Microfiche 1227 45239, Box 160
To the Roman Catholic voters in Baltimore-Town Gentlemen, The publication of the Rev. Mr. Sewall, of a statement by the Rev. Doctor Carroll, of a conversation between him and Mr. Daniel Carroll, and Mr. Sewall's remarks thereon, demand my notice. |
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Microfiche 1227 45240, Box 160
To the voters of Baltimore-Town Gentlemen, We take the liberty to lay before you copies of the following letters that have passed between James M'Henry and John Coulter, Esquires, and us, respecting the adoption of some mode and rules for the conduct of the ensuing election. |
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Microfiche 1227 45241, Box 160
A short and brief account of the shipwreck of Capt. Joshua Winslow who was overset on Carolina coast ... on the 23d day of July, 1788. |
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Microfiche 1227 45242, Box 160
A short and brief account of the shipwreck of Cap. Joshua Winslow who was overset on Carolina coast ... on the 23d day of July, 1788. |
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Microfiche 1227 45243, Box 160
Five dollars reward On Tuesday, the 3d instant, a person who said his name was Jacob Johnston ... borrowed of the subscriber, living in said Gloucester, a valuable horse, to ride to Providence, promising to return him in the evening of the same day.---He came directly to Providence and sold the horse for a silver watch and seven dollars, and has absconded. |
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Microfiche 1227 45244, Box 160
State of Connecticut, in America To [blank] constable of [blank] and collector of the state tax for said town, for the year 1789, Greeting. ... These are therefore by authority of the state of Connecticut to require and command you, to collect of the inhabitants of said town, six pence on the pound, amounting to ... Dated at Hartford, the 1st day of November ... 1788. |
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Microfiche 1227 45245, Box 160
Es ist zu verkaufen, oder auf Anbauungs-Bedingungen zu verlehnen ein Strich sehr köstlich Bauland, in Northampton County, in Pennsylvanien ... |
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Microfiche 1227 45246, Box 160
To the public Annapolis, July 18, 1788. Though nothing can be more disagreeable to me, than to be drawn into public dispute. |
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Microfiche 1227 45249, Box 160
Gilbert Deblois, Senior. At his store in Cornhill, no. 1, opposite School-Street. Near the Old South Meeting House, Boston Imports from Great-Britain, Ireland, France and Holland, and sells on the lowest terms for ready money, wholesale and retail. A large assortment of. |
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Microfiche 1227 45250, Box 160
New travels to the westward, or, unknown parts of America Being a tour of almost fourteen months. : Containing, an account of the country upwards of two thousand miles west of the Christian parts of North-America; with an account of white Indians, their manners, habits, and many other particulars. / |
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Microfiche 1227 45251, Box 160
A new guide to the English tongue in five parts. ... The whole, being recommended by several clergymen and eminent schoolmasters, as the most useful performance, for the instruction of youth, is designed for the use of schools in Great-Britain, Ireland, and in the several colonies and plantations abroad. / |
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Microfiche 1227 45253, Box 160
Kurze und einfältige Kinderlehr, für die Anfangende |
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Microfiche 1227 45256, Box 160
The Federal almanac, for the year, 1789 ... adapted to the latitude and longitude of Wilmington, in the state of Delaware, being 39⁰ 44' 25" n. lat. and 75⁰ 2' 6" west long. from London; and will answer with sufficient accuracy, for Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, Maryland and Virginia. |
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Microfiche 1227 45257, Box 160
To the independent electors, of the city and county of Albany At a public and general meeting of the Federalists of the city of Albany, a committee, consisting of fifteen persons, was appointed for the purpose of collecting the sentiments of the different districts of the county, on the subject of nominating candidates for members of the Convention and legislature. |
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Microfiche 1227 45258, Box 160
A few verses composed by P.F. on account of the sudden death of John Brown, and Huldy Brown, son and daughter, of Elder Eleazar Brown, of Stonington, who were killed with lightning, on Saturday the seventh day of June, 1788 The young man was in the 25th year of his age, and the young woman about 18 years old.--Both in the prime of life. |
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Microfiche 1227 45259, Box 160
Primitive baptism defended in a letter to the Rev. John Cleaveland, of Ipswich: occasioned by his late dissertation and postscript on that subject. / |
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Microfiche 1227 45260, Box 160
Four excellent new songs, called, Yankee Doodle. Death of General Wolfe. Nancy Dawson. Guardian angels |
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Microfiche 1227 45261, Box 160
Twenty dollars reward Stolen out of a sloop lying at Banister's Wharf, on the night of the 4th instant, about 240 dollars in gold and silver. |
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Microfiche 1227 45262, Box 160
Geistlicher Irrgarten mit vier Gnadenbrunnen, dadurch kürzlich angedeutet werden: erstlich die vier strömedes Paradieses. |
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Microfiche 1227 45263, Box 160
A General description of the thirteen United States of America Containing, their situation, boundaries, soil and produce, rivers, capitals, constitution, religious test and number of inhabitants. |
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