Microfiche 1227 35847, Box 138
Mother Goose's melody: or Sonnets for the cradle In two parts. Part I. Contains the most celebrated songs and lullabies of the good old nurses calculated to amuse children and to excite them to sleep. Part II. Those of that sweet songster and nurse of wit and humor, Master William Shakespeare. : Embellished with cuts, and illustrated with notes and maxims, historical, philosophical and critical. |
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Microfiche 1227 35850, Box 138
The Baltimore directory, for 1799 containing the names, occupations, and places of abode of the citizens, arranged in alphabetical order:--also, a register of the executive, legislative, and judicial magistrates of the United States--the Constitution of the United States--officers of the Commonwealth of Maryland--and the magistrates of the city. : With an accurate table of the duties on goods, wares and merchandize; : together with a general abstract from the revenue laws, relative to the duty of masters of vessels--of the owners or consignees of goods--of officers of the customs--of payment of duties, &c.--And the form of entry at the Custom-House on the importation of goods. : To all which are added. An account of the post-office establishment--the banks--tables of monies, &c.--With an alphabetical list of the streets, lanes and alleys. / |
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Microfiche 1227 35851, Box 138
The English reader: or, Pieces in prose and poetry, selected from the best writers Designed to assist young persons to read with propriety and effect; to improve their language and sentiments; and to inculcate some of the most important principles of piety and virtue. : With a few preliminary observations on the principles of good reading. / |
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Microfiche 1227 35852, Box 138
Extracts from the writings of divers eminent authors, of different religious denominations; and at various periods of time, representing the evils and pernicious effects of stage plays, and other vain amusements |
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Microfiche 1227 35853, Box 138
The power of religion on the mind in retirement, affliction, and at the approach of death: exemplified in the testimonies and experience of persons distinguished by their greatness, learning, or virtue. : [Three lines from Young] |
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Microfiche 1227 35854, Box 139
Lambrecht Myseras in Middelburg Empfindungen und Erfahrungen der Frommen auf dem Wege nach dem Himmel |
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Microfiche 1227 35855, Box 139
Boston, February 5, 1799 Proposals for publishing, by subscription, the History of the destruction of the Helvetic Union and liberty. By J. Mallet du Pan. |
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Microfiche 1227 35858, Box 139
Der Neue, gemeinnützige Landwirthschafts Calender, auf das Jahr, nach der heilbringenden Geburt unsers Herrn Jesu Christi, 1800 ... Mit sonderbarem Fleiss nach dem pennsylvanischen und der angrenzenden Staaten Horizont und Nordhöhe berechnet. : Zum Dreyzehntenmal herausgegeben. |
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Microfiche 1227 35859, Box 139
Der Neue hoch deutsche americanische Calender, auf das Jahr Christi 1800 ... Eingerichtet vor 40 Grad Norder-Breite, sonderlich vor Pennsylvanien und Märyland; jedoch in den angrenzenden Staaten ohne merklichen Unterschied zu gebrauchen. : Zum Zehntenmal heraus gegeben. |
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Microfiche 1227 35860, Box 139
Der Neue nord-americanische Stadt und Land Calender, auf das Jahr Christi 1800 ... Nach dem Märyländischen Horizont und Nordhöhe berechnet; besonders für die westlichen Gegenden in Pennsylvanien, Märyland und Virginien: jedoch in denen angrenzenden Staaten ohne merklichen Unterschied zu gebrauchen. : Zum Viertenmal herausgegeben. |
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Microfiche 1227 35863, Box 139
Neuer Hausswirthschafts Calender, auf das gnadenreiche Jahr, nach der heilbringenden Geburt unsers Herrn und Heylandes Jesu Christi, 1800 ... Mit sonderbarem Fleiss nach dem pennsylvanischen und der angrenzenden Staaten Horizont und Nordhöhe berechnet. : Zum Drittenmal herausgegeben. |
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Microfiche 1227 35864, Box 139
Neuer Hauswirthschafts Calender, auf das Jahr, nach der heilbringenden Geburt unsers Herrn und Heylandes Jesu Christi, 1800 ... Mit sonderbarem Fleiss nach dem pennsylvanischen und der angrenzenden Staat Horizont und Nordhöhe berechnet. ... : Zum Zweytenmal herausgegeben. |
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Microfiche 1227 35867, Box 139
A New collection of country dances, for the use of dancing assemblies: in the year 1799 |
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Microfiche 1227 35868, Box 139
A New display of the United States |
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Microfiche 1227 35872, Box 139
The New-England primmer improved for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which is added the Assembly of Divines' catechism. |
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Microfiche 1227 35873, Box 139
The New England primmer; improved for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which is added the Assembly of Divines catechism. |
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Microfiche 1227 35876, Box 139
The New-England primer; much improved Containing a variety of easy lessons, for attaining the true reading of English. |
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Microfiche 1227 35877, Box 139
The New-England primer, or, An easy and pleasant guide o the art of reading Adorn'd with cutts [sic]. : To which is added the Assembly of Divines catechism. |
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Microfiche 1227 35878, Box 139
The New game of cards, or, A pack of cards changed into a compleat and perpetual almanack in a dialogue between a nobleman and his servant. First--shewing the use of his almanack, by the quarters, months, weeks, and days of the year. : Secondly--shewing how he converts his cards into a compleat monitor, or prayer-book; with his curious remarks on the knave. : The whole adapted to the entertainment of the humorous, as well as to the satisfaction of the grave, learned, and ingenius [sic] |
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Microfiche 1227 35879, Box 139
A journal of the proceedings of the Hon. House of Representatives of the state of New-Hampshire at their session begun and holden at Concord, November, 1798. |
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