Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 37958, Box 146 Minutes of the General Conference of the Methodist-Episcopal-Church begun in Baltimore on the sixth, and continued till the twentieth of May, one thousand eight hundred. : At which Thomas Coke and Francis Asbury presided. 1
Microfiche 1227 37959, Box 146 Minutes taken at the several annual conferences of the Methodist-Episcopal Church, in America, for the year 1800 1
Microfiche 1227 37962, Box 146 A sermon, delivered at Temple, February 22, 1800 on the death of George Washington, late president, and commander in chief of the armies of the United States of America; who departed this life December 14, 1799, in the 68th year of his age. / 1
Microfiche 1227 37963, Box 146 A sermon, occasioned by the death of General Washington Delivered at Greenbush, on the 22d day of February, 1800. / 1
Microfiche 1227 37964, Box 146 A sermon, delivered December 29, 1799 occasioned by the death of General George Washington, late president of the United States, and commander in chief of the American armies. / 1
Microfiche 1227 37965, Box 146 A sermon, preached in Newmarket, at the ordination of the Rev'd. James Thurston to the pastorl [sic] office in that town, October 15, 1800. / 1
Microfiche 1227 37966, Box 146 An eulogy on George Washington, late commander in chief of the armies of the United States of America who died December 14, 1799. : Delivered before the inhabitants of the town of Boston, at the request of their committee. / 1
Microfiche 1227 37967, Box 146 An eulogy on George Washington, late commander in chief of the armies of the United States of America who died December 14, 1799. : Delivered before the inhabitants of the town of Boston, at the request of their committee. / 1
Microfiche 1227 37968, Box 146 Minutes of debates in council on the banks of the Ottawa River, (commonly called the Miamia of the Lake) November--, 1791 Said to be held there by the chiefs of the several Indian nations, who defeated the army of the United States on the 4th of that month. Present, various nations. 1
Microfiche 1227 37969, Box 146 Minutes of the proceedings of the sixth Convention of Delegates from the Abolition Societies Established in Different Parts of the United States assembled at Philadelphia, on the fourth day of June, one thousand eight hundred, and continued by adjournments, until the sixth day of the same month, inclusive. 1
Microfiche 1227 37970, Box 146 Miranda, or The discovery A tale. : To which are added, Chariessa, or A pattern for her sex. : Also, an orginal [sic] story, founded on a fact. : Being a pleasing companion for young gentlemen and ladies. 1
Microfiche 1227 37973, Box 146 By Winthrop Sargent, governor of the Mississippi Territory In obedience to the will of the general government ... it is incumbent on me to direct that, Messieurs Cato West [and five others] ... who have been returned as representatives duly elected, should convene ... Given near Natchez, September 10, 1800. 1
Microfiche 1227 37974, Box 146 The Grove Plantation, M.T. November 16, 1800 Sir, I believe it a duty to communicate to the officers of the Territory, and slaveholders within the same, that an intended insurrection amongst the negroes of Virginia, (in which fifty thousand were to have rose in arms) is said to have been lately discovered. 1
Microfiche 1227 37975, Box 146 Missisippi Territory A law to alter the times of holding the Supreme Court in the county of Adams, and for other purposes. 1
Microfiche 1227 37976, Box 146 Proclamation. By Winthrop Sargent, governor of the Mississippi Territory Whereas it has been enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled, that so much of the ordinance ... providing for the government of the territory of the United States northwest of the river Ohio ... as relates to the organization of a General Assembly therein. 1
Microfiche 1227 37977, Box 146 An eulogy, on General George Washington, pronounced in the First Meeting-House in North-Yarmouth, on Saturday, February 22d, 1800 1
Microfiche 1227 37978, Box 146 An address to the citizens of New-York who assembled in the Brick Presbyterian Church, to celebrate the twenty-third anniversary of American independence. / 1
Microfiche 1227 37979, Box 146 The Mite of praise George Washington, the illustrious owner of Mount Vernon, was born in Virginia, (and as it is said) on the 11th day of February, A.D. 1732, old stile. He died on the 14th of December, A.D. 1799, new stile, aged 67 years, 9 months, and 20 days. He was commander in chief of the army--he resigned and retired to private life; was called to preside at the convention which formed our federal constitution, and by the unanimous voice of America [...] and was her president; was rechosen, and again served, then retired, approved and regretted to Mount Vernon--whence, impelled by love of his country, he became her volunteer, and was made, and died, lieutenant general and commander in chief of the army of the United States, and for him a nation weeps. 1
Microfiche 1227 37980, Box 146 The modern collection of sacred music containing the rudiments of the art and a choice collection of anthems, and psalm and hymn tunes, of every metre; carefully selected from ancient and modern authors. Adapted to the use of schools and worshipping societies. / 1
Microfiche 1227 37982, Box 146 The modern Quaker A comparative view of the primitive and present state of the Society of Friends, particularly addressed to the youth. / 1