Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 39177, Box 151 Whereas the lawes published by the Honoured General Court Lib. I. Pag. 76. Sect. 3, do require all townes from time to time to dispose of single persons and inmates within their towns to service, or otherwise. ... These are therefore in His Majesties name to require you to acquaint the select men of your town, that the court doth expect and will require that the said lawes be accordingly attended, the prevolency of the former neglect notwithstanding. 1
Microfiche 1227 39178, Box 151 Upon the death of the virtuous and religious Mrs. Lydia Minot (the wife of Mr. John Minot of Dorchester;) the mother of five children, who died in child-bed of the sixth; and together therewith was interred January 27. 1667 [1668, new style] 1
Microfiche 1227 39179, Box 151 A sermon preach'd at the election of the governour, at Boston in New-England, May 19th 1669 1
Microfiche 1227 39181, Box 151 Christs famous titles; and A believers golden-chain handled in divers sermons. : Together with his Cabinet of jewels or A glimpse of Sions glory. / 1
Microfiche 1227 39182, Box 151 Mount Sion: or, The priviledge and practice of the saints 1
Microfiche 1227 39183, Box 151 Quæstiones in philosophia pro modulo discutiendæ sub Leonardo Hoar M.D. Col. Harvardini, Cantab. in N. Anglia præside per inceptores in artibus in comitiis die duodecimo sextilis M. D. C. LXXIII. 1
Microfiche 1227 39185, Box 151 At a General Court held at Boston, March the eleventh 1673,4 Whereas it pleaseth God still to exercise his people here & else-where, with many and various difficulties and trialls ... These and other considerations hath moved this court, who do hereby order & appoint that the twenty sixt[h] day of this instant March, be set apart & kept as a day of humiliation and prayer. 1
Microfiche 1227 39187, Box 151 The Narrative of the most terrible and dreadfull tempest, hurricane, or earthquake in Holland, on Wednesday the 22 of July last with the particulars of the damages, how it overthrew and bent down vast numbers of steeples, mills, and houses desroyed many men and children, cast away abundance of ships in several places, almost utterly ruined the citty of Utrecht, where the churches following are demolished; the famous Dome, or Cathedral of that place. The spire of Saint Jamses. Burr Kirk. St Peters Church, and St. Nicholas Church. And other wonderful devastations; so that 'tis judged by some men, the Dutch have hereby suffered no less damage, than London by the dreadfull fire in Sixty-six. / 1
Microfiche 1227 39188, Box 151 At a Council held at Boston, September the seventeenth 1675 It having pleased the Holy God ... The governour and Council of this jurisdiction therefore ... do appoint and order the seventh day of the next moneth; to be a day of public humiliation, with fasting and prayer. 1
Microfiche 1227 39189, Box 151 At a Council held at Boston the 25th. of June, 1675 The governour and magistrates being assembled in Council to consider of the publick affairs of this common-weal ... doe nominate and appoint the 29th. day of this instant June to be kept as a day of humiliation and prayer. 1
Microfiche 1227 39190, Box 151 At a meeting of the Council in Boston in the Massachusets in New-England March the fourth, 1674,5 Upon consideration of the condition of the people of God in other parts of the world ... The Council, have thought it expedient, to appoint the twenty fifth day of this instant, to be kept as a day of humiliation, in fasting, and prayer. 1
Microfiche 1227 39191, Box 151 At a General Court held at Boston, February the 21st. 1675 [new style, 1676] Upon the serious consideration of that cloud of the Lords anger wherewith He hath covered this land ... The Court doth appoint the second day of March next to be kept as a day of solemn humiliation, fasting and prayer. 1
Microfiche 1227 39192, Box 151 At a General Court held at Boston the 11th. of Octob. 1675 [i.e., 1676] Whereas it hath pleased our gracious God, contrary to the many evill-deservings of an unworthy and sinfull people such as we are ... This court doth appoint and set apart the ninth day of November next to be a day of solemn thanksgiving and praise to God. 1
Microfiche 1227 39193, Box 151 At a sessions of the General Court held at Boston the 3d. of November 1675 This court being in some measure sensible of the hand of the Lord being stretched forth against us in the way of His judgments ... doth appoint and set apart the second day of December next to be kept a day of solemn humiliation and prayer. 1
Microfiche 1227 39195, Box 151 A Funeral elegy upon the death of that excellent and most worthy gentleman John Winthrop Esq late governour of his majestyes colony of Conecticot; who deceased April, 1676. 1
Microfiche 1227 39196, Box 151 Lamentations upon the never enough bewailed death of the Reverend Mr. John Reiner, Pastor of the church of Christ at Dover who was gathered to his Father December, 21. 1676. 1
Microfiche 1227 39197, Box 151 A funeral elegie (written many years since) on the death of the memorable and truly honourable John Winthrope Esq governour of the Massachusets Colony in N-England. For the space of 19 years, who died in the 63d. year of his age. March 26. 1649. 1
Microfiche 1227 39198, Box 151 At a sessions of the General Court held at Boston the 11th October 1676 This court having had manifold experience in former dayes ... doth appoint and set apart the first Thursday in December, being the seventh day of the moneth to be kept, a day of solemn humiliation and prayer. 1
Microfiche 1227 39199, Box 151 At a General Court held at Boston the 3d of May 1676 For defraying the charges already expended upon the warre and other charges arising in the further prosecution thereof. 1
Microfiche 1227 39200, Box 151 The oath of allegiance I A.B. do truly and sincerely acknowledge, profess, testifie, and declare in may conscience before God and the world, that our Sovereign Lord King Charles is lawful and rightful King of the realm of England. 1