Microfiche 1227 34062, Box 130
Letters on frequent communion addressed particularly to the members of the Associate-Reformed Church in North-America. |
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Microfiche 1227 34063, Box 130
Acts and laws, passed by the General Court of Massachusetts begun and held at Boston, in the county of Suffolk, on Wednesday, the tenth day of January, anno Domini, 1798. |
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Microfiche 1227 34064, Box 130
Acts and laws, passed by the General Court of Massachusetts at the session begun and held at Boston, in the county of Suffolk, on Wednesday, the thirteenth [i.e., thirtieth] day of May, and ended on Friday the twenty-ninth day of June, anno Domini, 1798. |
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Microfiche 1227 34065, Box 130
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the House of Representatives, February 12th, 1798 On the memorial of the delegates of the towns of Templeton, Barre, Petersham, Athol, Winchendon, Hubbardston, Oakham, Warwick, Gerry, Gardner and Royalston, praying for a division of the county of Worcester; Resolved, that the selectmen of the several towns in the county of Worcester ... cause the inhabitants ... to give in their votes upon the expediency of dividing said county ... In Senate, read and concurred, March 3d, 1798. ... The foregoing is a true copy of the resolve ... Attest. [blank] |
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Microfiche 1227 34066, Box 130
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the House of Representatives, June 28, 1798 Whereas it is highly expedient that every constitutional barrier should be opposed to the introduction of foreign influence ... resolved, that the senators and representatives ... propose to the legislatures of the several states, the following amendment to the Constitution. |
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Microfiche 1227 34067, Box 130
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight An act in addition to the several laws regulating elections. |
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Microfiche 1227 34068, Box 130
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight An act to prevent profane cursing and swearing. |
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Microfiche 1227 34069, Box 130
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. By His Excellency Increase Sumner Esq'r. ... A proclamation for a day of solemn fasting and prayer ... Thursday, the fifth of April next ... Given at the council-chamber, in Boston, this first day of March ... one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight. |
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Microfiche 1227 34070, Box 130
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. By His Excellency Increase Sumner, Esq. ... A proclamation for a day of public thanksgiving ... Thursday, the twenty-ninth of November next ... Given at the council chamber in Boston, this twenty-third day of October ... one thousand, seven hundred and ninety-eight. |
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Microfiche 1227 34071, Box 130
Report of the Committee on the Judicial Reform made to the Legislature of Massachusetts June 21, 1798. |
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Microfiche 1227 34072, Box 130
Resolves, &c. of the General Court of Massachusetts Begun and held at Boston, on Wednesday, the thirty-first day of May, anno domini 1797, and continued by adjournment to March 3, 1798. |
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Microfiche 1227 34073, Box 130
Resolves of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Together with the governor's communications, &c. to the Court. : Begun and held at Boston, in the county of Suffolk, on Wednesday the thirtieth day of May, anno domini--M,DCC,XCVIII. [1798] |
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Microfiche 1227 34074, Box 130
Tax for the year 1798 Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and ninety-eight. An act to apportion and assess a tax of one hundred and thirty-three thousand, three hundred and eighty-one dollars and fifty-three cents. |
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Microfiche 1227 34075, Box 130
Tax, for the year 1798 Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Peleg Coffin, Esquire, treasurer and receiver-general of said commonwealth. To the selectmen or assessors of the [blank] of [blank] In obedience to a law ... These are in the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, to will and require you forthwith to assess in dollars and cents, the sum ... Given under my hand and seal, at Boston, the [blank] day of [blank] ... one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight. |
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Microfiche 1227 34076, Box 130
The Constitution of the state of Massachusetts, and that of the United States Ordered by the General Court, for the use of the members. |
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Microfiche 1227 34077, Box 130
State of Massachusetts. The Board of Commissioners, appointed for the state of Massachusetts ... To [blank] in the county of [blank] Greeting: Reposing especial trust and confidence in your integrity, diligence, and ability, we, the said commisioners, do appoint you [blank] assessor ... Given under our hands and seals, at Boston, this [blank] day of [blank] in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety [blank.] |
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Microfiche 1227 34079, Box 130
Massachusetts District, Supervisor's Office. Boston, May 31st, 1798 A table or list of the different rates of stamp duties upon stamped paper, prepared and sent out to the collectors of the revenue in said district. |
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Microfiche 1227 34080, Box 130
Division orders. Salem, March 1, 1798 At a brigade court-martial, ordered to be held at Newburyport. |
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Microfiche 1227 34081, Box 130
General orders. Head-quarters, Roxbury, May 1, 1798 The uncertain state of the foreign political relations of the United States, require the most vigilant attention to the means of national defence ... the advantages to be derived from an efficient militia would be incalculable. |
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Microfiche 1227 34082, Box 130
Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, for the year M,DCC,XCVIII |
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