Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 47760, Box 165 The travelling millennarian to the people of America [Eight lines of Scripture quotations] 1
Microfiche 1227 47762, Box 165 A very remarkable account of the vision of Nathan Culver, late of Newtown, (New-York.) Shewing, his deistical and vicious principles, and how he was converted to the truth, by an extraordinary and immediate revelation, Jan. 10, 1791. : To which is added, an extraordinary vision, seen by a gentleman of Philadelphia. 1
Microfiche 1227 47763, Box 165 Having established myself in this place, for the purpose of transacting the business of all those, who may think proper to intrust me with their concerns ... Boston 1
Microfiche 1227 47764, Box 165 Grateful Turk. Or The advantages of friendship 1
Microfiche 1227 47765, Box 165 Travels of Robinson Crusoe 1
Microfiche 1227 47766, Box 165 The Wonderful life, and most surprizing adventures of that renowned seaman, Robinson Crusoe who lived twenty-eight years on an uninhabited island, and was afterwards relieved by pirates. Together with some account of his man Friday. 1
Microfiche 1227 47767, Box 165 The Disobedient son, and cruel husband Being a full and true account of one Mr. John James, a gentleman's son in Wiltshire, whose father left him an estate of twenty hundred pounds a year, and married a lady of great fortune in the same place; but being reduced to poverty and want with riotous living, he killed his wife and children, and afterwards hanged his mother on a tree in the orchard, with the last dying words of this wretch, who was hanged before his mother's door. : To which are added, The wild rover and The humours of whiskey. 1
Microfiche 1227 47768, Box 165 Three sermons, stating briefly the evidences of Christianity, and proving the New Testament to be genuine 1
Microfiche 1227 47769, Box 165 A warning to little children from the dying words of Jane Sumner, of Ashford: who died February 19th, 1783. Aetat. 12. / 1
Microfiche 1227 47771, Box 165 Luther Ellis, (no. [blank]) Market-Street, Portsmouth, imports and sells European and India goods by wholesale & retail, on reasonable terms 1
Microfiche 1227 47772, Box 165 The Entertaining history of Tommy Gingerbread: a little boy, who lived upon learning 1
Microfiche 1227 47775, Box 165 Speech of Farmer's Brother The following speech was delivered in a public council at Genesse River, November 21, 1798, by Ho-na-ya-wus, commonly called Farmer's brother; and, after being written as interpreted, it was signed by the principal chiefs present, and sent to the legislature of the state of New-York. 1
Microfiche 1227 47776, Box 165 Father Tamany's almanac, for the year 1797 ... 1
Microfiche 1227 47777, Box 165 Federal tables, useful and necessary to every person who is or is not acquainted with federal money 1
Microfiche 1227 47779, Box 165 The baptism of Jesus Christ not to be imitated by Christians considered and illustrated in an essay. / 1
Microfiche 1227 47780, Box 165 Two elegies on the deaths of Mrs. Marianne Burr, who died of a consumption, Jan. 2, 1795; and of Mrs Rebekah Walker, who died of the same disorder, Jan. 27, 1795. Aged 23 Both neighboring women and friends, in the town of Ashby in Massachusetts. / 1
Microfiche 1227 47781, Box 165 Form of an entry to be made by every person having or keeping a carriage, or carriages, as required by the 4th section of the act of May 28, 1796. ... I Benjamin Ballard, of the town of Boston, in the county of Suffolk, and district of Massachusetts, do hereby make entry with Isaac Codman, collector of the revenue in said county, of ten carriages. 1
Microfiche 1227 47783, Box 165 Four new songs viz. The shipwreck'd sailors on the rocks of Scylla. To which are added The French fleet June 1st. Also The sorrowful goal [sic] groans of Sarah Delany; with The sweet little girl that I love; and The American independance [sic] 1
Microfiche 1227 47786, Box 165 Maryland journal, extra Note of P.A. Adet, minister of the French Republic to the secretary of state of the United States. 1
Microfiche 1227 47787, Box 165 Complaint having been made to the most worshipful grand master, that the Harmonic Lodge had made several persons masons, contrary to the directions of the Grand Lodge, of the 13th June, 5796 The most worshipful issued a special summons to every member of the Grand Lodge, to meet at Concert-Hall, on the evening of the 26th June at the same time, the master and wardens of the Harmonic Lodge, were summoned to appear and answer to the following charges. 1