Microfiche 1227 41678, Box 155
From the public news-papers. Boston, July 14. & 17. 1766 Last Wednesday morning died here greatly and sincerely lamented, by all who knew him, the Reverend Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. AE. 46, a friend to liberty and learning, a lover of mankind, and a uniform disciple of Jesus Christ. |
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Microfiche 1227 41679, Box 155
The Virginia almanack for the year of our Lord God 1767. ... |
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Microfiche 1227 41680 Box 155
Wo des Verächters Netz uns Weg und Pfad bestrickte, Die wehen Knorr'n am Fuss, die uns der Stiefel drückte ... |
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Microfiche 1227 41683, Box 155
Advertisement. Twenty pounds reward Run away last night, William Burns, aged about 22 years ... Whoever takes up the said Burns, and will deliver him to Capt. Fuser, in Charlestown, shall have twenty pounds, South-Carolina currency reward. |
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Microfiche 1227 41684 Box 155
An alarm to unconverted sinners In a serious treatise; shewing, I. What conversion is not, and correcting some mistakes about it. II. What conversion is, and wherein it consisteth. III. The necessity of conversion. IV. The marks of the unconverted. V. The miseries of the unconverted. VI. Directions for conversion. VII. Motives to conversion. : Whereunto is annexed Divers practical cases of conscience judiciously resolved. / |
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Microfiche 1227 41685, Box 155
Just imported from London, by Jolley Allen at his shop about midway between the governor's and the Town-House, and almost opposite the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston. A very large assortment of English and India goods. |
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Microfiche 1227 41686, Box 155
Die Alte und neue Wahrheit hervorgebracht aus dem guten Schatz des Herzens eines Liebhabers göttlicher Weisheit: in gesalbeten und bündigen Zeugnissen über verschiedene Materien in der Gottseligkeit. Allen der wahren Weisheit suchenden, von Gott beruffenen und nach dem ewigen wahren Vaterlande wandernde Pilgrimme, zur Nachricht und zum Vergnügen auf dem Wege, aus herzlicher Liebe ausgefertiget. |
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Microfiche 1227 41687, Box 155
Christ in the clouds coming to judgment; or, The dissolution of all things Wherein is plainly set forth, the second coming of Christ to judgment. ... / |
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Microfiche 1227 41688, Box 155
Christ in the clouds, coming to judgment; or, The dissolution of all things Wherein is plainly set forth, the second coming of Christ to judgment. ... / |
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Microfiche 1227 41689, Box 155
An astronomical diary; or almanack for the year of our Lord Christ, 1768 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, New-England, latt. 42⁰ 25' north. ... / |
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Microfiche 1227 41690, Box 155
Wells's register, of the southern British American provinces Together with an almanack, or ephemeris astronomical and meteorogical [sic], calculated for the meridian of 79 deg. west long. from London, and the parallel of latitude where the Arctick Pole is elevated 32 deg. above the horizon. By George Andrews, Esq; for the year of our Lord 1768. |
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Microfiche 1227 41691, Box 155
The psalm-singer's assistant containing, I. An introduction, with such directions for singing, as are necessary for learners. II. A collection of choice psalm-tunes, suited to the several measures both of the old and new version; engraved in a correct manner, and is designed for the improvement of psalmody, in the congregations, both in town and country: all being composed in three parts, collected from the best masters. / |
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Microfiche 1227 41692, Box 155
The psalm-singer's assistant containing, I. An introduction, with such directions for singing, as are necessary for learners. II. A collection of choice psalm-tunes, suited to the several measures both of the old and new version; engraved in a correct manner, and is designed for the improvement of psalmody, in the congregations, both in town and country: all being composed in three parts, collected from the best masters. / |
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Microfiche 1227 41695, Box 155
Whereas this province labours under a heavy debt, incurred in the course of the late war and the inhabitants ... subject to very burthensome taxes ... We therefore the subscribers ... to promote industry, oeconomy and manufactures among ourselves ... will not, from and after the 31st of December next, purchase any of the following articles, imported from abroad. |
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Microfiche 1227 41696, Box 155
Boston, October 31, 1767 Gentlemen, In compliance with the orders of the town it is our honour to serve, we inclose you their votes past [sic] the 28th instant; and doubt not ... you will promote similar measures. |
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Microfiche 1227 41697, Box 155
At a meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Boston legally qualified and warned in public town meeting assembled, at Faneuil-Hall, on Tuesday the 31st day of March, A.D. 1767. Voted, that the select-men be desired to shut up such part of the town's land adjoining to Faneuil-Hall Market as they shall judge proper. |
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Microfiche 1227 41698, Box 155
The Boy who carries the Boston evening-post, presents his compliments of joy on the commencement of the year 1767 |
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Microfiche 1227 41699, Box 155
William and Thomas Bradford, printers, booksellers and stationers, at their book-store, in Market-Street, adjoining the London Coffee-House: have for sale, the following books and stationary ... |
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Microfiche 1227 41700, Box 155
Boston, December, 1768. Proposals for printing by subscription, The miser: or The soldier's humour. A comedy of three acts, as it is acted by His Majesty's servants. By William Clarke, soldier in His Majesty's XXIXth regiment. ... The price to subscribers will be eight pence ... Subscriptions are taken in by Elisha Brown, at the manufactory-house ... |
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Microfiche 1227 41701, Box 155
This shall entitle the owner to such prize as shall be drawn against it in W. Byrd's lottery. 1767 |
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