Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 45466, Box 160 A new edition, corrected, improved, and greatly enlarged April, 1789. Proposals, by Thomas Dobson, bookseller, at the stone house, in Second Street, Philadelphia, for printing by subscription, Encyclopaedia Britannica: or, A dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature. 1
Microfiche 1227 45467, Box 160 Select fables of Esop and other fabulists In three books. Containing, I. Fables from the ancients. II. Fables from the moderns. III. Original fables newly invented. / 1
Microfiche 1227 45468, Box 160 Duties payable on goods imported into the United States of America, by act of Congress, of 4th July, 1789 Also, rates of fees, coins, and of tonnage, by the act for the collection of the said duties, and by the act for laying a tonnage on vessels. 1
Microfiche 1227 45469, Box 160 The duties, tonnage, discounts and drawbacks in the United States of America from August 1st, 1789, to June 1st 1796. 1
Microfiche 1227 45470, Box 160 Fellow citizens, You have this moment been witnesses to one of the noblest spectacles that the eyes of freemen ever beheld. You have seen the first patriot of his country, raised by the unanimous voice of his fellow-citizens to the highest station in it ... 1
Microfiche 1227 45471, Box 160 Fellow citizens, The man who, on this day of general joy and satisfaction, will attempt to improve the solemn spectacle to which you have been witnesses, to the purpose of fomenting party spirit, and keeping up distinctions which ought to be forgotten, must be influenced by diabolical motives. ... 1
Microfiche 1227 45472, Box 160 A few verses composed by P.F. on account of the sudden death of John Brown, and Huldy Brown, son and daughter of Elder Eleazer Brown, of Stonington who were killed with lightning, on Saturday the seventh day of June 1788. The young man was in the 25th year of his age, and the young woman about 18 years old.--Both in the prime of life. 1
Microfiche 1227 45473, Box 160 Der geschwinde Rechner, oder: Sichere Beystand de Händlers im Kaufen und Verkaufen unterschiedener Artickel sowohl beym Grossen als auch Kleinen; worinnen auf einmal zu sehen ist: der Werth oder Belauf einiger Anzahl oder Quantiẗt Artickel oder Kaufmanns-Waaren, von 1 zu 10,000 hinauf, nach den unterschiedenen Preisen von 1 Färthing zu 1 Pfund. : Welchem sind auch beygefügt, Tabellen der Interesse von 5, 6, und 7 pro Cent. Eine Tabelle die das Gewicht und den Werth des Gold und Silbers, wie es zu gegenwärtiger Zeit in Pennsylvanien und Neu-York gangbar ist, anzeigt. Auch eine Tabelle die den Werth des Continental-Geldes zeigt, wie solcher von Zeit zu Zeit von den Staaten Pennsylvanien und Maryland vestgestzt [sic] worden ist. 1
Microfiche 1227 45475, Box 160 The following petition and remonstrance was read in the House of Assembly on the fifteenth instant and as it has been said to be "improper, indecent and insulting," the subscriber wishes to give the world an opportunity of judging on its merits, and therefore presents this printed copy of it. / 1
Microfiche 1227 45476, Box 160 To the honorable representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania The petition and remonstrance of John Fitch, of the city of Philadelphia. Respectfully sheweth, that your petitioner hath seen the printed bill for granting to James Rumsey certain inventions. 1
Microfiche 1227 45478, Box 160 XIV sermons on the characters of Jacob's fourteen sons [Five lines of Scripture texts] 1
Microfiche 1227 45479, Box 160 The Baltimore pocket almanack, for the year 1790 ... 1
Microfiche 1227 45480, Box 160 Regulations for the government of the Grand Lodge of Virginia 1
Microfiche 1227 45482, Box 160 The right education of children recommended in a sermon, preached in a new school-house in North-Yarmouth, September 23, 1788; and now published by the desire of those who heard it. / 1
Microfiche 1227 45484, Box 160 Stop thief! Stolen from the subscriber, in Pittsfield, on Friday night last, a bay horse ... Charles Goodrich. Pittsfield, June 29, 1789. ... : Also, stolen the same night, from Zadock Hubbard, in said Pittsfield, a dark roan horse ... Zadock Hubbard, Pittsfield, June 29, 1789. 1
Microfiche 1227 45485, Box 160 Lands. Lands to be rented or for sale The subscriber is about laying off the following twelve tracts of land, in lots of 100 acres each. 1
Microfiche 1227 45486, Box 160 Imported and sold by Moses Grant, no. 6, Union-Street, a general assortment of upholstery, English goods, Lisbon, waterfowl & geese feathers Said Grant carries on the paper-staining business, where may be had a great variety of paper-hanging.-- Each piece is warranted to contain twelve yards. 1
Microfiche 1227 45487, Box 160 Sir, The subscribers have spared no expence or attention to render the accommodations for travellers, and the entertainment of the citizens, at Gray's Ferry, as complete as possible. The bridge over the Schuylkill will be maintained in good repair, and attendance given, as usual, night and day. ... 1
Microfiche 1227 45488, Box 160 Isaac Greenwood, dentist, no. 49, Marlborough-Street acquaints the publick, that he continues to perform the necessary branches of that art. 1
Microfiche 1227 45489, Box 160 A father's legacy to his daughters 1