Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 3359, Box 13 Some rude & indigested thoughts on the terrible majesty of God in the works of nature particularly in the phaenomena of earthquakes: occasioned by that memorable earthquake Octob. 29th. 1727. Wherein earthquakes in their causes, kinds, and astonishing effects, are briefly hinted, enumerated and described. : [Two lines from Newton] 1
Microfiche 1227 3361, Box 13 Der Teutsche Pilgrim: mitbringende einen Sitten-Calender, auf das Jahr der gnaden-reichen Geburt unsers Herrn und Heylandes Jesu Christi MDCCXXXI ... 1
Microfiche 1227 3362, Box 13 Man's frailty practically exhibited in his life and death A sermon on the death of that virtuous gentlewoman Mrs. Sarah Gee, the amiable consort of the Reverend Mr. Joshua Gee, who died July 17. 1730. In the twenty ninth year of her age. / 1
Microfiche 1227 3363, Box 13 The Two interests reconciled occasioned by two late pamphlets, called The interest of the country and The interest of city and country. 1
Microfiche 1227 3364, Box 13 De heerlykheit der genade van den eenigen en drie-eenigen verbonds- God volgens de gronden van den Heidelbergschen Catechismus, tot vorderinge en opbouw in Gods-kennisse en waare heiligmaakinge, voor he euangelische verbonds-volk verklaart, bevestigd en toegepast, met vraagen en antwoorden. / 1
Microfiche 1227 3366, Box 13 Arithmetica of Cyffer-konst volgens de munten maten en gewigten, te Nieu-York, gebruykelyk als mede een kort ontwerp van de algebra, / 1
Microfiche 1227 3367, Box 13 Companion for communicants. Or, The Christian instructed in the great duty of worthy approaching the table of the Lord 1
Microfiche 1227 3368, Box 13 The Virgin's advice: or The Oxfordshire tragedy In two parts shewing how a knight's daughter in Oxford was courted by a gentleman, who after many vows and promises to marry her, and threatening to kill himself, got her with child, and afterwards murder'd her. Also how a damask rose-bush grew over her grave which flourish'd winter and summer, till being touch'd by him it immediately wither'd; upon which he confess'd the murder. 1
Microfiche 1227 3370, Box 13 Charge to the grand jury At a General Court held at the capitol of the city of Williamsburg, in Virginia, on Monday the 19th of October, 1730. / 1
Microfiche 1227 3373, Box 13 The wonderful providence of God examplified in the preservation of William Walling, who was drove out to sea from Sandy-Hook near New-York, in a leaky boat and taken up by a whaling sloop and brought into Nantucket, after he had floated on the sea eight days without victuals or drink. 1
Microfiche 1227 3377, Box 13 A treatise concerning marriage wherein the unlawfulness of mixt mariages [sic] is laid open from the scriptures of truth: shewing that it is contrary to the will of God, and the practice of his people in former ages, and therefore of dangerous consequence, for persons of different judgments, in matters of religious worship, to be joyned together in marriage. : Written for the information and benefit of Christian professors in general; and recommended more particularly to the youth of either sex amongst the people called Quakers. / 1
Microfiche 1227 3378, Box 13 A letter from a Minister of the Church of England to his dissenting parishioners shewing the necessity of unity and peace and the dangerous consequences of separating from the established Episcopal Church. / 1
Microfiche 1227 3379, Box 13 The regards due to such as have been eminent & useful A discourse occasioned by the death of John Hall, Esq; One of the Council in the colony of Connecticut, who died April 29th. 1730. in the 60th. year of his age. / 1
Microfiche 1227 3381, Box 13 The glorious reward of wise & faithful teachers a sermon preached at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Jacob Eliot, at Goshen in Lebanon, in Connecticut colony, Nov. 26. 1729. / 1
Microfiche 1227 3383, Box 13 Præclarissimo viro perilustri vitæ integretate omnique fœlicissime gubernandi ratione consultissimo D. Josepho Tallcott ... Hasce theses quas (numine annuente) ... Habita in comitiis Novi-Porti Connecticutensis, die nono Septembris, M,DCC,XXX. 1
Microfiche 1227 3384, Box 13 Evangelical obedience the way to eternal life Considered in a sermon preached at Brooklyn [i.e., Brookline, Mass.], to a society of young men. / 1
Microfiche 1227 3386, Box 13 An astronomical diary, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord Christ, 1732 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, N.E. whose latitude is 42 gr. 25 min. north. / 1
Microfiche 1227 3387, Box 13 Trade and commerce inculcated; in a discourse shewing the necessity of a well-governed trade, in order to a flourishing common-wealth. : With some proposals for the bringing gold & silver into the country for a medium of trade, as also for the better supporting the credit of the paper currency. / 1
Microfiche 1227 3388, Box 13 Some considerations relating to the present state of the Christian religion wherein the nature, end and design of Christianity, as well as the principal evidence of the truth of it, are explained and recommended out of the Holy Scriptures, with a general appeal to the experience of all men for confirmation thereof. / 1
Microfiche 1227 3389, Box 13 The certainty, time, and end, of the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with the accomplishment of several of the prophecys [sic], relating thereto. : A sermon, at the lecture, in Marblehead, December 25. 1729. : To which is added, an appendix, attempting more clearly to state, the true year of our Lord's nativity. / 1