Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 19169, Box 58 State of the accounts of Joseph Kirkbride, Esquire, lieutenant of Bucks County; and of Samuel Smith, Esq. sub-lieutenant of said county, to March 1780 In which is exhibited the amount of the monies received by them for militia fines, and accounted for: : together with lists shewing by whom they were paid; likewise the application and payment of the monies. 1
Microfiche 1227 19170, Box 58 State of the accounts of William M'Henry, Esq. Late sub-lieutenant of Bucks County; from the time of his appointment, in the year 1781, until the 1st of April 1783, except his accounts for the exercise fines of the spring, 1781 In which is exhibited an account of the monies received by him for militia fines, and accounted for: : together with lists shewing by whom they were paid; likewise the application and payment of the monies. 1
Microfiche 1227 19171, Box 58 State of the accounts of Thomas Cheney, Esq. sub-lieutenant of Chester County. And of John Hannum, Esq. from March 1777, to March 1780 In which is exhibited the fines received, the names of the persons by whom the same were paid, and the application of the money. 1
Microfiche 1227 19172, Box 58 State of the accounts of John Christie, Esq. Collector of excise, Chester County From the 26th August, 1783, to 1st October, 1784. 1
Microfiche 1227 19173, Box 58 State of the accounts of John Buchanan, Esq. collector of excise Cumberland County. From 25th April, 1783, to 21st February, 1785 1
Microfiche 1227 19174, Box 58 State of the accounts of the lieutenant and sub-lieutenants of Lancaster County; to the 20th of March 1780 In which is exhibited an account of the monies received by them for militia fines, and accounted for : together with lists shewing by whom they were paid; likewise the application and payment of the monies. 1
Microfiche 1227 19175, Box 58 State of the accounts of the lieutenant and sub-lieutenants of Lancaster County; from 20th March 1780, to March 1781 In which is exhibited an account of the monies received by them for militia fines, and accounted for: : together with lists shewing by whom they were paid; likewise the application and payment of the monies. 1
Microfiche 1227 19176, Box 58 State of the accounts of the lieutenant and sub-lieutenants of Lancaster County; to the 20th of April, 1783 In which is exhibited an account of the monies received by them for militia fines, and accounted for: : together with lists shewing by whom they were paid; likewise the application and payment of the monies. 1
Microfiche 1227 19177, Box 58 State of the accounts of Joshua Elder, Esquire, late sub-lieutenant of Lancaster County In which is exhibited the amount of the monies received by him for militia fines, and accounted for; Together with lists shewing by whom they were paid; likewise the application and payment of the monies. 1
Microfiche 1227 19178, Box 58 State of the accounts of George Graff, Esq. Collector of excise, Lancaster County From the time of his appointment, 24th March, 1784, to the 2d of August, 1784. 1
Microfiche 1227 19179, Box 58 State of the accounts of James Ross, Esquire lieutenant of the county of Lancaster, from the time of his appointment to the 1st August, 1785 In which is exhibited an account of the monies received by him for militia fines, and accounted for: together with a list shewing by whom they were paid; likewise the application and payment of the monies. 1
Microfiche 1227 19180, Box 58 State of the accounts of George Graff, Esq. collector of excise, Northampton County. From the 20th June, 1782, to 20th June, 1784 1
Microfiche 1227 19181, Box 58 State of the accounts of Walter Clarke & William Murray, Esqrs. Sub-lieutenants of Northumberland County In which is exhibited the amount of the monies received by them for militia fines, and accounted for: : together with lists shewing by whom they were paid; likewise the application and payment of the monies. 1
Microfiche 1227 19182, Box 58 State of the accounts of Edward Bartholomew, Esq. Collector of excise for the city and county of Philadelphia From the 22d of Nov. 1783, to the 22d of Nov. 1784. In which is exhibited, the amount of the monies received by him, on account of excise accrued before his appointment; and the amount of monies received on account of excise accruing within the period aforesaid; together with a list of the persons by whom the same were paid. Also, the payments thereof to the treasurer. Likewise the excise accruing since the time of his appointment, which is represented to be yet outstanding. 1
Microfiche 1227 19183, Box 58 State of the accounts of William Henry, Esquire, lieutenant of the city of Philadelphia and districts; from April 1st, 1783, to April 1st, 1785 In which is exhibited an account of the monies received by him for militia fines, and accounted for: : together with lists shewing by whom they were paid; likewise the application and payment of the monies. 1
Microfiche 1227 19184, Box 58 State of the accounts of Jacob Barnitz, Esq. Collector of excise, York County, from the 1st of May, 1784, to 1st of May, 1785 1
Microfiche 1227 19191, Box 58 The only sure guide to the English tongue: or, New pronouncing spelling book Upon the same plan as Perry's Royal standard English dictionary, (which is now made use of in all the celebrated schools in Great-Britain and Ireland, as the most complete compendium of the English language ever yet published.) : To which is added, a comprehensive grammar of the English language; and, a select number of moral tales and fables, for the instruction of youth. : With an appendix ... : For the use of schools, and private families. / 1
Microfiche 1227 19193, Box 58 An address, from the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture with a summary of its laws; and premiums offered. : [Two lines from Swift] 1
Microfiche 1227 19194, Box 58 Introductory lessons, practised by the Uranian Society, held at Philadelphia for promoting the knowledge of vocal music Jan[.] 1, 1785. 1
Microfiche 1227 19195, Box 58 Poems upon several occasions 1