Microfiche 1227 27276, Box 94
An act for regulating and governing the Militia of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Together with rules and regulations for governing troops in forts, and the Militia when in actual service. : To which is prefixed, the United States Militia Act, passed in Congress, May, 1793. |
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Microfiche 1227 27277, Box 94
Acts and laws, passed by the General Court of Massachusetts begun and held at Boston, in the county of Suffolk, on Wednesday the twenty-ninth day of May, anno domini, 1793; and from thence continued by adjournment and proclamation, to Wednesday, the fifteenth day of January following. |
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Microfiche 1227 27278, Box 94
Acts and laws passed by the General Court of Massachusetts begun and held at Boston, in the county of Suffolk, on Wednesday the twenty-eighth day of May, anno domini, 1794. |
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Microfiche 1227 27279, Box 94
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. By His Honor Samuel Adams, Esq. ... A proclamation for a day of public fasting, humiliation and prayer ... Thursday, the seventeenth day of April next ... Given at the council-chamber, in Boston, the nineteenth day of February ... one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. |
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Microfiche 1227 27280, Box 94
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. By the Governor: A proclamation for a day of public thanksgiving ... Thursday, the twentieth of November next ... Given at the council-chamber, in Boston, the fifteenth day of October ... one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. |
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Microfiche 1227 27281, Box 94
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in Senate, Jan. 20, 1794 Ordered, that two hundred copies of a bill, intituled, "An act ascertaining what shall constitute a legal settlement of any person, in any town or district within this Commonwealth, so as to entitle him to support therein, in case he becomes poor, and stands in need of relief, and for repealing all laws made and passed respecting such settlement," be printed for the use of members. Attest, Samuel Cooper, clerk. |
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Microfiche 1227 27282, Box 94
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In Senate, Jan. 20, 1794 Ordered, that two hundred copies of a bill, intituled, "An act providing for the relief and support, employment and removal of the poor, and for repealing all laws made for those purposes," be printed for the use of the members. Attest, Samuel Cooper, clerk. |
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Microfiche 1227 27283, Box 94
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the House of Representatives, June 18, 1794 Whereas an accurate map of this commonwealth will tend to facilitate and promote such information and improvements as will be favorable to its growth and prosperity ... Resolved, that the inhabitants of the several towns ... cause to be taken ... accurate plans of their respective towns. |
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Microfiche 1227 27284, Box 94
Districting law Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. An act for dividing the Commonwealth into districts for the choice of Representatives in the Congress of the United States, and prescribing the mode of election. |
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Microfiche 1227 27285, Box 94
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To the selectmen of the town of [blank] in the Second Middle District. Greeting These are in the name of the Commonwealth, to will and require you, in manner as the law directs, for calling town-meetings, to cause the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of [blank] ... to give in their votes for one representative ... to represent them in the Congress ... Given at the Council-chamber, in Boston, this [blank] day of [blank] anno Domini, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. |
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Microfiche 1227 27286, Box 94
General orders. Head-quarters, Boston, March 1, 1794 The chief command of the Militia of the sovereign and independent Commonwealth of Massachusetts, by the decease of the late governor, has devolved on the lieutenant-governor--and he feels it equally consonant with his wishes, as it is with his duty, to encourage and strengthen it, by contributing towards the preservation of good regulation, and the advancement of discipline therein. |
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Microfiche 1227 27287, Box 94
General orders. Head-quarters, Boston, June 6, 1794 By the act of Congress, of the 9th May last, a detachment of 80,000 men, including officers, is directed to be made ... the proportion to this state ... as estimated in the said act, being 11,885 men ... The several divisions and brigades of the militia of this commonwealth, will furnish the detachment in the following proportion, viz. |
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Microfiche 1227 27288, Box 94
General orders. Head-quarters, Boston, July 7, 1794 Doubts having been entertained by some officers in the Militia of this commonwealth, respecting the rights of the lieutenant-colonels who have come to the command of regiments, by the resignation, death or removal of the colonels. |
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Microfiche 1227 27289, Box 94
Resolves of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts begun and held at Boston, in the county of Suffolk, on Wednesday the twenty-ninth day of May, anno domini, 1793; and from thence continued by adjournment and proclamation, to Wednesday, the fifteenth day of January following. |
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Microfiche 1227 27290, Box 94
Resolves of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Begun and held at Boston, in the county of Suffolk, on Wednesday the twenty-eighth day of May, anno domini, 1794. |
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Microfiche 1227 27291, Box 94
Abstract of certificates of the debt of the state of Massachusetts, deposited in the Treasurers Office by [blank] on account of a loan to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, proposed by an act, passed the first day of February, 1794; for which he requests a certificate of funded debt, in the name of [blank.] |
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Microfiche 1227 27292, Box 94
Report of Thomas Davis, Esquire, Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on the public debt of this Commonwealth. : Made in obedience to order of the Honourable the Senate and House of Representatives, on the fourteenth of June last. : Published by order of the House of Representatives. |
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Microfiche 1227 27293, Box 94
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Thomas Davis, Esquire, treasurer and receiver-general of said commonwealth To the selectmen or assessors of the town of [blank] In obedience to an act ... These are in the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, to will and require you forthwith to assess the sum ... Given under my hand and seal, at Boston, the first day of July ... one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. |
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Microfiche 1227 27294, Box 94
Tax no. eleven Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and ninety-four. An act, for apportioning and assessing the sum of forty thousand and forty-seven pounds, fifteen shillings. |
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Microfiche 1227 27295, Box 94
The Massachusetts Constitutional Society. Rules and regulations |
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