Microfiche 1227 2698, Box 10
A Collection of some papers concerning Mr. Lewis Rou's affair viz. I. The acts of the French consistory in the city of New-York, passed against him the 13th and 20th of September, 1724. II. The petition of several heads of families to His Excellency the governour in Council. III. The order of the Council about the petition. IV. The answer of Mr. Moullinars and the rest of the consistory to the said petition. V. Mr. Rou's reply to this answer. VI. The two reports of the committee of Council, with the orders of the honourable board concerning the same. |
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Microfiche 1227 2699, Box 10
The School of good manners Containing, I. Sundry mixt precepts. II. Rules for childrens behaviour, at the meeting-house, at home, at the table, in company, in discourse, at school, and when abroad; with an admonition to children. III. Good advice for the ordering of their lives, with a baptismal covenant. IV. Some wholesome cautions. V. A short, plain, & scriptural catechism. VI. Principles of the Christian religion. VII. Eleven short exhortations. VIII. Good thought for little children, a compendious body of divinity, an alphabet of useful copies, & Cyprian's twelve absurdities, all in verse. |
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Microfiche 1227 2700, Box 10
Vital Christianity A brief essay on the life of God, in the soul of man; produced and maintained by a Christ living in us: and the mystery of a Christ within, explained. : With an exhibition, in which all that fear God and give glory to him, will be sanctified. : [Three lines from Isaiah] |
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Microfiche 1227 2701, Box 10
The curiosities of common water; or The advantages thereof in preventing and curing many distempers Gather'd from the writings of several eminent physicians, and also from more than forty years experience. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2702, Box 10
Some remarkable proceedings in the Assembly of Virginia anno 1718 On the 20th. of November, the following address, being brought in by a member of the House of Burgesses, was immediately put to the vote, agreed to, and sign'd by the speaker. : To the King's Most Excellent Majesty the humble address of the House of Burgesses. |
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Microfiche 1227 2703, Box 10
The crisis; or, A discourse representing the most authentick records, the just causes of the late happy revolution And the general settlements of the crowns of England and Scotland on Her Majesty; and on the demise of Her Majesty without issue, upon the most illustrious Princess Sophia, Electress and Dutchess Dowager of Hanover, and the heirs of her body being Protestants; by previous acts of both Parliaments of the late Kingdoms of England and Scotland; and confirmed by the Parliament of Great Britain. : With some seasonable remarks on the danger of a popish successor. : [Two lines of Latin text] / |
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Microfiche 1227 2704, Box 10
A trespass-offering, humbly presented unto the churches of New-England |
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Microfiche 1227 2705, Box 10
Lovewell lamented. Or, A sermon occasion'd by the fall of the brave Capt. John Lovewell and several of his valiant company, in the late heroic action at Piggwacket Pronounc'd at Bradford, May 16, 1725. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2706, Box 10
Historical memoirs of the late fight at Piggwacket with a sermon occasion'd by the fall of the brave Capt John Lovewell and several of his valiant company, in the late heroic action there. Pronounc'd at Bradford, May, 16, 1725. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2708, Box 10
Taylor, 1726. A compleat ephemeris for the year of Christ 1726 ... Calculated and fitted to the latitude of 40 degrees north, and a meridian five hours (75 degrees) west from London, serving Pennsylvania, and the parts adjacent. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2709, Box 10
Jerusalem instructed & warned A sermon preach'd before the Honourable the lieutenant governour, Council & representatives of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, May 26. 1725. Being the anniversary day for the election of His Majesty's Council there. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2710, Box 10
A brief testimony to the great duty of prayer Shewing the nature and benefit thereof. : To which are added, many eminent and select instances of God's answer to prayer. Collected out of the record of Holy Scriptures. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2712, Box 10
The Triumvirate of Pennsylvania In a letter to a friend in the country. |
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Microfiche 1227 2713, Box 10
Anti-ministerial objections considered, or The unreasonable pleas made by some against their duty to their ministers, with respect to their maintenance answered Together with an answer to that question, Who are oblig'd to endeavor a reformation in this case? : In a letter to Richard Kent, Esq; one of His Majesty's justices of the peace for the county of Essex, and a member of the Honourable House of Representatives. : [Three lines of Scripture texts] |
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Microfiche 1227 2715, Box 10
It's honourable, not shameful, to suffer for Christ A sermon preached on the Lord's Day, April 11. 1725. In Boston, N.E. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2716, Box 10
The young-man's duty, explained and pressed upon him In a sermon from Eccl. XII. 1. preached to a society of young men, on a Lords'Day evening: and now published at their request. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2717, Box 10
The Gospel treasure in earthen vessels A funeral sermon on the mournful occasion of the death of that faithful servant of God, the Reverend Mr. John Wise, Pastor of the Second Church in Ipswich. : Preached to his flock, on the 11th day of April, 1725. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2718, Box 10
An almanack for the year of our Lord, 1726 ... Calculated to the meridian of Boston in New England, where the north pole is elevated 42 degrees, and 25 minutes north, and 71 degrees westward from London. / |
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Microfiche 1227 2719, Box 10
A letter to the elders and brethren of the baptised churches in Rhode-Island and Narrhagansit [sic], Providence, and Swansy, and branches dependent in places adjacent the love of the Father and the righteousness of Christ his well beloved Son, and comforts of the Holy Spirit be with you all, Amen. |
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Microfiche 1227 2720, Box 10
A funeral sermon preached upon the death of the Honourable Charles Frost Esq one of His Majesty's Council for the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in N.E. Who departed this life Decem. 17. 1724. In the 47th year of his age. / |
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