Microfiche 1227 418, Box 2
The Boston ephemeris An almanack of coelestial motions of the sun & planets, with some of the principal aspects for the year of the Christian aera MDCLXXXVI ... Calculated for and fitted to the meridian of Boston in New-England, where the North Pole is elevated 42. gr. 21 m. / |
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Microfiche 1227 420, Box 2
An elegiack tribute to the sacred dust of the Reverend and worthy Mr. Seaborn Cotton Pastour of the Church of Christ at Hampton in New-England who was discharged from his work and office, to be admitted into heaven, April 20th 1686. |
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Microfiche 1227 421, Box 2
The way of Israels welfare; or An exhortation to be with God, that he may be with us as it was delivered in a sermon preached at Hartford on Connecticut in New-England, May 13th 1686. Being the day of election there. / |
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Microfiche 1227 423, Box 2
A brief discourse of justification Wherein this doctrine is plainly laid down according to the Scriptures. : As it was delivered in several sermons on this subject. / |
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Microfiche 1227 424, Box 2
Heavenly merchandize; or The purchasing of truth recommended and the selling of it disswaded as it was delivered in several sermons upon Prov. 23. 23. / |
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Microfiche 1227 425, Box 2
Neglect of supporting and maintaining the pure worship of God, by the professing people of God: is a God-provoking and land-wasting sin. And repentance with reformation of it, the only way to their outward felicity: or, The cause of New-Englands scarcity: and right way to its plenty As it was discovered and applied in a sermon preached at Roxbury on a fast-day: July 26. 1687. / |
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Microfiche 1227 426, Box 2
Upon the death of that aged, pious, sincere-hearted Christian, John Alden Esq: late magistrate of New-Plimouth colony who dyed Sept 12th. 1687. Being about eighty nine years of age. |
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Microfiche 1227 427, Box 2
Prov. 22. 6 Nehtuhpeh peisses ut mayut ne woh ayont kah kehehisuit matta pish wunnuk ad amooun. |
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Microfiche 1227 428, Box 2
Quæstiones pro modulo discutiendæ sub Reverendo Crescentio Mathero Collegii Harvardini ... in comitiis pridie nonarum Julii. M.DC.LXXXVII. |
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Microfiche 1227 429, Box 2
Chara tēs pisteōs = The joy of faith, or A treatise opening the true nature of faith, its lowest stature and distinction from assurance, with a scripture method to obtain both; by the influence and aid of divine grace with a preliminary tract evidencing the being and actings of faith, the deity of Christ, and the divinity of the sacred Scriptures. : [Six lines of quotation] / |
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Microfiche 1227 431, Box 2
Military duties, recommended to an artillery company at their election of officers, in Charls-town [sic], 13.d. 7.m. 1686. / |
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Microfiche 1227 432, Box 2
A sermon occasioned by the execution of a man found guilty of murder preached at Boston in N.E. March 11th 1685[/]6. : (Together with the confession, last expressions & solemn warning of that murderer to all persons; especially to young men, to beware of those sins which brought him to his miserable end.) / |
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Microfiche 1227 433, Box 2
The excellent priviledge of liberty and property being the birth-right of the free-born subjects of England Containing I. Magna Carta, with a learned comment upon it. II. The confirmation of the charters of the liberties of England ... III. A statute made the 34 Edw. I. ... IV. An abstract of the pattent granted by the King to VVilliam Penn ... V. And lastly, the charter of liberties granted by the said VVilliam Penn to the free-men and inhabitants of the province of Pennsylvania. |
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Microfiche 1227 434, Box 2
The safety of appearing at the day of judgement, in the righteousness of Christ: opened and applied |
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Microfiche 1227 435, Box 2
An almanack for the year of our Lord, MDCLXXXVII [1687] ... Calculated for and fitted to the meridian of Boston in New-England, where the North Pole is elevated 42. gr. 30 m / |
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Microfiche 1227 436, Box 2
Cambridge ephemeris. An almanack of coelestial motions and configurations for the year of the Christian epocha, 1687. ... Calculated for longitude 215. dgr. and latitude 42 dgr. 30, min. north. : [Four lines in Latin] |
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Microfiche 1227 438, Box 2
A Letter from Father La Chaise, confessor to the French King, to Father Peters, confessor to the King of England In which is contained the project and designe of that faction to introduce the Prince of Wales; with some observations on his conception and birth, to which is added a letter from Will Penn to Father la Chaise about the affaires of that babe and the ensueing progress of the popish designe. |
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Microfiche 1227 440, Box 2
Wehkomaonganoo asquam peantogig kah asquam quinnuppegig, tokonogque mahche woskeche peantamwog Onk woh sampwutteahae peantamwog. Wutanakausuonk wunneetou noh nohtompeantog. / |
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Microfiche 1227 441, Box 2
Proposals for printing a large Bible, by William Bradford |
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Microfiche 1227 443, Box 2
Quæstiones discutiendæ sub Reverendo D. Guilielmo Hubbardo apud Gippoenses U.D.M. et comitiorum academicorum in Collegio Harvardino ... quarto nonarum Julii M.DC.LXXXVIII. |
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