Microfiche 1227 45478, Box 160
XIV sermons on the characters of Jacob's fourteen sons [Five lines of Scripture texts] |
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Microfiche 1227 45479, Box 160
The Baltimore pocket almanack, for the year 1790 ... |
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Microfiche 1227 45480, Box 160
Regulations for the government of the Grand Lodge of Virginia |
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Microfiche 1227 45482, Box 160
The right education of children recommended in a sermon, preached in a new school-house in North-Yarmouth, September 23, 1788; and now published by the desire of those who heard it. / |
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Microfiche 1227 45484, Box 160
Stop thief! Stolen from the subscriber, in Pittsfield, on Friday night last, a bay horse ... Charles Goodrich. Pittsfield, June 29, 1789. ... : Also, stolen the same night, from Zadock Hubbard, in said Pittsfield, a dark roan horse ... Zadock Hubbard, Pittsfield, June 29, 1789. |
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Microfiche 1227 45485, Box 160
Lands. Lands to be rented or for sale The subscriber is about laying off the following twelve tracts of land, in lots of 100 acres each. |
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Microfiche 1227 45486, Box 160
Imported and sold by Moses Grant, no. 6, Union-Street, a general assortment of upholstery, English goods, Lisbon, waterfowl & geese feathers Said Grant carries on the paper-staining business, where may be had a great variety of paper-hanging.-- Each piece is warranted to contain twelve yards. |
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Microfiche 1227 45487, Box 160
Sir, The subscribers have spared no expence or attention to render the accommodations for travellers, and the entertainment of the citizens, at Gray's Ferry, as complete as possible. The bridge over the Schuylkill will be maintained in good repair, and attendance given, as usual, night and day. ... |
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Microfiche 1227 45488, Box 160
Isaac Greenwood, dentist, no. 49, Marlborough-Street acquaints the publick, that he continues to perform the necessary branches of that art. |
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Microfiche 1227 45489, Box 160
A father's legacy to his daughters |
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Microfiche 1227 45491, Box 160
To the electors of the city and county of New-York This day commences the important election of a governor. |
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Microfiche 1227 45492, Box 160
Catechismus, oder Kurzer Unterricht christlicher Lehre für die angehende Jugend in der Churfürstlichen Pfalz; und andern reformirten Orten zu gebrauchen: : samt der Haus-Tafel, mit und ohne biblischen Sprüch-Büchlein, alles zur Ehre und Lob Gottes. |
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Microfiche 1227 45493, Box 160
The History of little King Pippin With an account of the melancholy death of four naughty boys, who were devoured by wild beasts. : And the wonderful delivery of Master Harry Harmless, by a little white horse. |
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Microfiche 1227 45494, Box 160
The History of Master Jackey and Miss Harriot together with a few maxims for the improvement of the mind. : Dedicated to the good children of the United States of America. : [Four lines of verse] |
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Microfiche 1227 45495, Box 160
The parent's assistant A short practical catechism, compiled for the instruction of children. And addressed to all the parents and heads of families, belonging to the Benevolent Congregational Church of Christ, in Providence,--for the improvement of their children in the knowledge of moral and Christian principles.--And in the practice of virtue and piety. / |
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Microfiche 1227 45496, Box 160
Ode to the President of the United States on his arrival at Boston |
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Microfiche 1227 45497, Box 160
To-morrow, (being the 12th of May) at nine in the morning, will be sold by public vendue, at Hoppin and Snow's auction-office, opposite the market, in Providence, the following catalogue of books. ... |
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Microfiche 1227 45498, Box 160
Directions for recovering persons, who are supposed to be dead, from drowning also, for preventing and curing the disorders produced by drinking cold water, or other cold liquors, and by the action of noxious vapours, lightning, and excessive heat and cold, upon the human body. : Published by order of the Humane Society of Philadelphia. |
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Microfiche 1227 45499, Box 160
Boston, July 21, 1789. Sir, It being now considered as an established truth ... that marks of apparent death may subsist without any necessary implication of an absolute extinction of the animating principle; a number of gentlemen in the town of Boston ... set on foot a society whose principal object was to disseminate the knowledge of the means proper to be used for the restoration of persons apparently dead from drowning or other causes ... |
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Microfiche 1227 45500, Box 160
Hymns, to be sung on Good Friday and Easter Day, 1789 |
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