Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 36550, Box 141 Message from the president of the United States accompanying his annual account of the application of grants made by Congress for the contingent charges of government, from the 1st of January, to the 31st of December, 1798. : 8th January, 1799. Ordered to lie on the table. : Published by order of the House of Representatives. 1
Microfiche 1227 36551, Box 141 Message from the president of the United States accompanying sundry papers relative to the affairs of the United States, with the French Republic. : 18th January, 1799. : Published by order of the House of Representatives. 1
Microfiche 1227 36552, Box 141 Message from the president of the United States accompanying sundry papers relative to the affairs of the United States, with the French Republic. : 22d January, 1799. : Published by order of the Senate. 1
Microfiche 1227 36553, Box 141 Message from the president of the United States accompanying sundry papers relative to the impressment of American seamen, from on board public armed vessels of the United States, by vessels of war belonging to the king of Great-Britain: in pursuance of a resolution of this House, of the second instant. : 8th January, 1799. Ordered to lie on the table. : Published by order of the House of Representatives. 1
Microfiche 1227 36554, Box 141 Message from the president of the United States communicating to the House such information as he has received touching a suspension of the arrete of the French Republic, mentioned in his message of the 28th of January last. Made in pursuance of a resolution of this House, of yesterday. 1
Microfiche 1227 36555, Box 141 Message from the president of the United States inclosing a report to him, from the director of the Mint, on the state of the business committed to his superintendance, and a statement of the coinage at the Mint, during the year 1798. : 31st January, 1799. Ordered to lie on the table. : Published by order of the House of Representatives of the United States. 1
Microfiche 1227 36556, Box 141 Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a statement of the vessels with their tonnage, warlike force and complement of men to which commissions, as private armed vessels, have been issued since the ninth of July last 1
Microfiche 1227 36557, Box 141 Message from the president of the United States transmitting certain documents on the subjects of the insurrection in Pennsylvania; the renewal of commerce with St. Domingo; and the mission to France. : 5th December, 1799. Ordered to lie on the table. : (Published by order of the House of Representatives.) 1
Microfiche 1227 36558, Box 141 Message from the Senate, communicating a copy of the plea, filed by the counsel in behalf of William Blount 26th December, 1798, referred to the managers appointed to conduct the impeachment against William Blount, with instructions to proceed thereon, as they shall deem adviseable [sic]. : (Published by order of the House of Representatives.) 1
Microfiche 1227 36559, Box 141 Mr. Abiel Foster's motion for an amendment to the Constitution of the United States 16th February, 1799. Ordered to lie on the table. : (Published by order of the House of Representatives.) 1
Microfiche 1227 36560, Box 141 The proceedings of the House of Representatives of the United States, with respect to the petitions praying for a repeal of the alien and sedition laws including the report of a select committee, and the speeches of Messrs. Gallatin and Nicholas, thereon. 1
Microfiche 1227 36561, Box 141 Proceedings on the impeachment of William Blount, a senator of the United States from the state of Tennessee, for high crimes and misdemeanors 1
Microfiche 1227 36562, Box 141 Report from the committee to whom was referred, the bill, sent from the Senate, intituled "An act, for the relief of persons imprisoned for debt." 23d December, 1799. Committed to a committee of the whole House, on Friday next. : (Published by order of the House of Representatives.) 1
Microfiche 1227 36563, Box 141 Report (in part) of the committee to whom was referred so much of the president's speech as relates to the "naval establishment, the augmentation of the Navy, and the adoption of systematic measures for procuring timber, and other supplies." 17th January, 1799, committed to a committee of the whole House, on Monday next. : (Published by order of the House of Representatives.) 1
Microfiche 1227 36564, Box 141 Report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund inclosing a report to them, from the secretary of the Treasury, and sundry official statements of the accounting officers of the Treasury Department, relative to the measures which have been authorized by the commissioners, for purchasing the public debt, subsequent to their report of the 15th of December, 1798. : 11th December, 1799. Ordered to lie on the table. : Printed by order of the House of Representatives of the United States. 1
Microfiche 1227 36565, Box 141 Report of the committee appointed on the fourth instant, to prepare an address to both houses of Congress 6th December, 1799, committed to a committee of the whole House, on Monday next. 1
Microfiche 1227 36566, Box 141 Report of the Committee of Claims, on the memorials and petitions of Thomas Cox, Patrick Caveny, John Durnell, Lawrence Everhart, Job Gaskins, Nathaniel Harris, James Hole, Michael Jackson, Adam Koch, Johannes Kramer, John Labarr, John Little, Hugh Means, Gotlep Nestle, Simon Nicolls, Adam Reider, John Stotesbury, Joab Stafford, John Thompson, and John Whitlock 17th April, 1798, ordered to lie on the table. : 23rd April, 1798, committed to a committee of the whole House, to-morrow. : 15th January, 1799, committed to a committee of the whole House, to-morrow. : (Published by order of the House of Representatives.) 1
Microfiche 1227 36567, Box 141 Report of the Committee of Claims, on the petition of Stephen Sayre, presented the 29th March, 1796 15th January, 1798, ordered to lie on the table. : 17th January, 1798, committed to a committee of the whole House, to-morrow. : 25th January, 1799, committed to a committee of the whole House, on Monday next. : (Published by order of the House of Representatives.) 1
Microfiche 1227 36568, Box 141 Report of the Committee of Claims, to whom was recommitted, on the 24th ultimo, the petition of Comfort Sands, and others, together with several reports thereon 12th February, 1799, committed to a committee of the whole House, on Thursday next. : (Published by order of the House of Representatives.) 1
Microfiche 1227 36569, Box 141 Report of the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred, on the 7th instant, the petition of John Vaughan, of the city of Philadelphia, merchant 21st February, 1799, committed to a committee of the whole House, to-morrow. : (Published by order of the House of Representatives.) 1