Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 19510, Box 59 Doctor Watts's imitation of the Psalms of David 1
Microfiche 1227 19511, Box 59 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 1
Microfiche 1227 19512, Box 59 The Suffolk harmony consisting of psalm tunes, fuges and anthems. / 1
Microfiche 1227 19513, Box 59 The scholar's guide to arithmetic: or A complete exercise-book, for the use of schools With notes, containing the reason of every rule ... Together with general theorems for the more extensive use of the science. / 1
Microfiche 1227 19514, Box 59 The adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon, one of the first settlers at Kentucke containing the wars with the Indians on the Ohio, from 1769 to 1783, and the first establishment and progress of the settlement on that river. / 1
Microfiche 1227 19515, Box 59 The by-laws and town-orders of the town of Boston made and passed at several meetings in 1785 and 1786. : And duly approved by the Court of Sessions. 1
Microfiche 1227 19516, Box 59 Laws of the Boston Episcopal Charitable Society instituted anno 1724, and incorporated by the government February 1784. 1
Microfiche 1227 19520, Box 59 A philosophical discourse, addressed to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences to which are added three memoirs on philosophical subjects. : The whole extracted from the first volume of the Memoirs of the Academy, lately published. / 1
Microfiche 1227 19521, Box 59 To the freemen of the state of Rhode-Island, &c Gentlemen, Well convinced that the supporters of the present opposition ... have circulated ... that the interest on the state and Continental securities have been paid on the nominal sums, and not on the real value; I have procured a certificate from your general-treasurer, respecting the manner of paying interest on public securities. 1
Microfiche 1227 19522, Box 59 A treatise on agriculture and practical husbandry Designed for the information of landowners and farmers. : With a brief account of the advantages arising from the new method of culture practised in Europe. / 1
Microfiche 1227 19524, Box 59 The Brother's gift: or, The naughty girl reformed [Four lines of verse] 1
Microfiche 1227 19526, Box 59 A regular English syntax Wherein is exhibited the whole variety of English construction, properly exemplified. : To which is added the elegant manner of arranging words and members of sentences. The whole reduced to practice, for the use of private young gentlemen and ladies, as well as of our most eminent schools. / 1
Microfiche 1227 19531, Box 59 A Wonderful discovery of an old hermit, who lived upwards of two hundred years 1
Microfiche 1227 19532, Box 59 A Wonderful discovery of a hermit! Being a most remarkable narrative of a citizen of London, who left his native country on account of being connected with a nobleman's daughter, and sailed in a ship bound for Italy: giving also a particlar account of his being by misfortune shipwrecked and cast on the American shore in the year 1580, and lately found well in a cave back of the Virginia mountains, aged two hundred and twenty seven years, by Capt. James Buckland and Mr. John Fielding, two gentlemen who in June, 1785, were reconnoitering the back country. 1
Microfiche 1227 19535, Box 59 The art of speaking Containing, I. An essay; in which are given rules for expressing properly the principal passions and humours, which occur in reading, or public speaking; and II. Lessons taken from the ancients and moderns (with additions and alterations, where thought useful) exhibiting a variety of matter for practice; with emphatical words printed in italics; with notes of direction referring to the essay. : To which are added, a table of the lessons, and an index of the various passions and humours in the essay and lessons. : [Four lines in Latin from Cicero] 1
Microfiche 1227 19536, Box 59 A sermon, preached at Windsor before His Excellency Thomas Chittenden, Esq; governor, His Honor Paul Spooner, Esq; deputy-governor, the Honorable Council, and the Honorable House of Representatives of the state of Vermont, on the day of the anniversary election, October 13, 1785. / 1
Microfiche 1227 19540, Box 59 The plagi-scurriliad a Hudibrastic poem. Dedicated to Colonel Eleazer Oswald. : [Eight lines of quotations] / 1
Microfiche 1227 19545, Box 59 A surprizing though true account, of the strange & wicked life, and the happy conversion, of Phoebe Fielding, of the city of London shewing the ill consequences of bad company to young women, and the bad tendency of the conduct of parents and friends, in discarding daughters or relations, for accidental deviations from the paths of virtue. / 1
Microfiche 1227 19546, Box 59 The Catholick Christian instructed in the sacraments, sacrifice, ceremonies, and observances of the Church By way of question and answer. / 1
Microfiche 1227 19547, Box 59 God admonishing his people of their duty, as parents and masters A sermon, preached at New-London, December 20th, 1786. Occasioned by the execution of Hannah Ocuish, a mulatto girl, aged 12 years and 9 months. For the murder of Eunice Bolles, aged 6 years and 6 months. / 1