Microfiche 1227 40198, Box 153
Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England In order to redress the distressing circumstances which the trade of the province labours under for want of a medium, other methods having failed, it is proposed to set up a bank on land security, no person to be admitted but such as dwell in this province, and hath a real estate therein. |
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Microfiche 1227 40199, Box 153
Province of Massachusetts-Bay in New-England In order to redress the distressing circumstances which the trade of this province labours under for want of a medium, other methods having failed, it is proposed to set up a bank on land security, no persons to be admitted but such as dwell in this province, and have a real estate therein; and in order thereunto it is proposed. |
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Microfiche 1227 40200, Box 153
The speech of His Excellency Samuel Ogle, Esq; governor and commander in chief in and over the province of Maryland, to both Houses of Assembly At a session of Assembly, begun and held at the city of Annapolis, on Monday the seventh day of July, in the twenty sixth year of the dominion of the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Baron of Baltimore, Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the provinces of Maryland and Avalon, &c. Annoq Domini 1740. : Published by authority. |
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Microfiche 1227 40201, Box 153
An act made and passed at a session of assembly begun and held at the city of Annapolis, on Wednesday the twenty third day of April ... 1740 An act for issuing and paying out of the office of the commissioners or trustees for emitting bills of credit established by act of Assembly the sum of two thousand five hundred and sixty two pounds ten shillings current money in bills of credit to be applied for the encouragement of persons voluntarily inlisting themselves in His Majesty's service. |
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Microfiche 1227 40203, Box 153
By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; ... A proclamation Whereas a scheme for emitting bills or notes by John Colman, Esq; and others, was laid before the Great and General Court ... I have thought fit ... to issue this proclamation, hereby giving notice and warning ... and cautioning ... against receiving or passing the said notes ... Given at the Council chamber in Boston, the seventeenth day of July 1740. |
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Microfiche 1227 40206, Box 153
Speeches made, and a letter wrote by His Excellency Lewis Morris, Esq; captain general and commander in chief, in and over His Majesty's province of New-Jersey, and the territories threon [sic] depending in America, and vice admiral in the same. To the assembly of the province aforesaid, on the intended expedition against the Spaniards in the West-Indies |
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Microfiche 1227 40207, Box 153
To be sold, one moity or half part of the island of Roanoak scituate and being in the county of Albemarle and province of North Carolina ... Any person inclining to purchase the same, may apply themselves to Samuel Swann, Esq; ... or to Doct. Belcher Noyes, of Boston ... who is the rightful owner thereof. Boston, May 26th. 1740. |
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Microfiche 1227 40208, Box 153
Perth-Amboy, January 21st 1739-40 Whereas in a cause depending in the Court of Chancery of New-Jersey at the suit of the creditors and legatees of Charles Dunstar deceased, against Michael Kearney, and James Alexander. |
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Microfiche 1227 40209, Box 153
A Satyrical description of commencement Calculated to the meridian of Cambridge in New-England. : (First printed in the year 1718.) |
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Microfiche 1227 40213, Box 153
An essay on the pleurisy |
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Microfiche 1227 40214, Box 153
An essay upon the faith of assurance being the substance of several sermons preached by the author to his own congregation. : To which is added an appendix containing a modest resolution of two important cases relating to assurance. / |
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Microfiche 1227 40215, Box 153
The humble address of the Council, in Assembly. To the Honourable William Gooch, Esq; His Majesty's lieutenant-governor and commander in chief, of the colony and dominion of Virginia |
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Microfiche 1227 40216, Box 153
The humble address of the Council, in Assembly, to the Honourable William Gooch, Esq; His Majesty's lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief, of the colony and dominion of Virginia |
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Microfiche 1227 40217, Box 153
The speech of the Honourable William Gooch, Esq |
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Microfiche 1227 40218, Box 153
The speech of the Honourable William Gooch, Esq |
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Microfiche 1227 40220, Box 153
The humble address of the Burgesses, met in Assembly, to the Honourable William Gooch, Esq; His Majesty's lieutenant-governor, and commander in chief of the colony and dominion of Virginia |
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Microfiche 1227 40222, Box 153
Divine songs attempted in easy language for the use of children |
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Microfiche 1227 40225, Box 153
A journal of a voyage from Gibraltar to Georgia |
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Microfiche 1227 40226, Box 153
Journal of a voyage from London to Gibraltar by Geo. Whitefield, A.B. of Pembroke-College, Oxford Containing many curious observations, and edifying reflections, on the several occurrences happen'd in the voyage. |
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Microfiche 1227 40228, Box 153
The marks of the new-birth A sermon preach'd by the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield, A.B. from Acts XIX. 2. Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? : Wherein is shewn, I. Who the Holy Ghost here spoken of, is; and how we must all receive him before we can be stiled true believers. II. Scripture marks laid down, whereby we may know, whether we have thus received the Holy Ghost, or not. III. By way of conclusion, an address to several distinct classes of professors, concerning the doctrine that shall have been delivered. |
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