge, a late Pastor of the First-Church in Boston; who expired, 26 d. VII m. 1715. : Whereto there is added, an instrument, which he wrote, when he drew near his end, and left as a legacy to survivers, relating some of his experiences; and offering some testimonies to the cause of religion. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1756, Box 7 | The grand point of solicitude A very brief essay upon Divine desertions; the symptoms of them, and methods of preventing them. : A sermon published for the service of others, by one of the hearers, more particularly affected in the hearing of it. : [One line in Latin from Alsted] | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1757, Box 7 | Just commemorations The death of good men, considered; and the characters of some who have lately died in the service of the churches, exhibited. : Unto which there is added, a brief account of the evangelical work among the Christianized Indians of New-England; whereof one of the persons here commemorated, was a valuable and memorable instrument. : [Three lines of quotation] | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1759, Box 7 | A monitor for communicants An essay to excite and assist religious approaches to the table of the Lord. : Offered by an assembly of the New-English pastors, unto their own flocks, and unto all the churches in these American colonies: with a solemn testimony to that cause of God, and religion in them. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1760, Box 7 | Nuncia bona e terra longinqua A brief account of some good & great things a doing for the kingdom of God, in the midst of Europe. Communicated in a letter to -- / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1761, Box 7 | Parentalia An essay upon the blessings and comforts reserved for pious children after the death of their pious parents. And a commemoration of two such parents; in a sermon preached on a time of prayer, attended by some Christians in the neighbourhood, with the children of an honourable and religious family; whose father first, and then at some distance of time, their mother, have been taken from them. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1762, Box 7 | The religion of the closet An essay, on the holy employments which are proper for a Christian in his daily retirements. Or, A Christian furnish'd with a companion for solitude. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1763, Box 7 | Shaking dispensations An essay upon the mighty shakes, which the hand of heaven, hath given, and is giving, to the world. : With some useful remarks on the death of the French king, who left off to make the world a wilderness, and to destroy the cities thereof; on the twenty-first of August. 1715. In a sermon on that great occasion, at Boston, New-England. 13 d. VIII m. 1715. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1764, Box 7 |
A sorrowful spectacle In two sermons, occasioned by a just sentence of death, on a miserable woman, for the murder of a spurious offspring. : The one declaring, the evil of an heart hardened, under and against all means of good. : The other describing, the fearful case of such as in a suffering time, and much more such as in a dying hour, are found without the fear of God. : With some remarkable things, relating to the criminal; proper for all to be informed of. / The divine compassions declar'd and magnified: to engage and encourage the greatest sinners unto a speedy and earnest repentance A sermon, preach'd at the lecture in Boston, June 2. 1715. Upon the sorrowful occasion of a miserable woman present, under sentence of death for the murder of her spurious infant. / |
2 |
Microfiche 1227 1765, Box 7 | Successive generations Remarks upon the changes of a dying world, made by one generation passing off, and another generation coming on. : Delivered in the audience of the General Assembly of the Massachusetts-province, New-England. 8d. Xm. 1715. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1766, Box 7 | Verba opportuna The circumstances of Boston considered; on the occasion of some occurrences, with which the minds of the people in that populous place, have been considerably exercised. With fresh and strong inculcations of early piety, on the young people, in a place where temptations to youthful lusts are multiplied. A lecture, on 3d. XIIm. 1714-15. : [Two lines from Ezekiel] | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1767, Box 7 | Several sermons wherein is shewed, I. That Jesus Christ is a mighty Saviour. II. That God converts his elect some at one age, and some at another, commonly before old age. III. That when godly men dye, angels carry their souls to another and a better world. : With a preface in which there is a brief and true character of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Bridge a lately deceased pastor in one of the churches in Boston. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1768, Box 7 | The debtors monitor, directory & comforter: or, The way to get & keep out of debt In three sermons. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 1769, Box 7 | An election sermon, preached before the General Assembly of the colony of Connecticut, at Hartford, May the 12th. 1715 | 1 |