Microfiche 1227 2485, Box 9
An essay, by several ministers of the Gospel for the satisfaction of their pious and consciencious brethren, as to sundry questions and cases of conscience, concerning the singing of psalms, in the publick worship of God, under the present evangelical constitution of the church-state. : Offered to their consideration in the Lord. : Printed at the desire of honourable, reverend and worthy persons; to whom it was communicated, in a venerable council of churches, January 30. 1722, 3. : [Four lines from II Corinthians] |
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Microfiche 1227 2489, Box 9
Faithfulness in the ministry, derived from Christ A sermon offer'd to an assembly of ministers, from several parts of New-England, at their anniversary convention in Boston, May 30. 1723. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2491, Box 9
The Scriptures the only rule of faith & practice As it was delivered in a sermon at the lecture in Boston, Sept. 5. 1723. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2492, Box 9
A True and genuine account of the result of the council of fourteen churches met at Watertown, May 1. 1722 Together with what the Reverend Doctor Cotton Mather sent by way of apology to Ireland, for their proceedings there. And also, a reasonable and modest defence to the result of said council come from Ireland. : [Five lines of quotations] |
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Microfiche 1227 2493, Box 9
The confession of faith together with the Larger catechism; composed by the Reverend Assembly of Divines then sitting at Westminster. ; Presented to both Houses of Parliament. : With a brief sum of Christian doctrine, contained in Holy Scripture, and holden forth in the confession of faith and catechism. : [Six lines from Deuteronomy] |
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Microfiche 1227 2494, Box 9
An almanack for the year of our Lord, 1724 ... Calculated to the meridian of Boston, in N. England, where the north-pole is elevated 42 d. & 25 min. north, & 71 deg. westward from London. |
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Microfiche 1227 2495, Box 9
An essay to prove, that when God once enters upon a controversie, with his professing people; he will manage and issue it Together, with some proper and seasonable considerations and directions to men in every order, to do what in them lies, that the controversie God has with his people may have a comfortable issue. : In a sermon preached before the General Court of election at Hartford in the colony of Connecticut, May 9th. 1723. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2496, Box 9
The great concern of Christians, and especially of ministers, to preserve the doctrine of Christ in it's purity Shewed in a sermon preached at Watertown, June 11. 1723. At the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Warham Williams, Pastor of the church in the western precinct in said town. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2498, Box 9
A funeral discourse occasioned by the much lamented death of the Honourable Gurdon Saltonstall, Esq; governour of Connecticut, &c. who deceas'd Sept. 20. 1724. in the fifty ninth year of his age |
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Microfiche 1227 2500, Box 9
A great man fallen in Israel A sermon preached at Cambridge, the Lord's-Day after the death of the Reverend & learned John Leverett, late president of Harvard-College. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2501, Box 9
Elijah's mantle A sermon preached at the funeral of that aged and faithful servant of God, the Reverend Mr. Samuel Cheever, Pastor of a church of Christ in Marblehead; who deceased, May 29, 1724. aetatis suae, 85. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2502, Box 9
A Determination of the case of Mr. Thomas Story and Mr. James Hoskins, relating to an affair of the Pennsylvania Company, &c |
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Microfiche 1227 2506, Box 9
The New-England diary, or, Almanack for the year of our Lord Christ 1725 ... Apply'd to the horizon of Boston, N. England, where the north pole is raised, and the south pole depress'd equal to an angle of 42 grs. 25 m and a meridian 4 ho. & 44 min. west of London. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2507, Box 9
God's help to be sought, in time of war with a due sense of the vanity of what help man can afford shewed at Springfield, March 26. 1724. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2508, Box 9
Some remarks and observations by way of answer, to a small book called, A lecture sermon preached at New-Milford by John Graham necessitated (as he says) by the growth and spreading of Quakerism (as he calls it) in that place. : Wherein our religion (which he and others scornfully call Quakerism) is briefly proved to be true Christianitys [sic] and several particulars which he calls errors and strange doctrines, are plainly proved to be true Christian doctrine, by the sayings and writings of Christ and his apostles, as we find them recorded in the holy Scriptures of truth. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2509, Box 9
An essay on Scripture-prophecy wherein it is endeavored to explain the three periods contain'd in the XII chapter of the Prophet Daniel. With some arguments to make it probable, that the first of the periods did expire in the year 1715. : [Three lines in Latin from Claudian] |
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Microfiche 1227 2510, Box 9
A defence of a book lately re-printed at Boston, entituled, A modest proof of the order and government settled by Christ and his apostles in the church In a reply to a book entituled, Sober remarks on the modest proof, &c. : In a letter to a friend. : [One line from Numbers] |
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Microfiche 1227 2511, Box 9
A short introduction to the Latin tongue For the use of the lower forms in the Latin School. Being the accidence abbridg'd [sic] and compiled in that most easy and accurate method, wherein the famous Mr. Ezekiel Cheever taught; and which he found the most advantageous by seventy years experience. : To which are added a catalogue of irregular nouns and of verbs dispos'd alphabetically. |
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Microfiche 1227 2512, Box 9
Papers relating to an act of the Assembly of the province of New-York, for encouragement of the Indian trade, &c. and for prohibiting the selling of Indian goods to the French, viz. of Canada I. A petition of the merchants of London to His Majesty, against the said act. II. His Majesty's order in Council, referring the said petition to the Lords Commissioners for Trade & Plantation. III. Extract of the minutes of the said Lords, concerning some allegation of the merchants before them. IV. The report of the said Lords to His Majesty on the merchants petition, and other allegations. V. The report of the Committee of Council of the province of New-York, in answer to the said petition. VI. A memorial concerning the fur-trade of New York, by C. Colden, Esq; : with a map. : Published by authority. |
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Microfiche 1227 2514, Box 9
The master taken up from the sons of the prophets A sermon preached at Cambridge upon the sudden death of the Reverend & learned John Leverett, president of Harvard College, / |
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