Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Microfiche 1227 2304, Box 9 | An almanack for the year of our Lord, 1722 ... Calculated to the meridian of Boston in N. England, where the north pole is elevated 42 d. & 25 m. north, and 71 deg. westward from London. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2307, Box 9 | Several arguments proving, that inoculating the small pox is not contained in the law of physick, either natural or divine, and therefore unlawful Together with a reply to two short pieces, one by the Rev. Dr. Increase Mather, and another by an anonymous author, intituled, Sentiments on the small pox inoculated. : And also, a short answer to a late letter in the New England courant. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2309, Box 9 | The duty of parents to transmit religion to their children And of the children of God's covenant people, to know and serve the God of their fathers. : Shew'd in a discourse on I. Chron. 28. 9. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2310, Box 9 | A friendly check, from a kind relation, to the chief cannoneer, founded on a late information, dated N.E. Castle-William, Feb. 1720,21 | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2311, Box 9 | A word of comfort to a melancholy country. Or The bank of credit erected in the Massachusetts-Bay, fairly defended by a discovery of the great benefit, accruing by it to the whole province with a remedy for recovering a civil state when sinking under desperation by defeat on their bank of credit. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2312, Box 9 | What shall I render! A thanksgiving sermon preached at Brooklin, Nov. 8th, 1722. From Psalm CXVI. 12. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2314, Box 9 | An Astronomical diary, or An almanack for the year of Christ, 1723 ... Calculated for the meridian and latitude of New-York, but may, without sensible error, serve the places adjacent. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2316, Box 9 | God giveth the increase An ordination sermon, preached at Bristol, N.E. Aug. 30. 1721. When Mr. Nathanael Cotton was ordained the pastor of the church there. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2317, Box 9 | The psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, of the Old and New-Testament | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2322, Box 9 | The New-England diary, or, Almanack for the year of our Lord, Christ, 1723 ... Apply'd to the horizon of Boston the metropolis of N. England, whose longitude from London, is 289 grs. and from the equator north 42 gr. 25 m. But may without sensible error (tides excepted) serve all the adjacent places from Newfoundland to Carolina. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2323, Box 9 | God's providence in placing men in their respective stations & conditions asserted & shewed A sermon preached before the General Assembly of the colony of Connecticut, at Hartford, May, 10. 1722. The day for electing the Honourable the governour, the deputy-governour, & the worshipful assistants there. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2324, Box 9 |
A discourse had in the College-Hall at Cambridge, March 27. 1722. Before the baptism of R. Judah Monis Moses a witness to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ A discourse had in the College Hall at Cambridge, March 27. 1722. Before the baptism of R. Judah Monis. / The whole truth being a short essay, wherein the author discovers what may be the true reason why the Jewish nation are not as yet converted to Christianity, besides what others have said before him. And likewise, he proves the divinity of Christ, not only with the authority of the sacred oracles, but even by the opinion of the Jewish authors of old; and answers all the objections that the discourse brings forth out of Isai. 9. 6,7. Concluding with a word of exhortation. / The truth being a discourse which the author delivered at his baptism, containing nine principal arguments the modern Jewish Rabbins do make to prove, the Messiah is yet to come: with the answers to each, not only according to the Orthodox opinion, but even with the authority of their own authentick Rabbins of old. : And likewise, with the confession of his faith, at the latter end. : Dedicated to the Jewish nation. : And prefac'd by the Reverend Increase Mather, D.D. / |
4 |
Microfiche 1227 2325, Box 9 | Jacob's vow upon his leaving his fathers house consider'd in a sermon had in private, Octob. 15. 1722. at the desire of a young gentleman, upon his entering on worldly business, and going abroad into the world. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2327, Box 9 | Conductor generalis, or The office, duty and authority of justices of the peace, high-sheriffs, under-sheriffs, goalers, coroners, constables, jurymen, over-seers of the poor, and also the office of clerks of assize and of the peace, &c | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2328, Box 9 | Acts and laws passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's colony of Connecticut begun and held at Hartford, on the tenth day of May, in the eighth year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lord George, King of Great-Britain, &c. Annoque Domini, 1722. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2329, Box 9 | Acts and laws passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties colony of Connecticut in New England begun and held at New Haven on the eleventh day of October, in the ninth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George, King of Great-Britain, &c. Annoque Domini, 1722. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2331, Box 9 | The abuses and scandals of some late pamphlets in favour of inoculation of the small pox, modestly obviated, and inoculation further consider'd in a letter to A- S- M.D. & F.R.S. in London [Three lines of verse] | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2332, Box 9 | Inoculation of the small pox as practised in Boston consider'd in a letter to A-- S-- M.D. & F.R.S. in London. : [Three lines from Hudibras] | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2333, Box 9 | Postscript to Abuses, &c. obviated Being a short and modest answer to matters of fact maliciously misrepresented in a late doggrel [sic] dialogue. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 2334, Box 9 | Christ's famous titles, and A believer's golden chain handl'd in divers sermons. : Together with A cabinet of jewels; or, A glimpse of Sion's glory; : as also Christ's voice to London. : The great day of God's wrath. : The necessity of watching and praying. : With a small treatise on death. / | 1 |