Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 2673, Box 10 Repeated admonitions In a monitory letter, about the maintainance [sic] of an able and faithful ministry; directed unto those people, who sin against and sin away the glorious Gospel, by not supporting the worthy dispensers of it. : First published some years ago; and now re-printed; in concomitancy with the pious concern about this matter, expressed by the General Assembly of the province. : [Five lines of quotation] 1
Microfiche 1227 2674, Box 10 Virtue in it's verdure A Christian exhibited as a green olivetree, in the House of God; with a character of the virtuous Mrs. Abigail Brown: (the amiable and memorable consort of the Honourable Samuel Brown, Esq;) who expired Feb. 18. 1724,5. : [Two lines from Augustine in Latin] 1
Microfiche 1227 2675, Box 10 Zalmonah The Gospel of the brasen serpent, in the Mosaic history. : Offered with some uncommon sentiments upon it; and with moving exhibitions and commendations of the glorious Redeemer, by whom we are in wondrous methods, delivered from what the old serpent has brought upon us. : [Two lines from Augustine] 1
Microfiche 1227 2676, Box 10 A testimony from the Scripture against idolatry & superstition in two sermons, upon the example of that great reformer Hezekiah, 2 Kings XVIII. 4. : The first, witnessing in general against all the idols and inventions of men in the worship of God. : The second, more particularly against the ceremonies, and some other corruptions of the Church of England. Preached the one September 27. the other Septemb. 30. 1660. / 1
Microfiche 1227 2677, Box 10 All mankind, by nature, equally under sin A sermon preach'd at the public lecture in Boston. On Thursday, Dec. 3. 1724. / 1
Microfiche 1227 2679, Box 10 The duty, and a mark of Zion's children A discourse at Freehold in New-Jersy, upon the sorrowful occasion of the death of the young and very hopeful Joseph Morgan, of Yale Coll. B.A. Who departed this life the 28th. of November, 1723. To the great grief of such (in these parts) as love the Gospel of our Saviour; because of the great hope they had had, that he would have been some supply in the harvest of our Lord, which in these parts, is perishing for lack of labourers. On the 30th. his body was laid in the earth, and his father entertained a mourning auditory, with a discourse, from Job. X. 2. I will say unto God, do not condemn me; shew me wherefore thou contendest with me. And the next day, from Psalm CXXXVII. We wept when we remembered Zion. 1
Microfiche 1227 2680, Box 10 The only effectual remedy against mortal errors held forth in a discourse, from 1 John ii. 26, 27. Shewing the cause of all the heresies, apostasies, soul-murdering errors, & contrary articles of faith amony Christians. / 1
Microfiche 1227 2682, Box 10 Anno regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae & Hiberniae nono At a sessions of the General Assembly for the province of New-Jersey begun the five and twentieth day of May, 1725. and continued to the 23th of August following, at which time the following acts were passed and published. 1
Microfiche 1227 2683, Box 10 An ordinance for regulating courts of judicatnre [sic] in the province of New-Jersey 1
Microfiche 1227 2684, Box 10 The thirteenth sessions of the second Assembly, in the 12th year of His Majesty, King George An act appointing commissioners to let to farm the excise of strong liquors in the cities and counties in this colony. 1
Microfiche 1227 2686, Box 10 His Excellency's speech to the General Assembly of the province of New-York the 15th of September, 1725 1
Microfiche 1227 2687, Box 10 The votes of the General Assembly of His Majesty's province of New-York, in America 1
Microfiche 1227 2689, Box 10 Acts passed in the General Assembly of the province of Pennsylvania Held at Philadelphia the fourteenth day of October, one thousand seven hundred and twenty four, and continued by adjournments till the twenty first day of August next after ... 1725. 1
Microfiche 1227 2690, Box 10 The charter of privileges granted by the Honourable William Penn, Esq; to the freeholders and inhabitants of Pennsylvania. October 28, 1701 1
Microfiche 1227 2691, Box 10 A journal of the votes and proceedings of the representatives of the province of Pennsylvania. Anno Domini, 1724 1
Microfiche 1227 2692, Box 10 A journal of the votes and proceedings of the House of Representatives of the province of Pensylvania. February 1, 1724/5 1
Microfiche 1227 2693, Box 10 A journal of the votes and proceedings of the House of Representatives of the province of Pensylvania. Anno Domini, 1724 1
Microfiche 1227 2695, Box 10 The speech of Sir William Keith, Bart. governour of the province of Pennsylvania ... to the representatives of the freemen of the said province of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, January 5, 1724-5 1
Microfiche 1227 2696, Box 10 The prey taken from the strong. Or, An historical account, of the recovery of one from the dangerous errors of Quakerism 1
Microfiche 1227 2697, Box 10 Ways and means for the inhabitants of Delaware to become rich wherein the several growths and products of these countries are demonstrated to be a sufficient fund for a flourishing trade. : Humbly submitted to the legislative authority of these colonies. : [One line in Latin] 1