Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 26573, Box 90 Cecilia, or Memoirs of an heiress 1
Microfiche 1227 26574, Box 90 Law is a bottomless pit: or, The history of John Bull Published from a manuscript found in the cabinet of the famous Sir H. Polesworth, in the year 1712. 1
Microfiche 1227 26576, Box 90 Family religion recommended A sermon preached from Joshua XXIV. 15. / 1
Microfiche 1227 26577, Box 90 The artists assistant in drawing, perspective, etching, engraving, mezzotinto-scraping, painting on glass, in crayons, in water-colours, and on silks and sattins. The art of jappaning, &c Containing the easiest and most comprehensive rules for the attainment of those truly useful and polite arts, methodically digested, and adapted to the capacities of young beginners. : Illustrated with suitable examples engraved on copper. 1
Microfiche 1227 26578, Box 90 Grammatical institutes: or, An easy introduction to Dr. Lowth's English grammar designed for the use of schools ... / 1
Microfiche 1227 26580, Box 90 The annual register of the Baptist denomination, in North-America to the first of November, 1790. : Containing an account of the churches and their constitutions, ministers, members, associations, their plan and sentiments, rule and order, proceedings and correspondence. : Also remarks upon practical religion. / 1
Microfiche 1227 26582, Box 90 The annual register of the Baptist denomination, in North-America to the first of November, 1790. : Containing an account of the churches and their constitutions, ministers, members, associations, their plan and sentiments, rule and order, proceedings and correspondence. : Also remarks upon practical religion. / 1
Microfiche 1227 26583, Box 90 The annual register of the Baptist denomination, in North-America to the first of November, 1790. Containing an account of the churches and their constitutions, ministers, members, associations, their plan and sentiments, rule and order, proceedings and correspondence. : Also remarks upon practical religion. / 1
Microfiche 1227 26584, Box 90 The universal register of the Baptist denomination in North-America for the years 1790, 1791, 1792, and part of 1793. : Volume the second. Containing-- 1. The confession of faith as published in London, 1689. 2. The church disciple [i.e., discipline], as adopted by the Charleston Association. 2. The plan and sentiments of the associations in general. 4. The rules of decorum at their sitting. 5. A historical account, how Gospel-duties, both ordinances and commandments are believed, and practised, in general. / 1
Microfiche 1227 26585, Box 90 The universal register of the Baptist denomination in North America for the years 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, and part of 1794. : Containing I. The names of all the churches ... II. All the alterations since 1790, in associations, churches, and ministry ... III. A schedule of associations ... IV. Constitution of associations in general ... V. A short extract of the association minutes ... VI. A short account of the Baptists in other parts of the world. VII. A general description, what constitutes a Baptist, and what makes the different communions among them. / 1
Microfiche 1227 26586, Box 90 Articles of agreement, made and entered into this twenty-second day of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four by and between Robert Morris ... and John Nicholson ... witnesseth, that the said parties have entered into an association or company, for the purpose of settling and improving one or more tracts of country within the state of Pennsylvania. 1
Microfiche 1227 26587, Box 90 The French convert being a true relation of the happy conversion of a noble French lady, from the errors and superstitions of popery, to the reformed religion, by means of a Protestant gardener, her servant. : Wherein are shewed, her great and unparallelled sufferings on account of her said conversion; her wonderful deliverance from two assassins, hired by a popish priest to murder her; her miraculous preservation in a wood for two years, and the providential manner of her being found by her husband, who, together with her parents, was brought over, by her means, to the true religion, as were also divers others. : The whole relation was sent by a Protestant minister, a prisoner in France, to a French refugee in London. : To which is added, A short account of popish cruelty in Ireland. 1
Microfiche 1227 26588, Box 90 The French convert being a true relation of the happy conversion of a noble French lady, from the errors and superstitions of popery, to the reformed religion, by means of a Protestant gardener, her servant. : Wherein are shown her great and unparallelled sufferings, on the account of her said conversion; --her wonderful deliverance from two assassins, hired by a popish priest to murder her; her miraculous preservation in a wood for two years; and how she was providentially found by her husband; who, together with her parents, were brought to embrace the true religion. : To which is added, A brief account of the severe persecutions of the French Protestants. 1
Microfiche 1227 26589, Box 90 The French convert being a true relation of the happy conversion of a noble French lady, from the errors and superstitions of popery, to the reformed religion, by means of a Protestant gardener, her servant. : Wherein are shewn her great and unparallelled sufferings, on account of her conversion--her wonderful deliverance from two assassins, hired by a popish priest to murder her--her miraculous preservation in a wood for two years; and how she was providentially found by her husband; who, together with her parents, were brought to embrace the true religion. : To which is added, A brief account of the severe persecutions of the French Protestants. 1
Microfiche 1227 26590, Box 90 The French convert being a true relation of the happy conversion of a noble French lady, from the errors and superstitions of popery, to the reformed religion, by means of a Protestant gardiner, her servant. : Wherein is shewed, her great and unparallell'd sufferings, on the account of her said conversion; as also her wonderful deliverance from two assassins hired by a popish priest to murther her; and of her miraculous preservation in a wood for two years; and how she was at last providentially found by her husband, who, together with her parents, was brought over by her means to the embracing of the true religion, as were divers others also. : The whole relation being sent by a Protestant minister, now a prisoner in France, to a French refugee in London. 1
Microfiche 1227 26591, Box 90 The French convert being a true relation of the happy conversion of a noble French lady, from the errors and superstitions of popery, to the reformed religion, by means of a Protestant gardener, her servant. : Wherein is shewn, her great and unparallelled sufferings, on the account of her said conversion; as also her wonderful deliverance from two assassins, hired by a popish priest to murder her: and other [i.e., of her] miraculous preservation in a wood for two years; and how she was at last providentially found by her husband; who, together with her parents, were brought over to the embracing of the true religion, as were divers others also. : To which is added, A brief account of the present severe persecutions of the French Protestants. 1
Microfiche 1227 26594, Box 90 The Millennium; or, The thousand years of prosperity, promised to the church of God, in the Old Testament and in the New, shortly to commence, and to be carried on to perfection, under the auspices of Him, who, in the vision, was presented to St. John [Six lines of Scripture texts] 1
Microfiche 1227 26596, Box 90 The most promising life, and death, closely connected A sermon, delivered at Worcester, November 4th, MDCCXCII, the Sabbath subsequent to the death and interment of Miss Hannah Blair, who died of the small pox. / 1
Microfiche 1227 26598, Box 90 An inaugural experimental dissertation being an endeavor to ascertain the morbid effects of carbonic acid gas, or fixed air, on healthy animals, and the manner in which they are produced; which, under the direction of the Rev. John Ewing, D.D. provost of the University of Pennsylvania, by the authority of the Board of Trustees, and with the approbation of the faculty, is submitted to the candid examination of the learned. 19th day of May, 1794; for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. / 1
Microfiche 1227 26599, Box 90 Man's mortality illustrated and improved A sermon, delivered at the funeral of Mr. Moses Chapin, of Somers, state of Connecticut, who died November 3d, 1793. in the 82d year of his age. / 1