Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 22659, Box 71 Resolves of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts together with the messages, &c. of His Excellency the governour to the said Court: : begun and held at Boston, in the county of Suffolk, on Wednesday the twenty-sixth day of May, anno domini, 1790; and from thence continued by prorogation and adjournment to Wednesday the fifteenth of September following. 1
Microfiche 1227 22660, Box 71 Tax no. eight Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety. An act, for apportioning and assessing a tax of twenty-five thousand three hundred and sixty pounds three shillings and five pence. 1
Microfiche 1227 22661, Box 71 Medical papers, communicated to the Massachusetts Medical Society To which are subjoined, extracts from various authors, containing some of the improvements, which have lately been made in physic and surgery. : Published by the Society : Number I. 1
Microfiche 1227 22665, Box 71 The faith and profession of the Gospel A discourse delivered at Hingham, the Second Parish, at an association of the ministers of that vicinity, April 8, 1789. / 1
Microfiche 1227 22666, Box 71 A form of discipline, for the ministers, preachers and members (now comprehending the principles and doctrines) of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America considered and approved at a conference held at Baltimore, in the state of Maryland, on Monday the 27th of December, 1784: in which Thomas Coke, and Francis Asbury, presided: : arranged under proper heads, and methodised in a more acceptable and easy manner. 1
Microfiche 1227 22667, Box 71 A Pocket hymn-book designed as a constant companion for the pious. / 1
Microfiche 1227 22668, Box 71 A Methodist's remonstrance, addressed to a certain clergyman, &c With the clergyman's answer. : [Three lines from John] 1
Microfiche 1227 22670, Box 71 The Charleston directory, and revenue system 1
Microfiche 1227 22671, Box 71 Paradise regain'd a poem in four books. / 1
Microfiche 1227 22673, Box 71 A collection of about fifty religious letters expressing the various duties and exercises, losses and crosses, trials and discouragements in the world, the graces, abilities and consolations in Christ attending the Christian in this life. : Written to divers persons, ministers and others. / 1
Microfiche 1227 22675, Box 71 The gamester a tragedy, : as performed by the Old American Company. At the theatre, in Southwark. Philadelphia. / 1
Microfiche 1227 22676, Box 71 The Young gentleman and lady's monitor, and English teacher's assistant being a collection of select pieces from our best modern writers: calculated to eradicate vulgar prejudices and rusticity of manners; improve the understanding; rectify the will; purify the passions; direct the minds of youth to the pursuit of proper objects; and to facilitate their reading, writing, and speaking the English language, with elegance and propriety. : Particularly adapted for the use of our eminent schools ... / 1
Microfiche 1227 22677, Box 71 The Young gentleman and lady's monitor, and English teacher's assistant being a collection of select pieces from our best modern writers: calculated to eradicate vulgar prejudices and rusticity of manners; improve the understanding; rectify the will; purify the passions; direct the minds of youth to the pursuit of proper objects; and to facilitate their reading, writing, and speaking the English language, with elegance and propriety. : Particularly adapted for the use of our eminent schools ... / 1
Microfiche 1227 22678, Box 71 Gaine's New-York pocket almanack, for the year 1791 ... Calculated for this and the neighbouring states. ... / 1
Microfiche 1227 22681, Box 71 Geography made easy being an abridgement of the American geography. ... To which is added, a geographical account of the European settlements in America; and of Europe, Asia and Africa. : Illustrated with eight neat maps and cuts. : Calculated particularly for the use and improvement of schools in the United States. / 1
Microfiche 1227 22682, Box 71 The history of America in two books. Containing, I. A general history of America. II. A concise history of the late Revolution. / 1
Microfiche 1227 22683, Box 71 A sermon preached Lord's-Day, February 28, 1790 upon the death of Richard Cary, Esq. of Charlestown; who died, suddenly, February 7, 1790, in the 73d year of his age. / 1
Microfiche 1227 22684, Box 71 Ouâbi: or The virtues of nature An Indian tale. In four cantos. / 1
Microfiche 1227 22685, Box 71 An almanack and ephemeris, for the year of our Lord, 1791 ... Calculated for lattitude 42, north--and for a meridian 5 hours west of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich: / 1
Microfiche 1227 22686, Box 71 The power of religion on the mind in retirement, sickness, and at death; exemplified in the testimonies and experience of men distinguished by their greatness, learning, or virtue. 1