Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Microfiche 1227 21988, Box 68 | The New-England primer improved: or, An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading Adorned with cutts. : To which are added, the Assembly of Divines and Dr. Watt's catechisms. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 21991, Box 68 |
An act, in addition to an act, intitled, "An act to lay out and clear a highway from Barnstead to Northwood in this state," passed February the second, anno domini 1788 An act, to prevent the spreading of the small pox in this state |
2 |
Microfiche 1227 21992, Box 68 | A journal of the proceedings of the Honorable Senate of the state of New-Hampshire at their session of the General-Court, holden at Exeter, on Wednesday, December 24th, 1788. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 21993, Box 68 | A journal of the proceedings of the Honorable Senate, of the state of New-Hampshire at their session of the General Court, holden at Concord, on Wednesday, June 3d, 1789. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 21994, Box 68 | A journal of the poceedings [sic] of the Honourable House of Representatives of the state of New-Hampshire | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 21995, Box 68 | A journal of the proceedings of the Honourable House of Representatives of the state of New-Hampshire from June 3, to June 19, 1789. Concord session. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 21996, Box 68 | The acts and laws of the state of Newhampshire continued from the session of the General Court, June 3, 1789. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 21997, Box 68 | The perpetual laws of the state of New-Hampshire from the session of the General-Court, July 1776, to the session in December 1788, continued into the present year 1789, : compiled and arranged to the wishes of the gentlemen of the law, and under the direction of the General-Court. : Printed from attested copies of the original acts. : [One line of Latin text] | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 22003, Box 68 | Acts of the fourteenth General Assembly of the state of New-Jersey At a session begun at Perth-Amboy on the 27th day of October 1789, and continued by adjournments. : Being the first sitting. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 22004, Box 68 | Journal of the proceedings of the Legislative-Council of the state of New-Jersey in General Assembly convened at Perth-Amboy on the twenty-seventh day of October, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 22005, Box 68 | Catalogus Collegii Naeo-Caesariensis | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 22007, Box 68 | The New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia almanac, and ephemeris, for the year of our Lord 1790. ... | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 22008, Box 68 | Journal of the Assembly of the state of New-York at their twelfth session, begun and holden at the city of Albany, the eleventh day of December, 1788. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 22009, Box 68 | Journal of the Assembly of the state of New-York at the first meeting of their thirteenth session, begun and holden at the city of Albany, the sixth day of July, 1789. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 22010, Box 68 | Journal of the Senate of the state of New-York at their twelfth session, begun and holden at the city of Albany, the eleventh day of December, 1788. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 22011, Box 68 | Journal of the Senate of the state of New-York at the first meeting of their thirteenth session, begun and holden at the city of Albany, the sixth day of July, 1789. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 22012, Box 68 | Laws of the state of New-York comprising the Constitution, and the acts of the legislature since the Revolution, from the first to the twelfth session, inclusive. : Published according to an act of the legislature, passed the 15th April, 1786. : In two volumes. Vol. I[-II]. : [Three lines of quotations] | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 22013, Box 68 | Laws of the state of New-York passed by the Legislature of said state, at their twelfth session. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 22014, Box 68 | Laws of the state of New-York passed by the Legislature of said state at their first meeting of the thirteenth session. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 22018, Box 68 | The charter, bye-laws, and names of the members of the New-York Society Library With a catalogue of the books belonging to the said library. | 1 |