Microfiche 1227 45050, Box 159
General exports from the port of Charleston, South-Carolina, from November 1786, to November 1787 |
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Microfiche 1227 45052, Box 159
A discourse, publicly delivered, on third day morning, the eighth day of the fifth-month 1787, at a public meeting of the people called Quakers, held in Market-Street, Philadelphia By Thomas Colley. ; Carefully taken down in short hand. |
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Microfiche 1227 45054, Box 159
At a General Assembly of the state of Connecticut, holden at New-Haven, on the second Thursday of October, Anno Dom. 1787 The gentlemen nominated by the votes of the freemen of this state, to stand for election in May next, delegates in Congress of the United States of America, as sent in to this assembly, are as follow, viz. James Hillhouse, Esq. |
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Microfiche 1227 45055, Box 159
A copy of a letter written by our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ And found under a great stone, sixty-five years after his crucifiction [sic]. Likewise, King Agbarus's letter to our Saviour and Christ's answer to the same. |
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Microfiche 1227 45056, Box 159
The task A poem. In six books. / |
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Microfiche 1227 45057, Box 159
A sermon preached before the Cape-Fear Union Lodge of the Ancient and Honourable Order of Free and Accepted Masons, and a number of visiting brethren assembled at Fayetteville on December 7, 1786. Being the day of St. Jonh [sic] the Evangelist. / |
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Microfiche 1227 45058, Box 159
New-York air furnace Peter T. Curtenius, and Co. have repaired the New-York air-furnace, and have procured the best workmen, together with the necessary apparatus to carry on the manufacture of cast-iron, in the completest and best manner, so that the ware they make will be equal to any imported from Europe, and the price less. |
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Microfiche 1227 45059, Box 159
The wonderful life, and surprising adventures of the renowned hero Robinson Crusoe who lived twenty-eight years on an uninhabited island, which he afterwards colonized. |
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Microfiche 1227 45060, Box 159
Disadvantages of federalism, upon the new plan 1. The trade of Boston transferred to Philadelphia; and the Boston tradesmen starving. |
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Microfiche 1227 45061, Box 159
The right ascension and declination of [beta] Bootes adapted to the beginning of the year, 1787 |
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Microfiche 1227 45063, Box 159
The book of knowledge treating of the wisdom of the ancients. : In four parts. I. Shewing the various & wonderful operation of the signs & planets, and other celestial constellations, on the bodies of men, &c. : II. Prognostications for ever, necessary to keep the body in health; with several choice receipts in physic and surgery. : III. An abstract of the art of physiognomy and palmistry, together with the signification of moles, and the interpretation of dreams, &c. : IV. The farmer's calendar, containing, 1. Perpetual prognostications for weather. 2. The whole mystery of husbandry. 3. The compleat and experienced farrier & cowleech, &c. / |
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Microfiche 1227 45064, Box 159
An Excellent pair of verses, composed on the pious life and death of the late venerable and pious Mrs. Sarah Thayer the virtuous consort of the late eminent Mr. Ephraim Thayer, of Braintree, who departed this transitory state, Aug. 19, 1751 ... (Now re-published at the earnest request and for the benefit of her numerous relations, friends and acquaintance, with a view of perpetuating the memory of so worthy a character.) |
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Microfiche 1227 45065, Box 159
Extract from an address to the people of the state of New York, on the subject of the Federal Constitution |
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Microfiche 1227 45066, Box 159
Father Tammany's almanac, for the year of our Lord 1788 ... Containing, (besides the astronomical calculations, by B. Workman), abstract of the ordinance of Congress ... Anecdotes of American ladies ... / |
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Microfiche 1227 45067, Box 159
A sermon preached by the Rev. James Maury Fountaine, at the funeral of Mrs. Frances Page, wife of John Page, Esq; of Rosewell, on the [blank] day of February 1787 |
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Microfiche 1227 45069, Box 159
Friends, countrymen and fellow-citizens! The present crisis demands your serious attention You are now about giving your sufferages for members of the General Assembly. |
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Microfiche 1227 45070, Box 159
Friends of America, look at the insolence of Federalists The St. George's Society, which constitutes a portion of the most active and influential of the Federal Party, gave the following toast. |
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Microfiche 1227 45071, Box 159
From our Yearly-Meeting held in London, by adjournments, from the 28th day of the fifth month, to the 4th of the sixth month, 1787, inclusive To the next Yearly-Meeting of Friends in Philadelphia, for Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, &c. |
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Microfiche 1227 45072, Box 159
To the General Assembly of the state of Rhode-Island Respectfully sheweth, the religious society of the people called Quakers, in New England, met together in their annual assembly on Rhode-Island, for the purpose of promoting the cause of religion, of piety, justice and good order. |
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Microfiche 1227 45073, Box 159
Catalogue of books and stationary, &c Sold by Hugh Gaine, at his bookstore and printing-office, at the Bible, in Hanover-Square. |
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