Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 35756, Box 138 The danger of America delineated An address. Delivered at Cooperstown, in the county of Otsego, state of-New York, April 25th, 1799, the fast day, recommended by the president of the United States. / 1
Microfiche 1227 35757, Box 138 The duty of America enforced An exhortation. Delivered at Cooperstown, on the evening of the national fast, April 25th, 1799. / 1
Microfiche 1227 35758, Box 138 The man of the world In two parts. : [One line in Latin from Horace] 1
Microfiche 1227 35759, Box 138 Julia; or The adventures of a curate's daughter 1
Microfiche 1227 35761, Box 138 An address to the members of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in Virginia 1
Microfiche 1227 35763, Box 138 An introduction to Latin syntax: or, An exemplification of the rules of construction as delivered in Mr. Ruddiman's Rudiments, without anticipating posterior rules, containing, I. The rules of syntax, with a brief illustration. II. Explanatory notes. III. Examples, taken for the most part from the classic authors. IV. English exercises. : To which is subjoined, an epitome of ancient history, from the Creation to the birth of Christ. Intended as a proper mean to initiate boys in the useful study of history, while, at the same time, it serves to improve them in the knowledge of the Latin tongue. : To which is added, a proper collection of historical and chronological questions; with a copious index. / 1
Microfiche 1227 35765, Box 138 The history of the destruction of the Helvetic union and liberty 1
Microfiche 1227 35766, Box 138 The history of the destruction of the Helvetic union and liberty 1
Microfiche 1227 35767, Box 138 The manual of a free man, or Reasonable exposition of the fundamental points of universal political right (originally published in Holland before the French Revolution) / 1
Microfiche 1227 35769, Box 138 The widow of the village, or, Adventures of innocence A moral tale, / 1
Microfiche 1227 35770, Box 138 An introduction to the knowledge and practice of gardening 1
Microfiche 1227 35771, Box 138 Some remarkable particulars in the life and death of the Rev. Thomas Beveridge late Minister of the Gospel to the Associate Congregation of Cambridge, Washington County, state of New-York. : [Three lines of Scripture texts] 1
Microfiche 1227 35772, Box 138 A theological dissertation, on the propriety of removing from the seat of the pestilence presented to the perusal of the serious inhabitants of Philadelphia and New-York. / 1
Microfiche 1227 35773, Box 138 The catechism of nature for the use of children. / 1
Microfiche 1227 35776, Box 138 By the House of Delegates, January 1, 1799 Whereas it is highly expedient that every constitutional barrier should be opposed to the introduction of foreign influence into our national councils, and that the Constitution of the United States should be so amended as to effect and secure, in the best manner, the great objects for which it was designed; therefore resolved. 1
Microfiche 1227 35777, Box 138 The militia law of the state of Maryland, complete being comprised under the regulations made relative thereto, by the Declaration of Rights--the Constitution and form of government--the laws passed on that subject agreeably to the acts of Congress--and the supplementary act, passed November session, 1798. : To which is annexed, Baron Stuben's Manual exercise. : [Two lines from the Declaration of Rights] 1
Microfiche 1227 35779, Box 138 Votes and proceedings of the House of Delegates of the state of Maryland November session, 1798. Being the first session of this Assembly. 1
Microfiche 1227 35783, Box 138 Select remains of the Rev. John Mason, M.A late Rector of Water-Stratford, in the county of Bucks, author of the songs of praise to Almighty God. : Recommended by the Rev. Isaac Watts, D.D. : With a preface, giving some account of the author. 1
Microfiche 1227 35784, Box 138 A sermon, delivered at Middlebury, Vermont; on occasion of the anniversary thanksgiving, 1798 1
Microfiche 1227 35785, Box 138 A sermon, delivered at Castine, January 13, 1799 Being the Sabbath subsequent to the internment of a young lady, of that town, who died in the 20th year of her age. / 1