Microfiche 1227 42158, Box 156
The Prodigal daughter: or, A strange and wonderful relation shewing how a gentleman of a vast estate in Bristol, had a proud and disobedient daughter, who, because her parents would not support her in all her extravagance, bargained with the Devil to poison them. How an angel informed her parents of her design. How she lay in a trance four days; and when she was put in the grave she came to life again, and related the wonderful things she saw in the other world. : Likewise the substance of a sermon preached on the occasion, by the Rev. Mr. Williams, from Luke XV. 24. |
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Microfiche 1227 42159, Box 156
Written on hearing of the much-lamented death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield |
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Microfiche 1227 42160, Box 156
Remarks upon a late paper of instructions, calculated for the meridian of four counties, in the province of New-York [Six lines from Jablonski] |
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Microfiche 1227 42163, Box 156
At the General Assembly of the governor and Company of the English colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence Plantations, in New-England, in America begun and holden by adjournment at East-Greenwich, within and for the said colony, on the second Monday in September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy, and tenth of the reign of His Most Sacred Majesty, George the Third, by the grace of God, King of Great-Britain, and so forth. : An act for assessing upon the inhabitants of this colony, a rate or tax of twelve thousand pounds, lawful money. |
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Microfiche 1227 42164, Box 156
The history of the reign of Charles the Fifth, Emperor of Germany, and King of Spain Including the history of the wars in Europe, during his age. : In two volumes. / |
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Microfiche 1227 42165, Box 156
A narative [sic] of the captivity, sufferings and removes of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson who was taken prisoner by the Indians, with several others, and treated in the most barbarous and cruel manner by those vile savages: with many other remarkable events during her travels. / |
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Microfiche 1227 42166, Box 156
The Royal primer. Or, An easy and p[l]easant guide to the art of reading Authorized by His Majesty King George II. To be used throughout His Majesty's dominions. : Adorn[e]d with cuts. |
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Microfiche 1227 42167, Box 156
Syllabus of a course of lectures on chemistry |
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Microfiche 1227 42168, Box 156
Charter of a college to be erected in New-Jersey, by the name of Queen's-College for the education of the youth of the said province and the neighbouring colonies in true religion and useful learning, and particularly for providing an able and learned Protestant ministry, according to the constitution of the Reformed Churches in the United Provinces, using the discipline approved and instituted by the national Synod of Dort, in the years 1618, and 1619. |
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Microfiche 1227 42170 Box156
Seven hints for all who will take them |
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Microfiche 1227 42171, Box 156
A Short poem, on the death of the Rev'd Mr. George Whitefield. ... |
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Microfiche 1227 42172, Box 156
Some thoughts on religion |
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Microfiche 1227 42173, Box 156
Acts of the General Assembly of South-Carolina. Passed the 7th of April, 1770 |
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Microfiche 1227 42174, Box 156
The constitutional and additional rules of the South-Carolina Society established at Charlestown in the said province, Sept. 1, 1737. Incorporated by an act of the General Assembly of the said province, passed the 17th day of May, 1752; which was finally ratified and confirmed by our most gracious sovereign, in council, on the 20th day of December, 1752. |
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Microfiche 1227 42175, Box 156
A sentimental journey, through France and Italy |
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Microfiche 1227 42177, Box 156
The South-Carolina and Georgia almanack, for the year of our Lord 1771 ... |
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Microfiche 1227 42178, Box 156
A defence of Messrs. Galloway and Wharton, late printers of the Pennsylvania chronicle humbly offered ... |
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Microfiche 1227 42179, Box 156
A Verse occasioned by the late horrid massacre in King-Street |
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Microfiche 1227 42181, Box 156
The great salvation; and the danger of neglecting it A sermon on Hebrews ii. 3. / |
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Microfiche 1227 42182, Box 156
The whole armour of God A discourse delivered by the late Mr. Walsh, in West-Street Chapel; : with an hymn on the same subject, by the Rev. Mr. Charles Wesley. : [Two lines from I. Timothy] |
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