Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 34118, Box 130 Continuation of the history of the province of Massachusetts Bay, from the year 1748 With an introductory sketch of events from its original settlement. / 1
Microfiche 1227 34126, Box 130 Caroline of Lichtfield a novel. / 1
Microfiche 1227 34127, Box 130 An oration, pronounced at Westmoreland, on the anniversary of American independence; July 4th, 1798 1
Microfiche 1227 34128, Box 130 Fables for the female sex 1
Microfiche 1227 34129, Box 130 Edward Various views of human nature, taken from life and manners, chiefly in England, [Three lines of verse from Juvenal] / 1
Microfiche 1227 34131, Box 130 Gaine's New-York pocket almanack, for the year 1799 ... Calculated for this and the neighbouring states. ... / 1
Microfiche 1227 34132, Box 130 Sketches of the reciprocal duties of a Christian pastor and people A sermon, delivered at Leicester, Massachusetts, January 21, 1798. / 1
Microfiche 1227 34133, Box 130 The fortune teller 1
Microfiche 1227 34135, Box 130 The Cheapside apprentice 1
Microfiche 1227 34136, Box 130 The hubbub 1
Microfiche 1227 34137, Box 130 Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie francaise de l'isle Saint-Domingue Avec des observations généales sur sa population, sur le caractère & les moeurs de ses divers habitans; sur son climat, sa culture, ses productions, son administration, &c. &c. Accompagnées des détails les plus propres à faire connaître l'état de cette colonie à l'époque du 18 Octobre 1789; et d'une nouvelle carte de la totalité de l'isle. / 1
Microfiche 1227 34138, Box 130 A topographical and political description of the Spanish part of Saint-Domingo containing, general observations on the climate, population and productions; on the character and manners of the inhabitants; with an account of the several branches of the government. / 1
Microfiche 1227 34139, Box 130 A sermon, delivered June 28, 1797 at the instalment of the Reverend John Boddily, to the pastoral care of the 2d Presbyterian Society in Newburyport. / 1
Microfiche 1227 34140, Box 130 Mr. Morris's farewell address to his pupils delivered at Litchfield, (South-Farms,) at the close of his school, March 9th, 1797. : Published at their request. : [Two lines from Young] 1
Microfiche 1227 34143, Box 130 An abridgment of the American gazetteer Exhibiting, in alphabetical order, a compendious account of the states, provinces, counties, cities, towns, villages, rivers, bays, harbours, gulfs, sounds, capes, mountains, forts, Indian tribes, & new discoveries, on the American continent, and its appendant islands; particularly the West-Indies. ... : To which is annexed an accurate table of all the post-offices in the United States. / 1
Microfiche 1227 34144, Box 130 The character and reward of a good and faithful servant illustrated in a sermon, delivered at Charlestown, April 29, 1798, the Lord's-Day following the death and interment of the Honorable James Russell, Esq. Who died April 24th, aged 83 years. / 1
Microfiche 1227 34145, Box 130 Elements of geography containing a concise and comprehensive view of that useful science, as divided into, 1. astronomical 2. physical, or natural 3. political geography. : On a new plan. Adapted to the capacities of children and youth; and designed, from its cheapness, for a reading and classical book in common schools, and as a useful winter evening's entertainment for young people in private families. : Illustrated with a neat map of the United States, and a beautiful chart of the whole world. / 1
Microfiche 1227 34146, Box 130 Geography made easy being an abridgment of the American universal geography. ... To which is added, an improved chronological table of remarkable events, from the creation to the present time. : Illustrated with a map of the world, and a map of North America. : Calculated particularly for the use and improvement of schools and academies in the United States of America. / 1
Microfiche 1227 34147, Box 130 The history of America in two books. Containing, I. A general history of America. II. A concise history of the late Revolution. / 1
Microfiche 1227 34149, Box 130 A sermon, delivered at the New North Church in Boston, in the morning, and in the afternoon at Charlestown, May 9th, 1798 being the day recommended by John Adams, president of the United States of America, for solemn humiliation, fasting and prayer. / 1