Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 48501, Box 166 The Launch a federal song. 1
Microfiche 1227 48502, Box 166 Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors: Isaac Gouverneur and Peter Kemble, appellants; and Louis Le Guen, respondent case on the part of Louis Le Guen, the respondent. 1
Microfiche 1227 48503, Box 166 The history of the twelve Caesars, first emperors of Rome namely, I. Julius Caesar. II. Augustus. III. Tiberius. IV. Caligula. V. Claudius. VI. Nero. VII. Galba. VIII. Otho. IX. Vitellius. X. Vespasian. XI. Titus. XII. Domitian. : Being an account of the most remarkable transactions, revolutions, and events, both in peace and war, which happened during their reigns. Collected from the most authentic historians, both ancient and modern. / 1
Microfiche 1227 48504, Box 166 Lessons for youth selected for the use of Ackworth, and other schools. 1
Microfiche 1227 48505, Box 166 A List of the officers who have been appointed in Connecticut pursuant to the acts of Congress, passed on the 9th and 14th days of August [i.e., July] 1798. 1
Microfiche 1227 48507, Box 166 Dn. Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, brigadier de los reales exércitos, gobernador general ... Deseando mantener el buen orden y tranquilidad publica de que depende la seguridad de los habitantes, hemos juzgado à proposito, conforme a la practica establecida, publicar las siguiented disposiciones. 1
Microfiche 1227 48508, Box 166 Love preferred to fortune: or The history of Colin & Mira A sentimental tale, founded on fact. 1
Microfiche 1227 48509, Box 166 Four discourses, on the general first principles of deism and revelation contrasted delivered in Salisbury and Thyatira on different days in April & May, 1797. / 1
Microfiche 1227 48510, Box 166 Three discourses on the terms of Christian communion In the first of which, certain principles are attempted to be established in order from them to deduce in the ensuing discourses the doctrines and precepts that ought to be made terms. / 1
Microfiche 1227 48512, Box 166 Die lezten [sic] Worte und sterbende Bekäntnus von dem verurtheilten Charles M'Manus mit einigen Anmerckungen an John Hauer, welche beyde hingerichtet worden sind den 14ten Julius 1798; wegen einer verübeten Mordthat begangen an Francis Schütz, niedergeschrieben und von seinem eigenen Bekäntnüss eine kurze Zeit vor seinem Tode verfasset, in Gegenwart des ehrwürdigen Heinrich Moeller. 1
Microfiche 1227 48514, Box 166 Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Boston, July 12, 1798 Sir, The two branches of the legislature of this commonwealth, have thought it highly necessary that some constitutional barrier should be opposed to the introduction of foreign influence into our national councils, and have requested me to transmit the enclosed resolutions to the supreme executive. 1
Microfiche 1227 48515, Box 166 (Circular.) Stockbridge, September 14, 1798. At a court martial, holden in this town on the 28th ult. ... after the business of the day was finished, the subject of petitioning the General Court of this commonwealth for a revision of the militia law was introduced ... 1
Microfiche 1227 48516, Box 166 The misfortunes of anger A drama. In two parts. : [Two lines from Waller] 1
Microfiche 1227 48517, Box 166 Eine ernstliche Warnung gegen die Sünde 1
Microfiche 1227 48518, Box 166 A cure for the heart-ache A comedy, in five acts. : As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, and by the Old American Company, New-York, with universal applause. / 1
Microfiche 1227 48520, Box 166 The New-England primer improved for the more easy attaining the true reading of English, to which is added, the Assembly of Divines catechism. 1
Microfiche 1227 48521, Box 166 The New-England primer, improved; or, An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading To which is added the Assembly's catechism. : Adorned with cuts. 1
Microfiche 1227 48524, Box 166 The laws of the state of New-Hampshire passed at a session of the Honorable General Court, begun and holden at Hopkinton, June, 1798. : Printed from attested copies. 1
Microfiche 1227 48526, Box 166 An act of the Legislature of the State of New-Jersey passed at Trenton, the 15th of March, 1798, authorizing justices of the peace to take cognizance in civil actions therein mentioned, for sixty dollars or under. : Necessary for every person to possess who expects to prosecute or defend by this law. 1
Microfiche 1227 48527, Box 166 Acts of the twenty-second General Assembly of the state of New-Jersey At a session begun at Trenton on the twenty fourth day of October, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven, and continued by adjournments. : Being the second sitting. 1